


Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures; those followed by m indicate maps; those followed by t indicate tables.

Abbott, Edith, 321

aboriginal groups, 122–123

Aborigine language, 94m–95m, 110

Aborigine toponyms, 115, 115f

Abrahamic religions, 184

absolute population density, 72

absorbing barriers, 12, 194

Acadiana, 124m, 125, 125m

accidental diffusion, 230, 230m

acculturation, 123

acid rain, 262–263, 263m

in Adirondack Mountains, 263

acropolis sites, 290

adaptive strategy, 17, 194

Addams, Jane, 321

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 239

Adi Granth, 187

Adirondack Mountains, acid rain in, 263

advertising, cultural diffusion by, 42

Afghanistan, 12, 42, 63, 68, 134, 134m

AFHVS (Agriculture, Food, and Human Values) web site, 246

Africa. See also East Africa; North Africa; sub-Saharan Africa; West Africa; specific countries

age distributions in, 67–68

agriculture in, 213, 215, 218, 219, 222–223, 224

as center of plant domestication, 228

colonial rule in, 162–163, 163m

desertification in, 234, 235m

flooding in, 290

houses in, 50–51, 51f

industry in, 259

languages spoken in, 108, 110

population density of, 59

religion in, 186, 203

rural settlement patterns in, 84, 86

sleeping sickness in, 79–80

urbanization in, 278, 286

western European immigrants from, 132


business activity and, 140

environmental racism and, 138

folk dwellings of, 48f, 49

folk region of, 33, 33f

housing policies and, 309

one-drop rule and, 122

relocation of, 126

return migration of, 135

slavery and, 122

in U.S. population, 130t, 131–132

as urban ethnic group, 128

African slaves, 75, 106, 229

Afro-Asiatic language family, 94m–95m, 97t, 98, 102m, 103

age distributions, 67–70, 70f, 71f

agglomeration, 306, 308

Agnew, John, 155, 176

agribusinesses, 222, 240, 241m

agricultural cultural interaction, 236–242

adequacy of food supply and, 239m, 239–242, 242f

agribusiness and, 240, 241m

economy and, 236–237

food system vulnerability and, 240–242, 242f

transportation costs and, 237f, 237–239, 238m

agricultural diffusion, 226–230

animal domestication and, 228

centers of domestication and, 227m, 227–228, 228m

exploration, colonialism, and the green revolution and, 228–230, 229f, 230m, 231m

