A problem is a situation in which there is a goal, but it is not clear how to reach the goal. There are well-
Before learning about some of these obstacles to problem solving, I would like you to attempt to solve the following problems. You may recognize one of the series problems from Chapter 1. Don’t worry if you find these problems difficult; most people do. I will explain why.
(a) Instructions: For each of these two series problems, your goal is to predict the next alphabetic character in each of the series. The answer to the first series is not “O.”
O T T F F S S ?
E O E R E X N ?
(b) Instructions: Connect the nine circles using four straight lines without lifting your pen or pencil from the paper or retracing any of your lines. You should attempt this problem on a separate sheet of paper so that you can keep a record of your attempts. Once you have a four-
Problem solving can be divided into two general steps: (1) interpreting the problem and (2) trying to solve the problem. For many problems, the path to a solution is blocked in the first step by incorrectly interpreting the problem. This is like answering a test question too quickly, only to find out later that you misinterpreted the question. If you are working with such a misinterpretation, you will probably fail to solve the problem. The two nine-
fixation The inability to create a new interpretation of a problem.
Interpreting the problem. Look at your failed attempts at solving the nine-
What about the second nine-
The sample four-
functional fixedness The inability to see that an object can have a function other than its typical one in solving a problem.
Another obstacle to problem solving is functional fixedness—the inability to see that an object can have a function other than its typical one. This type of fixation also occurs during the problem definition stage. Functional fixedness limits our ability to solve problems that require using an object in a novel way (Duncker, 1945). This often happens to us in our everyday life. Maybe we need a screwdriver, but one isn’t available. We have other things such as coins that could function as a screwdriver, but we may not think about using them in this novel way. Or, what if you just did some grocery shopping, and as you are about to walk out of the store it starts raining hard. You have no umbrella. How can you avoid getting soaked? You bought some large trash bags, but you may not think about using one as a raincoat to protect you from the rain. To combat functional fixedness, we should systematically think about the possible, novel uses of all the various objects in the problem environment. This is bound to increase our ability to solve the continual problems that come up in our daily lives.
mental set The tendency to use previously successful problem-
Solving the problem. Problem misinterpretation and functional fixedness are good examples of the negative impact that our past experiences can have on our ability to solve current problems. Our past experience with problem solving can also lead to a phenomenon known as mental set—the tendency to use previously successful solution strategies without considering others that are more appropriate for the current problem. Mental set is especially common for strategies that have been used recently. Consider the two letter-
The solution: These are the first letters in the sequence of number words—
insight A new way to interpret a problem that immediately yields the solution.
Sometimes when searching for new approaches to a problem, we may experience what has been called insight—a new way to interpret a problem that immediately gives the solution. This rapid understanding is the key to the solution. Insight is sometimes referred to as an “Aha!” or “Eureka!” experience. Try the following problem from Knoblich and Oellinger (2006). You may experience insight in solving it. Click "Show Answer" below for the solution.
Instructions: The equation shown is not correct. To create a correct equation, you can move only one matchstick (but not remove it). Only Roman numerals and the three operators, +, –, and = are allowed.
As Knoblich and Oellinger (2006) explain, most people try to create a correct equation by moving a matchstick that changes the numbers because we are taught in school that solving math problems is all about manipulating quantities. This knowledge, however, blinds us to the needed insight. To experience insight on this problem, you need to change your perspective about where the solution might lie—
For insight problem solving tasks such as matchstick problems, the frontal cortex (home to executive processes such as planning, judging, evaluating, and deciding) may actually hinder insight rather than facilitate it (Restak & Kim, 2010). Reverberi, Toraldo, D’Agostini, and Skrap (2005) found that patients with damage to their lateral frontal cortex actually outperformed healthy participants on insight problems. While only 43% of healthy participants could solve some very difficult matchstick problems, 82% of patients with frontal lobe damage did so. Thus, our intact frontal lobes may lock us into less than optimal solution strategies (a mental set effect) for insight problems. In the Reverberi et al. study, the patients with frontal lobe damage were freed from this constraint and were more successful in solving the problems, indicating that other brain regions may be more critical to solving insight problems.
