In this section, we will examine how our cognitive abilities, such as thinking and language, develop. Because we are verbal animals and our language ability differentiates us from all other animals, we will look first at how this ability begins its development, which will lead us back to the nature–
Our ability to use language makes us unique. No other animal seems to be able to acquire and develop language ability as humans do. Although speechless at birth, our capacity for language begins to develop soon after. Children in different cultures learn to speak very different languages, but they all seem to go through the same sequence of stages. We will describe these stages of language acquisition and then consider the nature–
baby talk (parentese) The different format of speech that adults use when talking with babies that involves the use of shorter sentences with a higher, more melodious pitch.
Let’s begin with the newborn infant and see how language develops. Infants are speechless, but one way they communicate is through crying. Infants cry differently, for example, to indicate hunger versus pain. Crying, movement, and facial expressions allow infants to communicate fairly well. Infants also prefer baby talk (parentese), the different format of speech that adults use when talking with babies that involves the use of shorter sentences with a higher, more melodious pitch than normal speech. Actually, these exaggerated speech melodies parents use when speaking to their babies help the infants grasp the speaker’s intentions. Fernald (1993) exposed 5-
babbling The rhythmic repetition of various syllables including both consonants and vowels.
By two months or so, infants are making more meaningful noises such as cooing (repeating vowel sounds such as “oo” and “ah”) and laughing. Infants use cooing as their response in vocal interactions with their parents. At about six or seven months, babbling, the rhythmic repetition of various syllables, including both consonants and vowels, begins. The syllables that are babbled are not limited to the sounds that the infant hears or those from their parents’ language. However, this early babbling begins to include more and more sounds from the infant’s native language over the next six months. The infant can now also understand some words such as “mommy” and “daddy.” For example, the question “Where is mommy?” will lead the infant to look at her mother.
holophrase A word used by an infant to express a complete idea.
overextension The application of a newly learned word to objects that are not included in the meaning of the word.
underextension The failure to apply a new word more generally to objects that are included within the meaning of the word.
At about 1 year of age, infants begin to speak a few words. Their first words usually refer to their caregivers and objects in their daily environment. Sometimes, infants use a holophrase, a word that expresses a complete idea. A good example is a child going to the door and saying “bye-
One of the challenges children face in acquiring a vocabulary is determining the meaning of words, because the context in which children hear language is often ambiguous. For instance, if a mother points out a bird flying overhead and exclaims “look at the bird,” the child has to consider many possibilities as the potential meaning of the word bird. For example, bird could refer to any object above them or any object in the sky. Research has shown, however, that children use many different types of cues to identify the speaker’s intended meaning of bird. Some researchers have argued that children are particularly good at using social cues, such as the speaker’s eye gaze, pointing, and emotional reactions to determine what the adult means when using a novel word (Baldwin & Moses, 2001; Brooks & Meltzoff, 2008; Golinkoff & Hirsh-
telegraphic speech Using two-
The next step in language development is the combining of words into sentences. This begins during the vocabulary spurt between 18 and 24 months. Children engage in what is called telegraphic speech, using two-
Children acquire language early and easily, without direct instruction, and this acquisition process seems to be the same across cultures that have very different languages. This is why there is much support for the argument that language development is a genetically programmed ability (Chomsky, 1965; Pinker, 1994). Children, however, cannot develop normal speech without exposure to human speech, and it is clear that caregivers can facilitate and enhance language development, indicating that experience definitely plays a role in language acquisition. As is usually the case with the nature–
One of the best illustrations of children’s special skill in learning a language is the existence of a critical period for acquiring it. A critical period is a time period when learning certain skills is most easily accomplished and is thought to reflect the influence of biology (brain maturation) on development. If children do not acquire a language by a certain age, usually thought to be around the time of puberty or perhaps earlier, then they will not learn it as well as younger children. For example, children who are isolated from human contact prior to puberty have difficulty learning a language, even after years of later exposure. The best known example of this is a girl known as “Genie” (Fromkin, Krasjen, Curtiss, Rigler, & Rigler, 1974). Genie was kept tied to a potty chair for most of the first 13 years of her life. During this time, Genie heard very little language and had minimal social interactions. After she was rescued, both researchers and therapists worked hard to rehabilitate her. Although she did make some linguistic progress and was able to learn several hundred words, her grammatical development never reached typical developmental levels, even after several years of trying. A similar critical period exists for children acquiring American Sign Language (ASL). Most deaf children of hearing parents are not as adept at ASL as deaf children of deaf parents because they are typically taught ASL later, since their parents are not signers themselves (Newport, 1991; Senghas & Coppola, 2001). A critical period also exists for second language learning. As you may know from your own struggles to learn a second language, children have a much easier time than adults (Birdsong & Molis, 2001; Johnson & Newport, 1989).
