1. What challenges did the new nation face in the immediate aftermath of the Revolutionary War?

  2. How did farmers, financial leaders, foreign nations, and Indians react to government efforts to address challenges after the Revolution?

  3. How did America’s experience of the Revolutionary War change the lives of African Americans and women?

  4. What do uprisings by farmers and debtors tell us about social and economic divisions in the early Republic?

  5. What issues attracted the most intense debate during the drafting and ratification of the Constitution? Why?

  6. How did Hamilton’s policies stabilize the national economy, and why did they nonetheless arouse opposition?

  7. How did events overseas shape domestic American politics and frontier policy in the 1790s?

  8. What common concerns underlay the Whiskey Rebellion and Shays’s Rebellion? How did the U.S. government deal differently with each?

  9. What were the main issues dividing the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans?

  10. What do the Alien and Sedition Acts and the election of 1800 tell us about political partisanship in late-eighteenth-century America?