Chapter . Self-Quiz: Multitasking and Attention




Multitasking and Attention

This quiz gauges how multitasking between various forms of technology can divide your attention and how your ability to focus may suffer as a result. Read each statement below and mark the ones with which you agree. Use your score to assess the degree to which your attention is divided.


LLVsbN5I+IJZaFlntutyBDv+RDblJHdt 1.

At any one time, I typically have multiple forms of technology turned on, including my phone and computer.

LLVsbN5I+IJZaFlntutyBDv+RDblJHdt 2.

If I focus my attention on just one task, I find that my mind quickly starts drifting to other stuff, such as who is messaging me, or what is happening online.

LLVsbN5I+IJZaFlntutyBDv+RDblJHdt 3.

Even during class or while I’m at work, I stay connected to and communicate with others through text, e-mail, cell phone, or the Internet.

LLVsbN5I+IJZaFlntutyBDv+RDblJHdt 4.

When I spend too much time doing any one thing, I get bored.

LLVsbN5I+IJZaFlntutyBDv+RDblJHdt 5.

Text messages, cell-phone calls, e-mail, and online posts frequently interrupt activities I am trying to focus upon and perform.

LLVsbN5I+IJZaFlntutyBDv+RDblJHdt 6.

I spend much of my day switching rapidly between multiple activities and apps, including Facebook, text, e-mail, games, schoolwork, and Web surfing.

LLVsbN5I+IJZaFlntutyBDv+RDblJHdt 7.

I feel that I am more easily distracted now than I was just a few years ago.

Note: Adapted from Bane (2010).



Multitasking and Attention

Your score: out of 7

Your attention is not divided by multitasking, and you likely find it easy to concentrate on one thing for extended periods of time.

You have moderately divided attention and may be experiencing challenges with focusing attention.

You spend much of your time multitasking and likely find it challenging to focus your attention on just one thing.