Language development occurs during the first few years of life when the brain and cognitive abilities, such as thinking and reasoning, are also developing. When children start talking, it is easy to start thinking of them as miniature adults, but this would be a big mistake. Their cognitive abilities are not at all like those of an adult. To see how these cognitive abilities develop, we’ll consider Piaget’s stage theory of cognitive development, which tells us how a speechless newborn develops into a cognitively complex adult.
Jean Piaget was a twentieth-
Piaget’s cognitive theory incorporated two of his interests, biology and philosophy. He assumed that cognitive development stems from a child’s adaptation to the environment, and that children attempt to promote their survival by trying to learn about their environment. This means that a child is an active seeker of knowledge and gains an understanding of the world by operating in it. The child organizes this knowledge into what Piaget called schemes (now called schemas), which are frameworks for our knowledge about people, objects, events, and actions. Remember, we discussed these in Chapter 5. Schemas are the basic units of our knowledge that allow us to organize and interpret information about our world. In our long-
assimilation Piaget’s term for the interpretation of new experiences in terms of present schemas.
accommodation Piaget’s term for the modification of present schemas to fit with new experiences.
According to Piaget, cognitive adaptation involves two processes, assimilation and accommodation, both of which impact the development of schemas and thus learning. Assimilation is the interpretation of new experiences in terms of our existing schemas; accommodation is the modification of current schemas to allow for new experiences. Our earlier example of overextension—
Piaget also proposed that major changes in children’s thinking occur in stages. Each stage permits only certain kinds of thinking and involves qualitatively different cognitive functioning. Piaget further assumed that all children go through the same stages in the same order. He proposed four stages, outlined in Table 7.2. As you learn about each stage, realize that you will be changing your own schemas to accommodate all this new information about Piaget’s theory. Then, after you have finished reading about the stages, look back at Table 7.2. You should easily be able to assimilate the stage descriptions into your modified schemas for Piaget’s theory.
Stage (age range) | Stage Description |
Sensorimotor (birth to 2 years) | Children use senses and motor abilities to learn about the world and develop object permanence. |
Preoperational (2 to 6 years) | Children use symbolic thinking to understand the world but remain egocentric and lack the mental operations that allow logical thinking. |
Concrete operational (6 to 12 years) | Children gain cognitive operations for logical thinking about concrete events, understand conservation, and perform mathematical operations, but they cannot reason abstractly. |
Formal operational (12 years through adulthood) | Further development of cognitive operations enables adolescents to engage in abstract thinking and hypothetical- |
sensorimotor stage The first stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, from birth to about age 2, during which infants learn about the world through their sensory and motor interactions with it and develop object permanence.
object permanence The knowledge that an object exists independent of perceptual contact with it.