Recent research indicates that the right anterior temporal lobe (directly above the right ear) may be such a region. Chi and Snyder (2011) found that noninvasive transcranial direct current stimulation of the anterior temporal lobes (inhibiting the left anterior temporal lobe and activating the right anterior temporal lobe) facilitated the solution of insight problems. The stimulation led to a threefold increase in solving difficult matchstick problems. Hence, maybe the advice to “think outside the box” should be amended to be “think outside the frontal lobes.” Chi and Snyder (2012) also found that this same transcranial stimulation of the anterior temporal lobes will facilitate the solution of the nine-
You might wonder if there is any validity to prescriptive advice such as to “think outside the box.” Metaphors such as this (and others such as to consider a problem “on one hand and then on the other”) suggest a connection between concrete bodily experiences and creative problem solving in which physically enacting the metaphor would enhance creative problem solving. Leung et al. (2012) have provided the first evidence that such embodiment might activate cognitive processes that facilitate creativity. For example, subjects trying to solve an innovative verbal thinking task performed much better if they sat and thought outside rather than inside a 125-
We have discussed many potential blocks to problem solving, and it takes a very conscious, concerted effort to overcome them. What can you do? Ask yourself questions such as the following: Is my interpretation of the problem unnecessarily constraining? Can I use any of the objects in the problem in novel ways to solve the problem? Do I need a new type of solution strategy? If we do not make this effort, we are engaged in what is called mindless behavior—
algorithm A step-
heuristic A problem-
Just as problem solving can be divided into two steps, solution strategies can be divided into two types—
Sometimes you may even know the algorithm for a problem, but you don’t use it because its execution would be too time-
Instructions: Rearrange the letters in each anagram puzzle to form a meaningful word in the English language.
1. L O S O G C Y H Y P | 2. T E R A L B A Y |
The first puzzle is rather easy. The answer is especially relevant to this text. It’s PSYCHOLOGY. Your use of heuristics was probably successful and led to a quick answer. The second puzzle is more difficult. Your use of heuristics may have failed and didn’t yield a solution. Even so, you probably didn’t switch to using the algorithm. You probably kept trying to find a solution by using heuristics. As you can see, heuristics might pay off with quick answers, but they may lead to no answer as in the second anagram puzzle. Now think about the algorithmic strategy. There are over 40,000 sequences for the eight letters in the second anagram puzzle; therefore, generating each of them to check if it’s a word would take far more time and effort than we are willing to spend. However, if you did so, you would find that the answer is BETRAYAL.
Now let’s consider three particular heuristics that are used fairly often in problem solving—
Anchoring and adjustment. To help you to understand this heuristic, let’s try an estimation problem taken from Plous (1993). The task involved in this problem would be impossible to execute. It is only a hypothetical problem that examines how we make estimates.
Estimate how thick a sheet of paper that is 0.1 millimeter thick would be if it were folded in on itself 100 times.
anchoring and adjustment heuristic A heuristic for estimation problems in which one uses his or her initial estimate as an anchor estimate and then adjusts the anchor up or down (often insufficiently).
Most people estimate the thickness to be only a few yards or so, which is not even close to the correct answer: 0.1 millimeter × 2100, which equals 800 trillion times the distance between the earth and the sun (Plous, 1993)! Why do we underestimate this thickness by so much? We are most likely using the anchoring and adjustment heuristic in which an initial estimate is used as an anchor and then this anchor is adjusted up or down. The difficulty in using the anchoring and adjustment heuristic is that we tend to attach too much importance to the starting anchor amount and do not adjust it sufficiently (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974). The folding problem is a good illustration of this bias. If you double the thickness of the sheet of paper a few times, you still have a rather small thickness. Using this small thickness as an anchor for making your estimate, you do not adjust the estimate sufficiently and usually guess only a few yards. In this case, the anchoring and adjustment heuristic leads us to ignore the fact that the powers of 2 grow exponentially as we double them and become very large very quickly.
This estimation problem was only a hypothetical exercise, but it shows how we fail to adjust the anchor enough when using the anchoring and adjustment heuristic. Anchoring is a very robust psychological phenomenon and has even been shown to hold when the anchors represent the same physical quantity, 7.3 kilometers and 7,300 meters (Wong & Kwong, 2000). Estimates for the 7.3 km group were much lower than those for the 7,300 m group. Anchoring has been shown to influence judgments in a variety of domains, such as making judgments in personal injury cases (Chapman & Bornstein, 1996), negotiating (Ritov, 1996), and playing the stock market (Paulos, 2003). In the real world, anchoring may have costs attached to it. A good example that you may have experienced is the inclusion of minimum payment information on credit card statements. These minimum payment amounts can act as psychological anchors (Stewart, 2009; Thaler & Sunstein, 2008). In a hypothetical bill-
working backward heuristic A problem-
Working backward. Working backward is a heuristic that you may have learned to use in your math classes. The working backward heuristic is attempting to solve a problem by working from the goal state backward to the start state (Wickelgren, 1974). In math problems, this translates to working backward from the answer to the given information in the problem. To see how this heuristic would work, consider the following problem (Sternberg & Davidson, 1982):
Water lilies growing in a pond double in area every 24 hours. On the first day of spring, only one lily pad is on the surface of the pond. Sixty days later, the pond is entirely covered. On what day is the pond half covered?
