Quiz for Women’s Liberation

Choose the best answer to each question.


1. In the New York Radical Women’s pamphlet (Document 26.12), which of the ten points presented would age discrimination fall under?


Correct: The answer is c. Age discrimination would fall under The Woman as Pop Culture Obsolescent Theme. Women are brainwashed into believing that they must be young, juicy, and malleable to gain recognition.
Incorrect: The answer is c. Age discrimination would fall under The Woman as Pop Culture Obsolescent Theme. Women are brainwashed into believing that they must be young, juicy, and malleable to gain recognition.


2. What did Gloria Steinem argue men will receive from laws that permit women equal work and equal pay (see Document 26.13)?


Correct: The answer is b. Steinem argued that men’s burden of being the sole economic provider will be eased. Laws that permit women equal work and equal pay will relieve men of their role as sole breadwinner.
Incorrect: The answer is b. Steinem argued that men’s burden of being the sole economic provider will be eased. Laws that permit women equal work and equal pay will relieve men of their role as sole breadwinner.


3. After reading the National Black Feminist Organization’s Statement of Purpose (Document 26.14), which statement explains NBFO’s need to establish an independent black feminist organization?


Correct: The answer is a. NBFO had to establish an independent black feminist organization because they wanted to define their own self-image instead of having a different gender or race do it for them. Black women want to be proud, dignified, and free from false definitions.
Incorrect: The answer is a. NBFO had to establish an independent black feminist organization because they wanted to define their own self-image instead of having a different gender or race do it for them. Black women want to be proud, dignified, and free from false definitions.


4. In Pat Mainardi’s satire (Document 26.15), what is a recurring theme regarding the excuses that men give to not do housework?


Correct: The answer is c. The recurring theme in the Mainardi satire is that men view housework as beneath them but not beneath women. This suggests that men view themselves at a higher position than women.
Incorrect: The answer is c. The recurring theme in the Mainardi satire is that men view housework as beneath them but not beneath women. This suggests that men view themselves at a higher position than women.


5. Which of the following statements would Phyllis Schlafly most likely agree with (see Document 26.16)?


Correct: The answer is b. Schlafly would agree that American women have it easier than most other people, partly because they are put on a pedestal and given honor and respect, unlike women in other cultures.
Incorrect: The answer is b. Schlafly would agree that American women have it easier than most other people, partly because they are put on a pedestal and given honor and respect, unlike women in other cultures.