1874Woman's Christian Temperance Union founded
1889Jane Addams and Ellen Starr establish Hull House
1890National American Woman Suffrage Association formed
1895Booker T. Washington delivers Atlanta address
1900First commission form of government established in Galveston, Texas
1902President Roosevelt settles coal strike
1903National Women's Trade Union League founded
1906Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act
1908Race riot in Springfield, Illinois
1909National Association for the Advancement of Colored People founded
1910President Taft fires Gifford Pinchot
1912Roosevelt forms Progressive Party
Children's Bureau of the Department of Commerce and Labor established
1913Sixteenth Amendment (graduated income tax) ratified
Federal Reserve System created
1914Harrison Narcotics Control Act
Federal Trade Commission created
Clayton Antitrust Act
1916Keating-Owen Act
Workmen's Compensation Act
1919Eighteenth Amendment (prohibition) ratified
1920Nineteenth Amendment (women's vote) ratified