The sensorimotor stage. In the sensorimotor stage, from birth to about age 2, infants learn about the world through their sensory and motor interactions with it. Beginning with the simple reflexes that we discussed earlier, infants come to know the world by looking, listening, sucking, grasping, and manipulating. Infants less than 8 to 12 months old lack object permanence, the knowledge that an object exists independent of perceptual contact with it. For example, young infants do not understand that a toy continues to exist even if they can no longer see it. Object permanence develops over the first 2 years of life. Very young infants will not search for a toy that vanishes; but at about 4 to 8 months, they will sometimes search for it, especially if it is only partially hidden. At 8 to 12 months, they will search for a toy even if it is completely hidden, indicating that they realize that the toy still exists even if they cannot see it. Children continue to develop their understanding of object permanence and have a fairly complete understanding by 2 years of age. Similarly, symbolic representation of objects and events starts to develop during the latter part of the sensorimotor stage. Infants begin to use words as symbols to represent known objects at around 18 months. By 18 to 24 months, infants use telegraphic speech, which represents continuing development of symbolic representation.
preoperational stage The second stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, from age 2 to 6, during which the child’s thinking becomes more symbolic and language-
The preoperational stage. In the preoperational stage, from age 2 to age 6, children’s thinking becomes more symbolic and language-
egocentrism The inability to distinguish one’s own perceptions, thoughts, and feelings from those of others.
Egocentrism is the inability to distinguish one’s own perceptions, thoughts, and feelings from those of others. This means that a preoperational child cannot perceive the world from another person’s perspective. For example, preoperational children don’t realize what they are doing when they block the view of the television. They assume that another’s view is the same as their view. Egocentric behavior does not stem from selfishness or a lack of consideration. Preoperational children just have not developed the cognitive ability to see another person’s view. It is important for parents to realize this cognitive limitation in their preoperational children. If not, they may misinterpret their children’s behavior in a negative way, leading to unjust punishment of the child.
conservation The knowledge that the quantitative properties of objects (such as mass and number) remain the same despite changes in appearance.
Next, to understand what Piaget meant by the lack of mental operations that allow a child to think logically, let’s consider conservation. Some grasp of conservation marks the end of the preoperational stage and the beginning of the concrete operational stage. Conservation is the knowledge that the quantitative properties of an object (such as mass and number) remain the same despite changes in appearance. Simply put, the quantitative properties of an object do not change with a change in appearance. There are many Piagetian conservation tests, but a well-
reversibility The knowledge that reversing a transformation brings about the conditions that existed before the transformation.
centration The tendency to focus on only one aspect of a problem at a time.
A major reason why a preoperational child does not understand conservation is that the child lacks an understanding of reversibility—the knowledge that reversing a transformation brings about the conditions that existed before the transformation. As adults, you and I realize that you could easily pour the liquid in the taller beaker back into the shorter beaker to return to the starting state. A preoperational child does not understand this reversibility operation. A preoperational child’s thinking also reflects centration—the tendency to focus on only one aspect of a problem at a time. In the liquid/beakers problem, for example, the child may only focus on the heights of the beakers and conclude that one has more because it is taller. Obviously, both the height and width of the beakers need to be considered in order to make a correct judgment. Other Piagetian conservation tests in addition to the liquid/beakers problem are illustrated in Figure 7.2. Find a preoperational child around 3 to 4 years of age and try these tests. The child’s responses will not only amaze you but will also give you a much better understanding of the cognitive limitations of the preoperational stage of development.
concrete operational stage The third stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, from age 6 to 12, during which children gain a fuller understanding of conservation and other mental operations that allow them to think logically, but only about concrete events.
The concrete operational and formal operational stages. During the concrete operational stage, from about age 6 to 12, children gain a fuller understanding of conservation and other mental operations that allow them to think logically, but only about concrete events. Different forms of conservation are developed at different times. For example, conservation of continuous quantity, number, and mass are acquired rather early, but conservation of length is more difficult and is acquired later in the concrete operational stage (Vasta, Miller, & Ellis, 2004). In addition to conservation operations, concrete operational children develop other mental operations that allow them to reason logically, such as transitivity (if A > B, and B > C, then A > C) and seriation (the ability to order stimuli along a quantitative dimension, such as a set of pencils by their length).