origins and diffusion of plant domestication and, 227

agricultural ecology, 230–236

cultural adaptation, nature, and technology and, 231m, 231–232, 233f

desertification and, 233–234, 234f, 235m

environmental perception and, 234–235

green fuels and, 236

intensity of land use and, 233

organic agriculture and, 235–236

sustainable agriculture and, 232–233

agricultural fairs, 40, 40m

agricultural landscapes, 242–245

fencing and hedging and, 244, 245f

patterns of, 242–244, 243m, 243f–245f

agricultural regions, 214m–215m, 214–226

aquaculture and mariculture and, 224f, 224–226, 225m, 226m

dairying and, 222

definition of, 214

grain farming and, 221f, 221–222, 222f

livestock feeding and, 220, 220m

livestock ranching and, 223–224

market gardening and, 220

nomadic herding and, 222–223, 223f

nonagricultural areas and, 226

paddy rice farming and, 217, 217f

peasant farming and, 217–218, 218f

plantation agriculture and, 218–219, 219f

swidden (shifting) cultivation and, 215–217, 216f

urban agriculture and, 224

agricultural revolution, 74, 108

agricultural subsidies, 269

agricultural surpluses, 281

agriculture, 213–246. See also entries beginning with term agricultural

commercial, 217

definition of, 213

extensive, 215

intensive, 214–215

patterns of, 3m, 3–4

plantation, 218–219, 219f

planting by the signs and, 45

population density and, 82

religion and, 197–198, 198m

subsistence, 216

suburban sprawl and, 310

urban, 224

Agriculture and Human Values, 247

Agriculture, Food, and Human Values (AFHVS) web site, 246

ahimsa, 187, 196

AIDS, 64, 64m, 77, 79m

Airriess, Christopher A., 146–147

Alaska, 70, 152

Alaska Highway, 109

Alaska Natives, 4f, 78, 131m, 132, 172, 226

alcoholic beverages, 35, 36m

Alcoholics Anonymous, 180

Alexandria, Virginia, 144

Al-Faruqi, Isma’il R., 210

Algeria, French control of, 163

Allah, 186

alms, Muslims and, 186

Alps, linguistic ecology and, 106

Altaic language family, 94m–95m, 98, 103, 107m

Amana, Iowa, 208f

Amazonian region, 20f, 33, 216f, 261, 262m, 292

Amazon River, 290

amenity landscapes, 52

American Manufacturing Belt, 254f, 257

American Memory web site, 55

American Religious Identification Survey, 201–202

web site of, 210

American South, fire ant in, 230, 230m

American Southwest, 130, 235, 290. See also specific states

Amerindian languages, 94m–95m

Amharic language, 98, 106–107

Amish people, 31, 40, 122, 204

Amish religion, 31

Anatolian hypothesis, 101

Andean highlands, 232, 237, 282

Anderson, Kay, 2, 27

Anderson, Thomas, 17

Andrea, Tone, 90

Angelozzi, Giorgio, 68

Angkor Thom, Cambodia, 283

Anglo-America, 257. See also Canada; North America; United States

Anglo-Americans, business activity and, 140

Angola, death rate in, 67

animals. See also beef; livestock

domesticated, 228

mountain gorilla, 168, 168f

animism, 189, 194, 195, 205, 205f

animists, 189

Anjouan Island national territory, 152

Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 27

Antarctica, 263, 264

Anthropogeographie (Ratzel), 16

anticonquest, 115

apartheid, 42, 297f, 297–298

Apia, Western Samoa, 111f

Appalachia, fencing in, 244

Appalachian hill people, 45, 45m

Appalachian whites, urban, 128

aquaculture, 224–225, 225m

Arab(s), expansion of, 191

Arabian Peninsula, 98, 222–223. See also specific countries

Arabic language, 97t, 98, 104, 104t, 106, 108, 109f

Arabic toponyms, 115, 116m

Arab League, 156

Arab Spring, 164, 164m, 200

Aral Sea, 232, 233f


architectural style, 26, 26f

architecture. See also houses and housing

in downtowns, 302, 302f

folk, 48f, 48–49

folk culture regions and, 32, 32f

Arctic Ocean, ice in, 263

Argentina, 110, 132, 221, 244

Armenia, 169, 170

Armenian Church, 184

Arreola, Daniel, 142, 145–146

Arvada, Colorado, population of, 130t

ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations), 156

Asher, R. E., 116

Ashkenazim, 183

Ashton, Dub, 42

Asia. See also East Asia; South Asia; Southeast Asia; Southwest Asia; specific countries

