There are four major research perspectives—
The best way to understand how the major research perspectives differ is to consider the major goal of psychologists—
biological perspective A research perspective whose major explanatory focus is how the brain, nervous system, and other physiological mechanisms produce behavior and mental processes.
cognitive perspective A research perspective whose major explanatory focus is how mental processes, such as perception, memory, and problem solving, work and impact behavior.
The biological perspective and the cognitive perspective focus on internal factors. In the case of the biological perspective, our physiological hardware (especially the brain and nervous system) is viewed as the major determiner of behavior and mental processing. The genetic and evolutionary bases of our physiology are also important. In contrast, for the cognitive perspective, the major explanatory focus is on how our mental processes, such as perception, memory, and problem solving, work and impact our behavior. To contrast this perspective with the biological perspective, you can think of these mental processes as the software, or programs, of the brain (the wetware, the biological corollary to computer hardware).
The biological perspective. We are biological creatures; therefore, looking for explanations in terms of our biology makes sense. Biological psychologists look for causes within our physiology, our genetics, and human evolution. They argue that our actions and thoughts are functions of our underlying biology. Let’s consider an example of what most people would term a “psychological” disorder, depression. Why do we get depressed? A biological psychologist might focus on a deficiency in the activity of certain chemicals in the nervous system as a cause of this problem. Therefore, to treat depression using this perspective, the problem with the chemical deficiency would have to be rectified. How? Antidepressant drugs such as Prozac or Zoloft might be prescribed. These drugs increase the activity of the neural chemicals involved, and this increased activity might lead to changes in our mood. If all goes well, a few weeks after beginning treatment, we begin to feel better. Thus, our mood is at least partly a function of our brain chemistry. Of course, many nonbiological factors can contribute to depression, including unhealthy patterns of thinking, learned helplessness, and disturbing life circumstances. It’s important to remember that employing psychology’s complementary perspectives in addressing research and clinical issues provides the most complete answer.
In addition to the impact of brain chemistry, biological psychologists also study the involvement of the various parts of the brain and nervous system on our behavior and mental processes. For example, they have learned that our “eyes” are indeed in the back of our head. Biological psychologists have found that it is the back part of our brain that allows us to see the world. So, a more correct expression would be that “our eyes are in the back of our brain.” The brain is not only essential for vision, but it is also the control center for almost all of our behavior and mental processing. In Chapter 2, Neuroscience, you will learn how the brain manages this incredibly difficult task as well as about the roles of other parts of our nervous system and the many different chemicals that transmit information within it, and in Chapter 3, Sensation and Perception, you will learn how our two major senses, vision and audition, work.
The cognitive perspective. Cognitive psychologists study all aspects of cognitive processing from perception to the higher-
A broader cognitive processing question concerns how memory retrieval in general works. Haven’t you been in the situation of not being able to retrieve information from memory that you know you have stored there? This can be especially frustrating in exam situations. Or think about the opposite—
behavioral perspective A research perspective whose major explanatory focus is how external environmental events condition observable behavior.
sociocultural perspective A research perspective whose major explanatory focus is how other people and the cultural context impact behavior and mental processes.
Both the behavioral perspective and the sociocultural perspective focus on external factors in explaining human behavior and mental processing. The behavioral perspective emphasizes conditioning of our behavior by environmental events, and there is more emphasis on explaining observable behavior than on unobservable mental processes. The sociocultural perspective also emphasizes the influence of the external environment, but it more specifically focuses on the impact of other people and our culture as the major determiners of our behavior and mental processing. In addition to conditioning, the sociocultural perspective equally stresses cognitive types of learning, such as learning by observation or modeling, and thus focuses just as much on mental processing as observable behavior.
The behavioral perspective. According to the behavioral perspective, we behave as we do because of our past history of conditioning by our environment. There are two major types of conditioning, classical (or Pavlovian) and operant. You may be familiar with the most famous example of classical conditioning—
Classical conditioning is important in determining our behavior, but behaviorists believe operant conditioning is even more important. Operant conditioning involves the relationship between our behavior and its environmental consequences (whether they are reinforcing or punishing). Simply put, if we are reinforced for a behavior, its probability will increase; if we are punished, the probability will decrease. For example, if you ask your teacher a question and he praises you for asking such a good question and then answers it very carefully, you will tend to ask more questions. However, if the teacher criticizes you for asking a stupid question and doesn’t even bother to answer it, you will probably not ask more questions. Environmental events (such as a teacher’s response) thus control behavior through their reinforcing or punishing nature. Both types of conditioning, classical and operant, will be discussed in Chapter 4. The point to remember here is that environmental events condition our behavior and are the causes of it.
