Quiz for The Election of 1828

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Choose the best answer to each question.


Correct: The answer is a. The convention speakers threatened that far from protecting farm lands, Jackson was liable to convert their land into “military tenures, or fiefs of the craven.”
Incorrect: The answer is a. The convention speakers threatened that far from protecting farm lands, Jackson was liable to convert their land into “military tenures, or fiefs of the craven.”


Correct: The answer is b. The committee proceedings and the advertised inscriptions made the argument that Jackson was hot-tempered and violent. This was evidenced by the threat to farmers at the convention and the details concerning the hanging of the three American soldiers.
Incorrect: The answer is b. The committee proceedings and the advertised inscriptions made the argument that Jackson was hot-tempered and violent. This is evidenced by the threat to farmers at the convention and the details concerning the hanging of the three American soldiers.


Correct: The answer is c. The speaker noted that Jackson was not born into privilege nor did he cavort with the well-connected. Everything that Jackson had and had done, he earned on his own.
Incorrect: The answer is c. The speaker noted that Jackson was not born into privilege nor did he cavort with the well-connected. Everything that Jackson had and had done, he earned on his own.


Correct: The answer is b. In an effort to appeal to the “common man” in America, Jackson’s advocates emphasized the class differences between Jackson and Adams.
Incorrect: The answer is b. In an effort to appeal to the “common man” in America, Jackson’s advocates emphasized the class differences between Jackson and Adams.


Correct: The answer is d. The fact that local Democratic candidates used Jackson’s image for their own campaign implies that the image would increase their voter rolls.
Incorrect: The answer is d. The fact that local Democratic candidates used Jackson’s image for their own campaign implies that the image would increase their voter rolls.