May 5, 1789The Estates General opens at Versailles
June 17, 1789Third Estate decides to call itself the National Assembly
June 20, 1789Tennis court oath demonstrates resolve of deputies to carry out constitutional revolution
July 14, 1789Fall of the Bastille
August 4, 1789National Assembly abolishes feudalism
August 26, 1789National Assembly passes Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
October 5–6, 1789Women march to Versailles, joined by men in bringing royal family back to Paris
July 12, 1790Civil Constitution of the Clergy
June 20, 1791Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette attempt to flee in disguise but are captured at Varennes
April 20, 1792Declaration of war on Austria
August 10, 1792Insurrection in Paris and attack on Tuileries palace lead to removal of king's authority
September 2–6, 1792Prisoners murdered in September massacres in Paris
September 22, 1792Establishment of republic
January 21, 1793Execution of Louis XVI
March 11, 1793Beginning of uprising in Vendée
May 31–June 2, 1793Insurrection leading to arrest of Girondins
July 27, 1793Robespierre named to Committee of Public Safety
September 29, 1793Convention establishes General Maximum on prices and wages
October 16, 1793Execution of Marie-Antoinette
February 4, 1794Slavery abolished in French colonies
March 13–24, 1794Arrest, trial, and executions of so-called ultrarevolutionaries
March 30–April 5, 1794Arrest, trial, and executions of Danton and his followers
July 27, 1794Arrest of Robespierre and his supporters (executed July 28–29); beginning of end of the Terror
October 26, 1795Directory government takes office
April 1796–October 1797Succession of Italian victories by Bonaparte