Joining a conversation

Writing practice: Joining a conversation

You must click Submit after each text box on the page to record your work in your instructor's gradebook (if your instructor has assigned this activity). After you have clicked Submit, you may review your work (but you may not revise it) by returning to this page at any time.

Select a controversial topic you are interested in and about which there is some debate. Locate two documents arguing different sides of the debate. Briefly summarize the opposing positions in the space below. Which position seems more reasonable to you? Which author seems more credible? Why?


Select a controversial topic you are interested in and about which there is some debate. Locate two documents arguing different sides of the debate. Briefly summarize the opposing positions in the space below. Which position seems more reasonable to you? Which author seems more credible? Why?

Join the conversation by writing a letter to one of the authors to explain your position in the debate and offer a critical response to the author’s ideas. Use the space below.


Join the conversation by writing a letter to one of the authors to explain your position in the debate and offer a critical response to the author’s ideas. Use the space below.