Trial Balloon

Trial Balloon

The following proposal originally appeared in Time (August 21, 2005). Its author, Barrett Seaman, doesn’t have the space to do much more than alert the general public (or, more likely, parents of college students) to the need for action to end alcohol abuse on campuses. Still, he does offer a surprising suggestion — a trial balloon for dealing with bingeing. Although many readers might reject his idea initially, the proposal does what it must: It makes a plausible case and gets people thinking.

Reading the Genre

One of the major tasks in writing a proposal argument is defining the problem. How much of Seaman’s essay is concerned with explaining the problem of binge drinking on campus? To whom is this information addressed?


Do current strict drinking laws in the United States actually encourage students to abuse alcohol? In 2008, a coalition of presidents from one hundred colleges recommended lowering the drinking age to eighteen.

AP Photo/Israel Leal.
