Table : TABLE 11.3
Cattell’s 16 Personality Factors
1 Reserved, unsociableOutgoing, sociable
2 Less intelligent, concreteMore intelligent, abstract
3 Affected by feelingsEmotionally stable
4 Submissive, humbleDominant, assertive
5 SeriousHappy-go-lucky
6 ExpedientConscientious
7 TimidVenturesome
8 Tough-mindedSensitive
9 TrustingSuspicious
10 PracticalImaginative
11 ForthrightShrewd, calculating
12 Self-assuredApprehensive
13 ConservativeExperimenting
14 Group-dependentSelf-sufficient
15 UndisciplinedControlled
16 RelaxedTense
Raymond Cattell believed that personality could be described in terms of 16 source traits, or basic personality factors. Each factor represents a dimension that ranges between two extremes.