Document 2.12

Passenger List to Virginia, 1634

The following list from the Bonaventure indicates the name and age of passengers who sailed from London to Virginia in January 1634.

Name Years
Wm. Sayer 58
Bazill Brooke 20
Robert Percy 40
Charles Hilliard 22
Edward Clark 30
Jo. Ogell 28
Richard Hargrave 20
Jo. Anderson 20
Francis Spencer 23
John Lewes 23
Richard Hughes 19
John Clark 19
Wm. Guy 18
John Burd 18
James Redding 19
Richard Cooper 18
Henrie Irish 16
George Greene 20
Henry Quinton 20
Jo. Bryan 25
Robert Payton 25
Tho. Symonds 27
Michell Browne 35
Jo. Hodges 37
Jo. Edmonds 16
Garret Pownder 19
Jo. Wise 28
Henry Dunnell 23
Symon Kenneday 20
Tho. Hyet 22
Tho. James 20
Jo. Sotterfoyth 24
Emanuell Bomer 18
Leonard Wetherfield 17
James Lickburrowe 20
Tho. Singer 18
Jesper Withy 21
Robert Kersley 22
Jo. Springall 18
Tho. Jesopp 18
Andrew Jefferies 24
Wm. Munday 22
Arthur Howell 20
Jo. Abby 22
James Moyser 28
Mathew Marshall 30
Wm. Smith 20
Garrett Riley 24
Miles Riley 20
Wm. Burch 19
Peter Dole 20
James Metcalf 22
Jo. Underwood 23
Robert Luck 25
John Wood 26
Walter Morgan 23
John Fountaine 18
Henry Redding 22
Loughton Bostock 16
John Russell 19
Tho. Ridgley 23
Robert Harris 19
Wm. Mason 19
Victor Derrick 23
John Bamford 28
Geo. Session 40
Jo. Cooke 47
Tho. Townson 26
Tho. Parson 30
Michell Hopkinson 27
Wm. Surgisson 25
Edward Fisher 35
Robert Fisher 34
Richard Ellis 29
Jo. Atkinson 24
Jo. Hickcombottom 24
Joseph Washborn 22
Richard Pitt 19
Edward Maior 19
Jo. Favor 18
James Perkyns 42
Daniell Greene 24
Wm. Hutton 24
Jo. Wilkinson 19
Hugh Garland 20
Name Years
Richard Spicer 18
Humfrey Topsall 24
Tho. Stanton 20
Jo. Watson 28
Tho. Murfie 20
Jo. Mosely 18
Jereemy Redding 18
Richard Ast 30
John Rolinson 26
Richard Glaister 31
Protherock Alis 24
John Towse 26
Richard Cave 28
Tho. Goodman 25
Phillipp Conner 21
Launcelot Pryce 21
Vxor [spouse] Thomazin 18
Kat. Yates 19
Averyn Cowper 20
Jo. Dunn 26
Leonard Evans 22
Tho. Anderson 18
Edward Cranfield 24
Vxor Ann Cranfield 18
Jo. Baggley 14
Tho. Smith 14
Wm. Weston 30
Tho. Townsend 14
Edward Davies 25
Mary Saund 26
Jane Chambers 23
Margaret Maddocks 21
Roger Sturdevant 21
John Wigg 24
John Greenwood 16
Andrew Dunton 38
John Wise 30
Wm. Hudson 32
Tho. Edenburrow 37
John Hill 50
Henry Anmer 16
Ellin Jones 18
Wm. Ridgdell 24
Christopher Carnoll 23
Jo. Feeldhouse 19
Tho. Taylor 19
Jo. Grimscroft 27
Jesper Weston 27
John Lee 17
John Skorie 16
Henry Rogers 30
Robert Smithson 23
Nic Harvy 30
James Graston [or Grafton] 22
Daniell Daniell 18
Reginoll Hawes 25
Geo. Burlingham 20
Jo. Hutchinson 22
James Grame 17
Richard Harman 20
Sam. Ashley 19
Geo. Burlingham 20
Elizabeth Jackson 17
Sara Turner 20
Mary Ashley 24
Margerie Furbredd 20
Margaret Huntley 20
Richard Doll 25
Tho. Perry 34
Vxor Dorothy 26
Ben. Perry 4
Mary Carlton 23
Abram Silvester 40
Tho. Bolton 18
Richard Champion 19
Richard Champion 18
Abram Silvester 14
Elizabeth Nunik 20
Jo. Atkinson 30
Ric. Hore 24
Ralph Nicholson 20
Robert More 19
Joan Nubold 20
Tho. Hebden 20

Source: John Camden Hotten, ed., The Original Lists of Persons of Quality (London: John Camden Hotten, 1874), 35–37.