However, all of these operations are limited to reasoning logically about concrete events. For example, transitivity is limited to having the actual objects present, such as three sticks of different lengths. Children wouldn’t be able to solve the transitivity problem without the sticks physically present. Similarly, concrete objects (such as beakers of liquid) would need to be present to solve the conservation of continuous quantity problem. This means that the reasoning of concrete operational children is tied to immediate reality (what is in front of them and tangible) and not with the hypothetical world of possibility. They cannot deal with what-
formal operational stage The last stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, starting at age 12 or so, during which a child gains the capacity for hypothetical-
In the formal operational stage, starting at age 12 or so, children gain the capacity for such hypothetical-
In one of these tasks, children or adolescents are shown several flasks of what appear to be the same clear liquid and are told that one combination of two of these liquids would produce a blue liquid. The task is to determine the combination that would produce the blue liquid. The concrete operational children just start mixing different clear liquids together haphazardly. The formal operational children, however, proceed very differently. They develop a systematic plan for deducing what the correct combination must be by determining all of the possible combinations (hypotheses for the correct combination) and then systematically evaluating each one. To accomplish this plan, they systematically mix the liquid in one beaker with each of the other liquids. If none of these combinations produced the blue liquid, they deduce that the liquid in that beaker is not relevant to the sought-
Formal operational adolescents can also evaluate the logic of verbal statements without referring to concrete situations; the concrete operational child can only do so with concrete evidence. For example, in one formal operational study, the experimenter asked whether a statement about some colored poker chips was true, false, or uncertain (Osherson & Markman, 1975). When the experimenter hid a chip in his hand and asked about the statement, “Either the chip is red or it is not red,” the formal operational children realized that the statement was true regardless of the color of the hidden chip, but the concrete operational children were uncertain of the statement’s truth status. The formal operational children understood the disjunctive logic of the statement, and the concrete operational children did not. Concrete operational children also have difficulty with propositional logic that contradicts reality (Moshman & Franks, 1986). For example, concrete operational children would judge the following reasoning to be faulty, “If cats are bigger than horses and horses are bigger than mice, then cats are bigger than mice,” because the first relationship does not hold in real life. Concrete operational children are tied to the realistic truth of the content (what is) in their logical reasoning, but formal operational children are not.
Evaluation of Piaget’s theory. Recent research has shown that cognitive development seems to proceed in the general sequence of stages that Piaget proposed (Lourenco & Machado, 1996). This means that Piaget’s theory seems to have captured the general nature of cognitive development accurately. However, there are many issues with the specifics of Piaget’s stage theory. For example, recent research has demonstrated that rudiments of many of Piaget’s key concepts (such as object permanence) may begin to appear at earlier ages than Piaget proposed. Infants and young children may be more cognitively competent than Piaget theorized. Piaget’s tests for the understanding of concepts may have been too complex and thus missed partial knowledge of the concept. For example, Piaget’s test for object permanence required infants to reach for a hidden object. A complete understanding required the infants to search for the object after several invisible (hidden) movements. Later research that involved tracking infants’ eye movements has found that infants (as young as 3 months) continue to stare at the place where the object disappeared from sight, indicating some degree of object permanence (Baillargeon, 1987).
