Table : TABLE 9.3
The Typical Sequence of Puberty
GirlsAverage AgeBoysAverage Age
Ovaries increase production of estrogen and progesterone.9Testes increase production of testosterone.10
Internal sex organs begin to grow larger.9 1/2External sex organs begin to grow larger.11
Breast development begins.10Production of sperm and first ejaculation13
Peak height spurt12Peak height spurt14
Peak muscle and organ growth, including widening of hips12 1/2Peak muscle and organ growth, including broadening of shoulders14 1/2
Menarche (first menstrual period)12 1/2Voice lowers.15
First ovulation (release of fertile egg)13 1/2Facial hair appears.16
Source: Data from Brooks-Gunn & Reiter (1990).