Chapter Review: Key Terms


unskilled workers (p. 529)

skilled workers (p. 529)

unions (p. 532)

collective bargaining (p. 532)

Noble Order of the Knights of Labor (p. 532)

Haymarket Square (p. 533)

American Federation of Labor (AFL) (p. 534)

Homestead strike (p. 534)

Pullman strike (p. 535)

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) (p. 536)

Grangers (p. 539)

Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) (p. 539)

Farmers’ Alliances (p. 540)

subtreasury system (p. 541)

Populists (p. 541)

depression of 1893 (p. 544)

Coxey’s army (p. 544)