Did you solve it? It is impossible to solve this problem working in a forward direction. However, if you work backward by starting with the fact that the pond is entirely covered on the sixtieth day, you can solve it rather easily. Just ask yourself how much of the pond would be covered on the fifty-
Instructions: The problem is to create the same configuration of disks on Peg C as is on Peg A in the starting state. Rules, however, govern your moves. You can only move one disk at a time, and you cannot place a larger disk on top of a smaller disk. Try to solve this problem efficiently by minimizing the number of moves that have to be made. The most efficient solution involves seven moves.
Let’s try to use means–
Most efficient solution to Tower of Hanoi problem
Move 1: Move Disk 1 to Peg C
Move 2: Move Disk 2 to Peg B
Move 3: Move Disk 1 to Peg B
Move 4: Move Disk 3 to Peg C
Move 5: Move Disk 1 to Peg A
Move 6: Move Disk 2 to Peg C
Move 7: Move Disk 1 to Peg C
Using means−end analysis to solve this problem leads to a recursive subgoaling process. For example, solving the 3-
The specific solution steps to a Tower of Hanoi problem can be varied both by varying the number of disks and the start and goal states (which peg the disks are on and which peg they need to be moved to, respectively) for each number of disks. Such changes allow researchers to see if problem performance is enhanced with practice on various versions of the problem. As you would expect, they found that people do get more efficient in solving these problems with practice. Some early research reported by Squire and Cohen (1984) interestingly found that a practice effect is also shown by anterograde amnesics, such as H. M. (who was described in Chapter 5), even though they had no recollection on each trial of ever having seen the problem before. Remember, as we discussed in Chapter 5, such amnesics form implicit procedural memories from practice in solving a problem because their cerebellum and basal ganglia are intact but no explicit episodic memories of working on the problem are formed because the hippocampus is critical for forming such memories and they had their hippocampus removed. However, these early findings were not replicated (Gabrieli, Keane, & Corkin, 1987), and it was concluded that the findings were due to experimenter−participant coaching interactions. Xu and Corkin (2001) clearly showed that anterograde amnesics are not able to learn the means−end analysis recursive strategy described earlier to solve the problem and hence do not show a practice effect (Xu & Corkin, 2001). Xu and Corkin concluded that learning this strategy requires both implicit procedural memory and explicit episodic memory in that it involves both motor and cognitive learning. Therefore, because anterograde amnesics cannot form new explicit episodic memories, they cannot learn this strategy and do not show a practice effect on the Tower of Hanoi problem.
Given the solution to the 3-
The events in our everyday lives are not as well-
In this section, we discussed how problems are either well-
When attempting to solve a problem, we use either an algorithm that guarantees us a correct answer or heuristics that may lead to a quick solution or possibly to no solution. We prefer to use heuristics because they are less time-
The working backward heuristic is especially useful for problems that have many paths going forward from the start state but only one (or a few) going backward from the goal state. Means–
Explain how functional fixedness and mental set are examples of the negative impact of past experience.
In functional fixedness, we fixate on the normal function of an object given our past experiences with that object. Our past experience with the object may block us from seeing how to use it in a novel way. Similarly, mental set leads us to approach a problem in the same way we have approached similar problems in the past, especially the recent past. We tend to block developing a new approach because our mental set keeps us locked into the old approach based on our past experiences.
Explain why we tend to use heuristics and not algorithms even though algorithms guarantee correct solutions.
We use heuristics rather than algorithms because algorithms tend to be time-
Explain how the anchoring and adjustment heuristic may lead you to make a serious error in estimation.
The anchoring and adjustment heuristic leads to a serious error in estimation when we fail to adjust our initial anchor sufficiently either up or down in magnitude. The paper-