More recent research on the formal operational stage also makes it clear that not all people reach this stage of thinking, especially in cultures that do not emphasize such thinking, and that those that do reach the stage may not always use such thinking (Dasen, 1994; McKinnon & Renner, 1971). For example, people in non-
Other cognitive developmental researchers question whether Piaget’s characterization of distinct stages of development is correct. In particular, the information-
We should mention two other major criticisms of Piaget’s stage theory. One is that Piaget did not sufficiently consider the impact of culture and social environment on cognitive development (Miller, 2011; Segall, Dasen, Berry, & Poortinga, 1990). The second is that Piaget’s stage theory of cognitive development ends with adolescence and the development of formal operations, instead of continuing through to adulthood. Although Piaget did not address these issues, other developmental psychologists have done so. We will discuss the first issue in the next section when we examine the work of Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky, whose theory did emphasize the sociocultural aspects of cognitive development. The second issue will be addressed in the section after that when we examine the question of what happens to intelligence from adolescence to old age. Does it decline as we age, especially in late adulthood? This discussion will allow us to examine two major research methods used by developmental psychologists, cross-
Lev Vygotsky was a Russian developmental psychologist who was a contemporary of Piaget. Both were born in 1896, but Vygotsky died of tuberculosis at a very young age, 37, and did not have the opportunity to finish developing his theory. As with Piaget’s work, there was little interest in the Western world in Vygotsky’s work until the 1960s. Vygotsky’s approach has become especially popular recently, however, because of its sociocultural emphasis on development.
Vygotsky (1930, 1933, 1935/1978, 1934/1986) stressed that cognitive abilities develop through interactions with others and represent the shared knowledge of one’s culture. The social aspects of Vygotsky’s approach are straightforward. We are social animals, and therefore much of our learning occurs within social interactions. In brief, we learn from other people—
zone of proximal development According to Vygotsky, the difference between what a child can actually do and what the child could do with the help of others.
scaffolding According to Vygotsky, a style of teaching in which the teacher adjusts the level of help in relation to the child’s level of performance while orienting the child’s learning toward the upper level of his or her zone of proximal development.
In Vygotsky’s theory, the zone of proximal development is the difference between what a child can actually do and what the child could do with the help of others. In Vygotsky’s terms, this is the difference between the levels of actual development and potential development. It means that there are thinking skills that the child can display with the help of others but cannot perform independently. It also leads to a style of teaching called scaffolding. In scaffolding, the teacher adjusts the level of help in relation to the child’s level of performance, while directing the child’s learning progress toward the upper level of the child’s zone of proximal development. The teacher gauges the amount of assistance necessary based on the learner’s needs. The learning is structured in steps so that the child learns to achieve each step independently, but is guided and supported by the teacher throughout the learning process.
To illustrate these two concepts and Vygotsky’s theory, let’s consider the example of a child trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle (Berger, 2006). A child may appear not to be able to solve the puzzle. However, Vygotsky would say that this particular problem-
As recommended with Piaget’s tests for the various types of conservation, find a young child and try to teach her how to solve a jigsaw puzzle using Vygotsky’s scaffolding method. It will not only give you a better understanding of this approach but will also lead you to understand the social aspects of learning that Vygotsky stressed in his theory.
longitudinal study A study in which performance of the same group of participants is examined at different ages.
Piaget’s description of intellectual development stops in adolescence with the onset of formal operations (hypothetical thought and systematic deduction), but it is important to examine what happens to intelligence across the various stages of adulthood from youth to old age. Do our cognitive abilities severely decrease across adulthood, especially in old age? The attempt to answer this question illustrates the differences between two major research methods in developmental psychology, cross-
cohort effects People of a given age (cohorts) are affected by factors unique to their generation, leading to differences in performance between generations.
The cross-
The longitudinal method. Now consider the longitudinal research method. Although there is no possibility of cohort effects when using the longitudinal method, it is time-
Research Method | Description | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Cross- |
People of different ages are studied at a single time | Not very time- |
No need for continued retesting Possible confounding due to cohort effects (differences in performance between age groups caused by generational differences) |
Longitudinal study | Same people are studied repeatedly over a long period of time | No possibility of cohort effects | Very time- Repeated testing has to be conducted Possible confounding due to changes in sample over time |
The type of intelligence that is being tested is also important and further complicates the search for an answer. Remember from the last chapter, in our discussion of types of intelligence, that we differentiated fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. Crystallized intelligence refers to accumulated knowledge, verbal skills, and numerical skills that increase with age; fluid intelligence involves abilities, such as abstract thinking and logical problem solving, that decrease with age (Horn, 1982). This difference may help to explain why scientists make their major contributions early, but historians and philosophers make theirs later in their careers.
