1940–1960 Migration to Sun Belt swells region’s population
1944 Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (GI Bill)
1945–1960 U.S. gross national product soars 250 percent; 60 percent of Americans achieve middle-class status; union membership reaches new high
1947 Taft-Hartley Act
President’s Committee on Civil Rights issues To Secure These Rights
Jackie Robinson becomes the first black baseball player to enter the major leagues
1954–1958 Eisenhower adopts Modern Republicanism and expands domestic programs
1954 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas Supreme Court ruling
Operation Wetback
1955–1956 Montgomery bus boycott
1955 Jonas Salk develops polio vaccine
Emmett Till murdered
1956 Grace Metalious publishes Peyton Place
National Interstate and Defense Highway Act
1957 Martin Luther King Jr. and other black ministers form Southern Christian Leadership Council (SCLC)
School desegregation in Little Rock, Arkansas, enforced
Soviet Union launches Sputnik
1960 Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) formed