Organize the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 1

Document Links:

Document 1.1 CHRISTOPHER AND BARTOLOMEO COLUMBUS, Map of Europe and North Africa (c. 1490)

Document 1.2 Piri Reis Map (1513)

Document 1.3 Dauphin Map of Canada (c. 1543)

Document 1.4 Map of Cuauhtinchan (1550)

Organize the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 1

The following exercises provide an opportunity to use the sources collectively to respond to a guiding question.

Guiding Question: How do these sources illustrate changing understandings of Europe, Africa, and the Americas from 1490 to the mid-sixteenth century?


Below are three topics that might find a place in organizing an essay responding to the guiding question. This exercise asks you to identify which sources would provide relevant evidence for that topic. Select the best answers for each question. Choose ALL that apply.

Click the “submit” button for each question to turn in your work.

Question 1.13

1. Which of the sources provide evidence that reflected and informed Europeans’ knowledge and understanding of the Western Hemisphere? Choose ALL that apply.

kcVtUDKfaIWTKrqEI7di7A== Document 1.1: Christopher and Bartolomeo Columbus map
R6Xlb9MAHXF7O4A0MNT1YQ== Document 1.2: Piri Reis map
R6Xlb9MAHXF7O4A0MNT1YQ== Document 1.3: Dauphin map
R6Xlb9MAHXF7O4A0MNT1YQ== Document 1.4: Cuauhtinchan map
Correct: Document 1.2: Reis’s map shows that he had knowledge of the geography of the eastern coast of South America and the northern coast of Antarctica. Document 1.3: The Dauphin map demonstrates that Cartier explored and mapped the east coast of Canada and North America. Document 1.4: This map documents the ways the Toltec-Chichimeca peoples understood their geography, and it also influenced Europeans’ thinking about the area.
Incorrect: Document 1.1: The Christopher and Bartolomeo Columbus map does not depict the Western Hemisphere.

Question 1.14

2. Which of the sources provide evidence that pertains to questions about Europeans’ knowledge and understanding of the interior of the Americas?

kcVtUDKfaIWTKrqEI7di7A== Document 1.1: Christopher and Bartolomeo Columbus map
kcVtUDKfaIWTKrqEI7di7A== Document 1.2: Piri Reis map
R6Xlb9MAHXF7O4A0MNT1YQ== Document 1.3: Dauphin map
R6Xlb9MAHXF7O4A0MNT1YQ== Document 1.4: Cuauhtinchan map
Correct: Document 1.3: The Dauphin map reveals that Cartier had knowledge about the interior sections of Canada and North America, including the region surrounding the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Document 1.4: The Cuauhtinchan map was created by indigenous Americans, but it contributed to Europeans’ understanding about present-day Mexico.
Incorrect: Document 1.1: The Columbus brothers’ map does not include any part of the Western Hemisphere. Document 1.2: The Piri Reis map does not depict the interior areas of the Americas.

Question 1.15

3. Which of the following sources provide evidence that Europeans made cultural judgments about the people who lived in regions beyond their own continent?

R6Xlb9MAHXF7O4A0MNT1YQ== Document 1.1: Christopher and Bartolomeo Columbus map
R6Xlb9MAHXF7O4A0MNT1YQ== Document 1.2: Piri Reis map
R6Xlb9MAHXF7O4A0MNT1YQ== Document 1.3: Dauphin map
kcVtUDKfaIWTKrqEI7di7A== Document 1.4: Cuauhtinchan map
Correct: Document 1.1: The Columbus brothers’ map includes drawings of non-European figures, which reveal their cultural judgments about Africans. Document 1.2: The Piri Reis map includes drawings of non-European people, plants, and animals, revealing evidence about the ways Reis judged the inhabitants of Africa and South America. Document 1.3: The Dauphin map also includes drawings that reveal information about Cartier’s interpretations of the lands he explored.
Incorrect: Document 1.4: The Cuauhtinchan map was created by indigenous Americans and does not provide evidence to support the notion that Europeans made cultural judgments about people who lived in regions beyond their own continent.