TABLE 26.1: TABLE 26.1 Major Great Society Measures, 1964–1968
Year Legislation or Order Purpose
1964 Civil Rights Act Prohibited discrimination in public accommodations, education, and employment
Economic Opportunity Act Established War on Poverty agencies: Head Start, VISTA, Job Corps, and Community Action Program
1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act Federal funding for elementary and secondary schools
Medical Care Act Provided Medicare health insurance for citizens 65 years and older and Medicaid health benefits for the poor
Voting Rights Act Banned literacy tests for voting, authorized federal registrars to be sent into seven southern states, and monitored voting changes in these states
Executive Order 11246 Required employers to take affirmative action to promote equal opportunity and remedy the effects of past discrimination
Immigration and Nationality Act Abolished quotas on immigration that reduced immigration from non-Western and southern and eastern European nations
Water Quality Act Established and enforced federal water quality standards
Air Quality Act Established air pollution standards for motor vehicles
National Arts and Humanities Act Established National Endowment of the Humanities and National Endowment of the Arts to support the work of scholars, writers, artists, and musicians
1966 Model Cities Act Approved funding for the rehabilitation of inner cities
1967 Executive Order 11375 Expanded affirmative action regulations to include women
1968 Civil Rights Act Outlawed discrimination in housing