Quiz for Imperialism versus Anti-Imperialism

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Choose the best answer to each question.


Correct: The answer is c. The provisional government used the threat of armed force to stay in power, “against the rights and wishes of almost the entire aboriginal population of these islands.”
Incorrect: The answer is c. The provisional government used the threat of armed force to stay in power, “against the rights and wishes of almost the entire aboriginal population of these islands.”


Correct: The answer is c. Beveridge and other imperialists wanted to gain economic benefit from the Philippines’ natural resources and location.
Incorrect: The answer is c. Beveridge and other imperialists wanted to gain economic benefit from the Philippines’ natural resources and location.


Correct: The answer is b. The picture demonstrated the idea that the Philippines would benefit economically if the United States annexed it.
Incorrect: The answer is b. The picture demonstrated the idea that the Philippines would benefit economically if the United States annexed it.


Correct: The answer is a. The writer used a moral argument to question the United States’ imperial aspirations. She is trying to get her fellow Americans to wake up to the injustice and murder perpetrated against the Filipinos.
Incorrect: The answer is a. The writer used a moral argument to question the United States’ imperial aspirations. She is trying to get her fellow Americans to wake up to the injustice and murder perpetrated against the Filipinos.


Correct: The answer is d. Lady Justice is revealing the violence perpetrated against blacks in the American South to the readers of The New York World in order to remind imperialists that there are still problems at home that need to be addressed.
Incorrect: The answer is d. Lady Justice is revealing the violence perpetrated against blacks in the American South to the readers of The New York World in order to remind imperialists that there are still problems at home that need to be addressed.