age distributions in, 67, 68

agriculture in, 213, 217f, 217–218, 218f, 219, 225, 232

death rates in, 64

export processing zones in, 270, 270m

industry in, 259

Islam in, 186

languages spoken in, 97, 98, 108

North American immigrants from, 130t, 130–131, 312

rural settlement patterns in, 84, 85, 85f, 86

sex industry in, 87–88

urbanization in, 278, 286

western European immigrants from, 132

Asian-Americans, 128, 130m, 130t, 130–131. See also specific groups

assimilation, 123, 126

Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), 156

Athens, Greece, 290

Atlas of Global Development web site, 275


Aborigine toponyms in, 115, 115f

agriculture in, 221, 224, 229

death rate in, 65

environmental sustainability in, 266

industry in, 260t

languages spoken in, 97, 110, 110m

political unity of, 151

population density of, 59

population ecology in, 79

rural settlement patterns in, 86

sex ratio in, 70

territorial structure of, 154

Australian Aborigine language, 94m–95m, 110

Austria, immigrants in, 76f

Austro-Asiatic language family, 94m–95m, 98

Austronesian language family, 94m–95m, 98, 101–103, 102m, 103m, 108

automobile industry, 260, 260m

axis mundi, 283, 284m

Ayers, Henry, 9f

Ayers Rock (Uluru), 8, 9f

Azerbaijan, legal code in, 200

Babylon, Iraq, 284m

Bagmati River, 194

Bali, Indonesia, 187, 188f, 205f, 207, 217f

Bangladesh, 59, 60t, 152, 186, 240

Bantu languages, 98, 99m, 106

Bantu people, expansion of, 136

baptism, 207

Baptist Church, 185, 201

Barbados, living standard in, 72

barn(s), folk culture regions and, 32, 32f

Barnes, Trevor, 275

barriadas, 295–296


to communications, 42

to cultural innovations, 12–13

to linguistic migration, 106

to religious diffusion, 193–194

Basque immigrants, 141–142

Basque language, 110

Bayside (Miami, Florida), 326

Bedouins, nomadic herding by, 223


feedlots and, 220, 221f

Hindu avoidance of, 198

mad cow disease and, 241–242, 242f

beef wheel, 33, 33f

Beijing, China, 280t, 293

Belarus, 265, 265m

Belgium, 76f, 108, 162, 257, 260t

Belleville (Paris, France), 314f

Bengali language, 97t

Beni Hassan Islamic necropolis, Egypt, 207f

Bennett, Charles, 106

Berber people, 98

Berlin, Germany, 154, 314

Bern, Switzerland, 289

Berry, Kate A., 146

beverages, popular culture regions and, 35, 36m

Bible, 108, 184

Bible Belt, 185

bilingualism, 96–97

Bingham Canyon, 271f

biofuels, 236


in China, 83

demographic transition and, 65, 67, 67f, 68m, 69m

Bjorkland, Elaine, 140

Black Belt, 126, 135

Black Death, 76, 77f

Black Hills (South Dakota), 175, 175f

Blaikie, Piers, 165–166

blowguns, diffusion of, 43–44, 44m

blue states, 160, 160m

Blunt, Alison, 328

Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, 224

Bogotá, Colombia, 88f, 88–89, 89f

Bollywood, 40–41, 41f

Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, 298

Bombay (Mumbai), India, 280t, 286, 293

Bora Bora, Polynesia, 109f, 132f

borders. See also boundaries of functional culture regions, 6f, 7

border zones, 6

Boston, Massachusetts, 290, 321f, 326, 326f

Boston-New York-Philadelphia-Washington, D.C. megalopolis, 323


ethnographic, 153

geometric, 153

natural, 153

political, 152–154, 154f, 173–174, 174f

relic, 154

bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 241–242, 242f

Brahman, 187

Brahmins, 187

Branson, Richard, 53

Brasília, Brazil, 143f, 143–144

Brauer, Jurgen, 176


agriculture in, 216f, 244

deforestation in, 261

food folk culture of, 33

immigration to, 132

industry in, 259

Kyoto Protocol and, 264

languages spoken in, 109

national territory of, 152, 153m

population of, 60t

protectionism in, 269

religion in, 180, 200

soil erosion in, 20f

Breckinridge, Sophonisba, 321

Brenner, Neil, 299

bridge-point sites, 290, 290f

Bridgeport, Nebraska, 119

British Isles, 166. See also England; Great Britain; Ireland; Scotland; Wales

Bronner, Simon, 55

Brookfield, Harold, 165–166

Brooklyn, New York, 224

Brownell, Joseph, 37, 39

BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy), 241–242, 242f

Budapest, Hungary, 299

Buddhism, 180, 187–188, 188f

cremations and, 197

divisions in, 188

origin and diffusion of, 190m, 191

pilgrimages and, 200

temples of, 2f

yoga and meditation and, 201

Buenos Aires, Argentina, 280, 280t, 311, 311f

buffer states, 152

Bulgaria, 62

Bullard, Robert, 138

Burgess, Ernest W., 317–318

burial places, 207f, 207–208, 208f

