Interpret the Evidence and Put It in Context

Document Links:

Document 28.1 RONALD REAGAN, Remarks at the Annual Convention of the National Association of Evangelicals (1983)

Document 28.2 GERALDINE FERRARO, Vice Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address (1984)

Document 28.3 TONY AUTH, Cartoon, Philadelphia Inquirer (ca. 1988)

Document 28.4 RONALD REAGAN, Address at Moscow State University (1988)

Document 28.5 MIKHAIL GORBACHEV, Speech before the Central Committee (January 27, 1987)


  1. How does President Ronald Reagan describe the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union in the early 1980s (Documents 28.1 and 28.4)? What connections does he make between religion and foreign policy?

  2. What does Geraldine Ferraro say is wrong with the foreign policy of Ronald Reagan (Document 28.2)? According to Ferraro, how would a Democratic administration do things differently?

  3. In what ways is Tony Auth’s cartoon making fun of the science behind SDI (Document 28.3)? What does Auth argue about SDI’s effect on Reagan?

  4. In his speech to students at Moscow State University, how does President Reagan define “freedom” (Document 28.4)? How does he use Russian history to gain support for his message? What does he say has changed since his “evil empire” speech?

  5. What evidence does Mikhail Gorbachev use to defend his reform policies (Document 28.5)? What is he hoping to achieve with these new policies? What does Gorbachev mean by “democracy” and “freedom”?


  1. What role did the Reagan administration play in ending the Cold War? What circumstances made the cessation of hostilities feasible?