King Charles Receives a Bible
The importance of loyalty is clear in this ninth-century depiction of King Charles the Bald receiving a book. The painting appears at the very end of the book (a large and splendid bible) accompanied by two poems. In the painting, the king sits on a throne. Two courtiers flank him on either side, and beside each of them is a warrior. Two canons hold the bible the king is about to receive, while all the others make gestures of praise and prayer. Above, the hand of God reaches down to bless the king, whose throne touches the very scarf of heaven. The first poem begins “Kind King Charles, flourish with the power of the Almighty…. [You are] the patron of the church, a solace to the clergy and people.” (From the First Bible of Charles the Bald, c. 843–851 / Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images.)