Buriat Mongol yurt, 51f

Burma (Myanmar), 229

Burundi, Hutu refugees in, 133

cadastral pattern, 242

Cadbury, 42, 47

Cairo, Egypt, 280t, 295

Cajun cooking, 145, 145f

Cajun people, 125

Calcutta (Kolkata), India, 77, 279f, 280t, 286

Calgary Stampede, 43

California, 130, 197, 229, 232, 312, 323

Calvinist houses of worship, 204

Cambodia, 98, 133

Cameroon, 101

Canada. See also North America; specific provinces

acid rain in, 263

agriculture in, 214, 221, 224, 243m, 244

boundary with United States, 153

death rate in, 65

federalism in, 172

folk culture regions of, 30m

Fukushima nuclear accident and, 265

houses in, 24–25, 25f, 26, 26f

immigration to U.S. from, 312

Kyoto Protocol and, 264

languages spoken in, 101, 109, 110, 111–112

legal code in, 172

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and, 157, 158t, 268

nonagricultural areas in, 226

population density of, 72t

Protestantism in, 185, 185m

rodeos in, 43

separatist movement in, 154, 170

sex ratio in, 70

territorial structure of, 154

West Edmonton Mall in, 52, 52f

Candomblé, 201

Canyon County, Idaho, 173f

CAP (Common Agricultural Policy), 269

Cappadocia Province, Turkey, 34f

carbon dioxide (CO2), global warming and, 263, 264

Caribbean Community (CARICOM), 156, 158t

Caribbean region. See also specific countries

export processing zones in, 270, 270m

food folk culture of, 33

immigration to U.S. from, 312

producer services in, 253

religion in, 180, 181f, 200

urbanization in, 278, 280

CARICOM (Caribbean Community), 156, 158t

Carney, George O., 55

Carney, Judith, 229

carrying capacity, 60

Carver, Craig M., 116

Cassidy, Frederic C., 116

castas painting, 121f

caste(s), Hindu, 187

Castells, Manuel, 312

Castles, Stephen, 90

Catholic Church. See Roman Catholic Church

Caucasic language family, 94m–95m, 103, 107m, 110

Caucasus Mountains, 106, 107m, 137, 137m

cellular phones, 12

Celtic Druids, 189f

Celtic languages, 96f, 97

cemeteries, 207f, 207–208, 208f

cenotes, 86

censorship, 12–13, 42

Census of the United States web site, 146

census tracts, 303

Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage web site, 55

Central American Integration System (SICA), 156, 158t

central business districts (CBDs), 302

centralization, urban, 305–307, 306f

centralized government, 174

centralizing forces, 305

central place(s), 293

central-place theory, 293f, 293–295, 294f

Centre for Urban History web site, 328

centrifugal forces, 155

centripetal forces, 155

Chacko, Elizabeth, 144

Chad, legal code in, 200

chain of explanation, 165–166

chain migration, 133, 133m, 135

channelization, 135

chapel, in place names, 210

Charlotte, North Carolina, 310f

Chauncey, George, 312

Chechnya (Ichkeria), 172

checkerboard development, 309–310

checkerboard villages, 84f, 85, 86–87, 87f

Chengdu, China, heat island in, 315f

Chennai, India, 267, 268f

Chernobyl nuclear accident, 265, 265m

Cheyenne, Wyoming, 43

Chicago, Illinois, 128, 129m, 290, 306, 306f, 317–318, 318f

Chicanos, 123, 128, 140, 141, 141m, 142, 142f

Chichén Itzá, Mexico, 284f

Chile, national territory of, 152, 153m


agriculture in, 22f, 217, 218, 218f, 224, 225

burial places and, 207

as center of plant domestication, 228

Cultural Revolution in, 193

emerging markets in, 268, 269m

emigration from, 132, 132f

ethnic groups in, 122, 123m

famine in, 240

globalization and, 47

Great Leap Forward in, 240

Great Wall of, 174, 174f

Hong Kong’s return to, 131

human trafficking in, 83

imperialism of, 108

industrial landscapes in, 273f, 273–274

industry in, 259, 260, 260t, 261

Internet censorship in, 12

Kyoto Protocol and, 264

language spoken in, 97, 97t

national territory of, 161

North American immigrants from, 130, 131

one-child policy in, 67, 82–83, 83f

population of, 59, 60t, 72t, 73

religion in, 186, 188, 189, 191, 192–193, 194

resource consumption by, 80

rural settlement patterns in, 84, 85

terraced cultural landscape in, 22f

territorial structure of, 154

urbanization in, 281, 283, 286, 292

writing in, 108

Chinese-Americans, 128, 128f, 141, 141m

Chinese Communist Party, 193

Chinese language, 94m–95m, 104, 104t, 109, 109f, 111

Chinese people, color and, 143, 143f

Chiquita, 219

cholera, spread of, 77, 78m

Cholula, Mexico, pyramid, 194

Chongqing (Chungking), China, 17, 18m

Christaller, Walter, 293–295

Christianity, 183–186, 184f, 185m. See also specific churches

