An Egalitarian View of Religion
LORENZO DOW, Analects Upon the Rights of Man (1816)
The Second Great Awakening, an outpouring of religious enthusiasm that began in the early national era, drew on the common set of ideals that, since the Revolution, had emboldened Americans to act with self-possession and independence. The message of the awakening urged Americans to actively choose salvation over sin, an act of self-creation that mirrored the republican culture of the early national period. Here Lorenzo Dow, a charismatic preacher of the time, adapts the political rhetoric about the rights of man for religious purposes.
“Personal Rights” are by virtue of existence. “Social Rights,” by virtue of being a member of society. “Moral Rights” by virtue of Moral obligation to the Moral governor. Equality and independence being the “Law of Nature,” from them government should spring by delegation and Representation. But from assumption sprang tyrannical governments. And “religious establishments by Law,” founded on ignorance and false “Moral obligation,” was imposed on the world, to answer the purposes of ambitious usurpers. Hence arose the “Papal Power,” as man was not suffered to think, and judge, and practice for himself; but the nonsense of others must be believed before his own senses; which produced the “seas of blood,” which flowed by the intolerant hand of persecution! At length “Light” broke in! “Common sense” waked up, and embraced a new theory of “Philosophy,” both in “Nature” and “Divinity”! The Old World being chained, did not admit of a general and thorough reform; hence America was the only place, both in the Political and Natural World, that opened a fair prospect for a beginning. And such as began to think, and to judge, and to act for themselves, and felt the spirit of “independence and equality of man, which is the law of nature,” arose from their depressed state, and felt the spirit of enterprize. — They flew to the wilderness of America, pregnant with the spirit of freedom in embryo, in their emigration, which then laid the foundation, and still marks the outlines of our national character. Moral virtue came, by revelation, and is enjoyed by inspiration in the heart, called “restraining grace.” Hence the necessity of a “moral social compact.” Abraham and his successors formed the beginning of the true Church of God; through whose succession the promised Messiah came. — The Jews are a standing monument of the just dispensations of Divine Providence. Justice, when administered in the removal of societies corrupted through “moral evil,” who are incorrigible, and unworthy of a political existence, proves a mercy to rising generations. And such revolutions will continue, until it appears whose right is to reign, and his kingdom come, and reign over all! The sword of the Lord is drawn out; and the five scourges of the Almighty are abroad in the earth; and O! that the people would “learn Righteousness!!!” […]
By what right or authority may one person, or a body of men, raise a persecution against another? It is not authorised in the records of Christ, either by his “commands” or his “example.” And of course, such a right or power was never delegated or sanctioned by him. Man could not bestow the right, because he does not possess the authority to do it; unless it be “assumed,” which is an unjust TYRANNY.
Persecution, for differences of opinion and modes, &c. in religion, is an “ANTI-CHRISTIAN SPIRIT”; and is contrary to every “rule of right,” and repugnant to every “moral obligation; and of course it is a violation of the LAW OF NATURE,” as well as of the “MORAL LAW,” and of the “RULE OF PRACTICE.” Of course, NATURAL AND MORAL JUSTICE must condemn it.
Those people who usurp the liberty to attach the absent CHARACTER of others, in an unjust manner, to weaken their influence, by destroying their good reputation, and sinking them into CONTEMPT in public estimation; rejoicing at their misfortune and calamity, as if a very great victory was gained, do not know what spirit they are of! It would be well for such persons to study the “law of nature,” with the “Moral Law,” and reconsider them by comparing them with the “Rule of Practice,” examining their own SPIRIT and conduct, and then see how they agree and comport together, according to LOVE and UNION, which is enjoined by the gospel of Jesus Christ. For if the PRACTICE flows from an unjust and an unhallowed spirit of jealousy, from ambition, pride, and self-will, the SOUL is surely destitute of that heavenly principle, that noble mind, which was in CHRIST; and which was designed to reign in the HEART and PRACTICE of His Followers; to be made manifest in their spirit and tempers; and shine forth in their example continually. And hence they are to be called “the light of the world,” and as a city set on a hill which cannot be hid.…
Therefore “let all those who name the name of Christ, be careful to depart from iniquity,” and never take the devil’s tools, with which to do the Almighty’s work.…
Consequently, that the cause of Christ be not hindered, but that his gospel take an universal spread, instead of being actuated by a short-sighted, mean, sinister, low, contentious party spirit, we should have a heart full of love to God and man, to expand the mind with that “Charity which never faileth, and thinketh no evil, but suffereth long and is kind, is gentle, and easy to be intreated” And look at the universal or most extensive GOOD; and encourage such means and institutions, as are most likely to accomplish the most noble ends and purposes to mankind. And hence, not like the Jews, who long looked with expectation for the Messiah, and when he came, rejected him. Or, as some others, who pray God to revive his work, and send forth more labourers into the harvest; then oppose both the work and the means, which the wisdom of God is pleased to make use of to accomplish it. — God doth work and accomplish great and important ends, by simple means, which are noble and worthy of himself, to exhibit his “finger, hand, or arm,” of Power and Wisdom to mankind; whilst his mercy and goodness is magnified, and his Justice displayed to the most ordinary understanding. And thus, out of the mouth of BABES and sucklings, God will perfect praise! […]
Therefore forbid not those whom God hath sent to preach the Gospel of HIS dear SON, lest you be found fighting against God, and it cause you tears of sorrow and repentance when it is too late. For the cause is the LORD’s, and the Eternity of mankind is connected therewith, and hangs upon it.…
“Natural Evil” is the effect or consequence of “Moral Evil.” And ignorance, superstition and tyranny, with impositions and wicked laws, have been, and still are the chains by which “social privileges” are curtailed. They are the means also, which have brought what is called “Natural Evil,” as the necessary consequence of “Moral Evil,” upon society, in the different ages and nations of the world, which hath been and still is such a curse to the world of mankind!
General information, and the spread of “Moral Virtue” are a necessary antidote to such obnoxious PRINCIPLES; that the “moral faculty” may be repaired, and peace and righteousness reign in every clime.
While inventions are increasing, and the arts and sciences are improving, it may not be amiss for all the well-wishers of Zion, to watch the openings of Providence, for the furtherance of truth, and the spread of knowledge valuable to society among mankind. And provided some suitable point should someday be taken on the Isthmus, which connects the NORTH and SOUTH of the “NEW WORLD,” now probably held in reversion, as a mercy to rising generations, to be a Theatre for great things to be displayed, worthy of its AUTHOR, and there should be the proper arrangements made for the spread of the true knowledge through the whole world. How long a space could be required to circumnavigate, and circumfuse such knowledge of the Causeless Causator, as would inspire all nations with sensations of gratitude to the Redeemer of Mankind; whose commandment we have for our encouragement; “Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel, and lo I am with you!!”
Lorenzo Dow, Four Volumes of Lorenzo’s Journal Concentrated into One (New York: John C. Totten, 1814), 215–221.