1. How did President Kennedy’s domestic agenda reflect the liberal political ideology of the early 1960s?

  2. Evaluate Kennedy’s and Khrushchev’s actions in the Cuban Missile Crisis. How was war averted?

  3. How did civil rights activists pressure state and federal government officials to enact their agenda?

  4. How were the civil rights and black power movements similar and in what ways were they different?

  5. What problems and challenges did Johnson’s Great Society legislation target?

  6. In what ways did the Warren Court’s rulings advance the liberal agenda?

  7. Why did Kennedy and Johnson escalate the Vietnam War?

  8. How did the reality of the war on the ground compare with the political and military assumptions for fighting it?

  9. How did organizations on the left challenge social, cultural, and economic norms in the 1960s?

  10. What groups were attracted to the 1960s conservative movement? Why?