MLA works cited entries


1. Single Author

Author’s Last Name, First Name. Book Title. Publisher, Year of Publication.

Bazelon, Emily. Sticks and Stones: Defeating the Culture of Bullying and Rediscovering the Power of Character and Empathy. Random House, 2013.

2. Two Authors

List the authors in the order shown on the title page.

First Author’s Last Name, First Name, and Second Author’s First Name Last Name. Book Title. Publisher, Year of Publication.

Power, Michael L., and Jay Schulkin. The Evolution of Obesity. Johns Hopkins UP, 2009.

3. Three or More Authors

When a source has three or more authors, list only the name of the first author (last name first) followed by a comma and the Latin term “et al.” (meaning “and others”).

First Author’s Last Name, First Name, et al. Book Title. Publisher, Year of Publication.

Michaels, Ed, et al. The War for Talent. Harvard Business School, 2001.

Roark, James L., et al. The American Promise: A History of the United States. 5th ed., Bedford/St. Martin's, 2012.

4. Corporate Author

If a group or corporation rather than a person appears to be the author, include that name as the work’s author in your list of works cited. (If the organization is also the author, omit the author name.)

Name of Corporation. Book Title. Publisher, Year of Publication.

United States, Department of Commerce. Statistical Abstract of the United States 2012-2013: The National Data Book. Skyhorse Publishing, 2012.

Technical Report of the TDR Thematic Reference Group on Environment, Agriculture, and Infectious Diseases of Poverty. World Health Organization, 2013.

5. Unidentified Author

If the author of a work is unknown, begin the works cited entry with the title of the work.

Note that in the example given, “The New Yorker” is not italicized because it is a title within a title (see item 19).

Book Title. Publisher, Year of Publication.

The New Yorker Top 100 Cartoons. Cartoon Bank, 2004.

6. Multiple Works by the Same Author

To cite two or more works by the same author in your list of works cited, organize the works alphabetically by title (ignoring introductory articles such as The and A). Include the author’s name only for the first entry; for subsequent entries by this same author, type three hyphens followed by a period in place of the author’s name.

Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Work. Publisher, Year of Publication.

---. Title of Work. Publisher, Year of Publication.

Krakauer, Jon. Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith. Anchor Books, 2004.

---. Three Cups of Deceit: How Greg Mortenson, Humanitarian Hero, Lost His Way. Anchor Books, 2011.