The Seattle Longitudinal Study was a major attempt to answer the question of whether or not intelligence declines with age (Schaie, 1994, 1995). It was a large-
In general, the researchers found that most intellectual abilities decline somewhat by age 60, but the decline is not great until a person reaches age 80 or more (except for abilities largely dependent upon speed of processing, which clearly declines as we age). There are large individual differences, however. Those who suffer the least decline seem to be those who have stayed healthy, are in the higher socioeconomic categories, and are still involved in intellectually stimulating environments. In brief, it seems that if we work to stay healthy and cognitively stimulated, we won’t suffer major deficits in our cognitive abilities until rather late in adulthood.
We are speechless at birth, but our capacity for language develops soon thereafter. Children of different cultures learn different languages, but they seem to go through the same sequence of stages for language acquisition. At about 12 months, infants begin to speak a few words, and then to use holophrases, words that express complete ideas. Their vocabulary grows slowly. Overextension and underextension of a word’s meaning occur. A vocabulary spurt starts at about 18 months, and children engage in telegraphic speech, using two-
It appears that children’s thinking, in general, goes through a universal sequence of development. Jean Piaget’s theory proposes distinct stages of cognitive development and emphasizes that the child is trying to adapt to his environment and is an active seeker of knowledge. This knowledge about the world is organized into schemas, and these schemas are developed through the processes of assimilation and accommodation.
During the sensorimotor stage (from birth to 2 years), infants learn and know about their world only through their sensory and motor interactions with it, but during this stage, object permanence develops along with language and the symbolic representation of objects and events. In the preoperational stage (from 2 to 6 years), the child’s thought becomes more symbolic and language-
Recent research indicates that many of Piaget’s key concepts (such as object permanence) may begin to appear at earlier ages than Piaget proposed, but that cognitive development seems to proceed in the general sequence that he proposed. It is clear, however, that not everyone reaches formal operational thinking, especially in cultures that do not emphasize such thinking, and that those who do may not always use such thinking. In addition, the information-
Piaget was not concerned with the sociocultural aspects of cognitive development, but Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky was. Vygotsky proposed that cognitive abilities develop through interaction with others and represent shared knowledge of one’s culture. According to Vygotsky, a child’s zone of proximal development is the difference between what a child can actually do and what the child could do with the help of others. This is why Vygotsky recommended a style of teaching called scaffolding. The teacher structures the child’s learning in steps, so that the child learns each step independently but is guided and supported by the teacher toward the upper level of the child’s zone of proximal development.
Piaget and Vygotsky didn’t really examine what happens to cognitive abilities across the life span, but other developmental researchers have. They have used the cross-
Explain how overextension and underextension in language development relate to Piaget’s concepts of assimilation and accommodation in schema development.
Overextension and underextension in language development involve using a word too broadly or too narrowly, respectively. Through experience we learn to extend a word’s meaning correctly. Overextension can be viewed as overassimilation—
Explain why a child who thought that a pizza cut into eight slices was more than the same pizza cut into six slices would be in the preoperational stage of cognitive development.
A child who thought that a pizza cut into eight slices was more than the same pizza cut into six slices would be in the preoperational stage, because she is not demonstrating knowledge of conservation. She is centering her attention on the number of slices and not the size of the slices.
Explain how Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development and scaffolding are related to learning and teaching.
Together these two concepts, zone of proximal development and scaffolding, make up a teaching method. First, the zone of proximal development (the difference between what a child can actually do and what the child could do with help) is determined. Then scaffolding (adjusting the level of help in relation to the child’s level of performance) is used to structure and guide the learning to the upper level of the child’s zone of proximal development.
Explain the difference between the cross-
In a cross-