1880–1900 U.S. creates third most powerful navy
1893 U.S. plantation owners overthrow Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii
1895–1898 Cuban War for Independence
1898 U.S. battleship Maine explodes
The War of 1898
Anti-Imperialist League founded
1899–1902 Philippine-American War
1901 Platt Amendment passed
1904 Roosevelt Corollary announced
1909 U.S. intervenes in Nicaragua on behalf of U.S. fruit and mining companies
1914 Panama Canal opens
World War I begins
1915 German submarine sinks the Lusitania
1916 Wilson sends U.S. troops into Mexico to capture Pancho Villa
1917 Zimmermann telegram
United States enters World War I
Espionage Act
War Industries Board established
Committee on Public Information established
1918 Sedition Act
National War Labor Board established
Germany surrenders, ending World War I
1919 Wilson loses battle for ratification of Treaty of Versailles