The sociocultural perspective. This perspective focuses on the impact of other people (individuals and groups) and our cultural surroundings on our behavior and mental processing. We are social animals; therefore other people are important to us and thus greatly affect what we do and how we think. None of us is immune to these social “forces.” Haven’t your thinking and behavior been impacted by other people, especially those close to you? Our coverage of sociocultural research will emphasize the impact of these social forces on our behavior and mental processing.
To help you understand the nature of sociocultural research, let’s consider a famous set of experiments that attempted to explain the social forces operating during a tragic, real-
In their attempt to explain why so many people witnessed the murder but didn’t help, Latané and Darley manipulated the number of bystanders witnessing the emergencies that they created in their experiments. Their general finding is called the bystander effect (and sometimes the Genovese Syndrome)—the probability of a victim receiving help in an emergency is higher when there is only one bystander than when there are many. In brief, the presence of other bystanders leads us not to help. How did Latané and Darley apply this effect to the Kitty Genovese murder? They explained that social forces present in that situation kept the bystanders from helping. Each felt that someone else would do something and that surely someone else had already called the police. Hence, no one helped. Bystander research, along with studies of other intriguing topics that also involve social forces, such as why we conform and why we obey even when it may lead to destructive behavior, will be detailed in Chapter 9, on social psychology.
Now you have at least a general understanding of the four major research perspectives, summarized in Table 1.1. Remember, these perspectives are complementary, and, when used together, help us to gain a more complete understanding of our behavior and mental processes. Developmental psychology (the scientific study of human development across the lifespan) is a research area that nicely illustrates the benefits of using multiple research perspectives to address experimental questions. A good example is the study of how children acquire language. Initially, behavioral learning principles of reinforcement and imitation were believed to be sufficient to account for language acquisition. Although these principles clearly do play a role (Whitehurst & Valdez-
Research Perspective | Major Explanatory Focus |
Biological | How our physiology (especially the brain and nervous system) produces our behavior and mental processes and how genetics and evolution have impacted our physiology |
Cognitive | How our mental processes, such as perception, memory, and problem solving, work and how they impact our behavior |
Behavioral | How external environmental events condition our observable behavior |
Sociocultural | How other people and the cultural context impact our behavior and mental processes |
hindsight bias (I-
Subsequent chapters will detail the main concepts, theories, and research findings in the major fields of psychology. As you learn about these theories and research findings, beware of the hindsight bias (I-
Psychologists’ conclusions are based upon scientific research and thus provide the best answers to questions about human behavior and mental processing. Whether these answers sometimes seem obvious or sometimes agree with common sense is not important. What is important is understanding how psychologists conduct this scientific research in order to get the best answers to their questions. In the next section, we discuss their research methods.
In this section, we learned that there are four major research perspectives in psychology. Two of them, the biological perspective and the cognitive perspective, focus on internal causes of our behavior and mental processing. The biological perspective focuses on causal explanations in terms of our physiology, especially the brain and nervous system. The cognitive perspective focuses on understanding how our mental processes work and how they impact our behavior. The biological perspective focuses on the physiological hardware, while the cognitive perspective focuses more on the mental processes or software of the brain.
The behavioral perspective and the sociocultural perspective emphasize external causes. The behavioral perspective focuses on how our observable behavior is conditioned by external environmental events. The sociocultural perspective emphasizes the impact that other people (social forces) and our culture have on our behavior and mental processing.
Psychologists use all four perspectives to get a more complete explanation of our behavior and mental processing. None of these perspectives is better than the others; they are complementary. Developmental psychology is a research field that nicely illustrates their complementary nature.
We also briefly discussed the hindsight bias, the I-
Explain how the biological and cognitive research perspectives differ in their explanations of human behavior and mental processing.
Both of these research perspectives emphasize internal causes in their explanations of human behavior and mental processing. The biological perspective emphasizes the role of our actual physiological hardware, especially the brain and nervous system, while the cognitive perspective emphasizes the role of our mental processes, the “programs” of the brain. For example, biological explanations will involve actual parts of the brain or chemicals in the brain. Cognitive explanations, however, will involve mental processes such as perception and memory without specifying the parts of the brain or chemicals involved in these processes. Thus, the biological and cognitive perspectives propose explanations at two different levels of internal factors, the actual physiological mechanisms and the mental processes resulting from these mechanisms, respectively.
Explain how the behavioral and sociocultural research perspectives differ in their explanations of human behavior and mental processing.
Both of these research perspectives emphasize external causes in their explanations of human behavior and mental processing. The behavioral perspective emphasizes conditioning of our behavior by external environmental events while the sociocultural perspective emphasizes the impact of other people and our culture on our behavior and mental processing. Thus, these two perspectives emphasize different types of external causes. In addition, the behavioral perspective emphasizes the conditioning of observable behavior while the sociocultural perspective focuses just as much on mental processing as observable behavior and on other types of learning in addition to conditioning.