Table : TABLE 14.7
Personality Disorders
Odd, Eccentric ClusterDramatic, Emotional, Erratic ClusterAnxious, Fearful Cluster
Paranoid Personality DisorderAntisocial Personality DisorderAvoidant Personality Disorder
• Pervasive but unwarranted distrust and suspiciousness; assumes that other people intend to deceive, exploit, or harm them.• Blatantly disregards or violates the rights of others; impulsive, irresponsible, deceitful, manipulative, and lacking in guilt or remorse.• Extreme social inhibition and social avoidance due to feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to criticism, rejection, or disapproval.
Schizoid Personality DisorderBorderline Personality DisorderDependent Personality Disorder
• Pervasive detachment from social relationships; emotionally cold and flat; indifferent to praise or criticism from others; preference for solitary activities; lacking in close friends.• Intense, unstable relationships, emotions, and self-image; impulsive; desperate efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment; feelings of emptiness; self-destructive tendencies.• Excessive need to be taken care of, leading to submissive, clinging behaviors; fears of separation; and the inability to assume responsibility.
Schizotypal Personality DisorderHistrionic Personality DisorderObsessive–Compulsive Personality Disorder
• Odd thoughts, speech, emotional reactions, mannerisms, and appearance; impaired social and interpersonal functioning; often superstitious.• Exaggerated, overly dramatic expression of emotions and attention-seeking behavior that often includes sexually seductive or provocative behaviors.• Rigid preoccupation with orderliness, personal control, rules, or schedules that interferes with completing tasks; unreasonable perfectionism.
 Narcissistic Personality Disorder 
 • Grandiose sense of self-importance; exaggerates abilities and accomplishments; excessive need for admiration; boastful, pretentious; lacking in empathy. 
Source: Information from DSM-5 (2013).