Document 4.2 Goods for Sale (1720)

DOCUMENT 4.2 | Goods for Sale (1720)

Merchants used newspapers to advertise their businesses and their wares. The following advertisement displays the diverse merchandise one Boston merchant offered for sale in early 1720. The prices are listed in pounds and shillings, and many of the abbreviations refer to units of measurement such as hogsheads and quintals.

A Catalogue of Sundry Merchandize, with the Prices annexed thereunto

Woolens, Linens, Copper, Brass, and all other European Goods, 200 per Ct. if well bought. Cotton Wool, 2s. per P. and scarce.
Hollands Duck, 9l. to 9l. 10s. per Piece, & scarce. Rum N. Eng. 4s. 6d. to 4s. 9d.
English ditto, 7l. 10s. and scarce. Ditto Barbadoes, 5s.
Madera Wines, None. Melasses, 2s. to 2s. 4d.
Fiall ditto 20l. per Dipe and scarce. Cocoa, 7l. per C.
German Duck broad, None. Indigo Jamaica, etc. 8s. to 9s. per Pound.
Ditto narrow, None. Rice, None.
Swedish Iron, 56l. p. T. Beaver Skins, 3s. 10d.
Spanish ditto, 58l. to 60l. French and Lisbon Salt, 20s. per Hogs.
Holland Pots, 56l. per Tun. Isle of May, etc. 24s.
English ditto, 50l. Buck and Doeskins in Oyl, 8s. 6d. per Pound.
Powder, 11l. per Barrel. Ditto Ind. Dress, 4s. 6d. to 5s.
Cordage, 80 to 85s. per C. Bees Wax, 2s. 2d. per P.
Jambee Pepper, 3s. per Pou. Ditto Bayberry, 16d.
Cheshire Cheese, 12d. Hops, 4d. per Pound.
Ditto R. Island, 6d. Pine Boards, 57s. 6d per Th.
Coals, 5l. per Chaldron Shingles, 14s.
Pitch 11s. per C. Pipe Staves, 5 to 8l.
Tar, 22s. per Barrel. Hogshead Staves Red Oak, 45 to 50s.
Turpentine, 12s. per C. Ditto Barrel White Oak, 50s.
Oyl Train, 361. per T. & falling. Flower, 28s. per C.
Fish Merchantable, 22s. 6d. per Quintal. Bread Course, 24 to 25s.
Ditto Jamaica, 17s. 6d. Wheat Virginia, 7s. 6d.
Ditto Barbadoes, 14s. 6d. Indian Corn, 4s.
Mackeril, None. Hay, 4s. 6d. per C.
Logwood, None. Butter, 11d.
Barbadoes and other Caribee Sugars, 36 to 60s. per C. and falling. Beef, 3d. half peny.
Pork, 4d. half peny, & falling.
Fraight to London, 50s. per Tun, and 55s. for Turpentine.

Source: Boston Gazette, January 11–January 18, 1720.