burial places and, 208

in China, 194

culture hearth shared with Islam and Judaism, 183–184, 186, 190–191, 192m

demand for wine and, 197

diffusion of, 191, 192m

divisions in, 184–185, 185f, 185m

origin and diffusion of, 190m

orthodox, 181

sacred spaces of, 194, 194f

water in, 206, 207

Christopher, A. J., 297, 298

Chungking (Chongqing), China, 17, 18m

church buildings, 203–204, 204f–206f

Cincinnati, Ohio, 316m

cities, 301–328. See also entries beginning with term urban; specific cities

central-place theory and, 293f, 293–295, 294f

cosmomagical, 283, 283f

downtowns of. See downtowns

edge (galactic), 323–324

environmental racism in, 138f, 138m, 138–139

ethnic landscapes in, 142f, 142–144, 143f

ethnic neighborhoods in, 127, 128f, 128–129, 129m

gateway, 130t, 130–131

global, 286

globalization of, 286–287, 287m

globalizing, 287, 295–296

height restrictions in, 172, 172f

images (mental maps) of, 323

international, 286, 287m

natural disasters and, 290, 291f, 292

origin of, 280–287

as palimpsests, 322

primate, 280

rise of, models for, 281–282

urban skyline as symbolic landscape, 24, 24f

cityscapes, symbolic, 322f, 322–323

Clay, Jason, 246

clean air movement, 163–164

Clearances, 75

cleavage(s), 158

cleavage model, 171m, 171–172


change in, 232, 263–264, 290, 290m

cities and, 314–315, 315f, 316m

population ecology and, 78–79

clustering, 306, 308

The Clustering of America (Weiss), 34

CNN, 34

Coalbrookdale, England, 256–257

coal mining, 80, 257

Coca-Cola, 36

Cohen, Saul Bernard, 176

colonialism, 152, 169. See also imperialism

agricultural diffusion and, 228–230, 229f, 230m, 231m

political innovation and, 162–163, 163m


ethnicity and, 142–143, 143f

national, Dutch, 175

religion and, 206, 206f

Colorado River, 235, 292, 292f

Colten, Craig E., 299

Columbus, Christopher, 183

commemorative toponyms, 113, 113t

commendatory toponyms, 113t

commercial agriculture, 217

commercialization process, 52

commercial strips, 51–52

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), 269

communication media, 12, 15, 40, 306. See also Internet; social media

communication services, 253

communications barriers, 42

Comoros, national territory of, 152

concentric-zone model, 238, 317f, 317–318, 318m

confluence sites, 290, 290f, 291f

Confucianism, 188, 189, 191–192, 193

Congo, Democratic Republic of (DRC), 133, 134f, 152, 162

Constantinople (Istanbul), Turkey, 184, 196, 314

consumer nationalism, 47

consumer services, 254–256, 255f, 255m


landscapes of, 51

mass, environmental impact of, 45–46

urbanization and, 292

contact conversion, 191

contagious diffusion, 10f, 11, 11m

containment policy, 167

convergence hypothesis, 47


Conzen, Michael P., 27

cool chains, 238

Coptic (Eastern) Christians, 108

Coptic Church, 184

core(s), of formal culture regions, 6

core area, 161

movement between periphery and, 162m, 162–165

core-periphery pattern, 6, 162

corn, as ethanol source, 236

Corn Belt, 220

Cornish people, in Wisconsin, 136, 136m

Cosgrove, Denis, 24, 27

cosmomagical cities, 283, 283f

Costa, Lúcio, 143

Costa Rica, 219f

cottage industry, 256

cotton textile, 256

country music, 36–37, 38m

Crabgrass Frontier (Jackson), 309

cremations, wood required for, 197, 197f

creole languages, 96

Croat(s), 171

Croatia, 133, 171

Cross, John, 235

crowding, 81–82

crude birthrate, 61, 61m

crude death rate, 63, 63m

Crutcher, Michael E., Jr., 328

Cuban-American immigrants, 136, 144

cult(s), 180

cultivation. See agriculture; entries beginning with term agricultural

cultural adaptation, 17

cultural diffusion, 10–16, 40–44. See also immigration; migration

advertising and, 42

agricultural. See agricultural diffusion

communications barriers and, 42

definition of, 10

economic. See industry and service diffusion

ethnicity and, 132–135

in folk culture, 40, 40m

globalization and, 13–16, 14m–15m, 16f

innovation acceptance and, 13

of language. See linguistic diffusion

political. See political diffusion

in popular culture, 40–44, 41f, 43m, 44m

religious. See religious diffusion

types of, 10f, 10–13, 11m

urban. See urban cultural diffusion

cultural ecology, 16–20, 44–46

agricultural. See agricultural ecology

definition of, 16

environmental perception and, 19f, 19–20

ethnicity and. See ethnic ecology

ethnomedicine and, 44–45, 45m

of folk culture, 44–45, 45m

humans-as-modifiers view and, 20, 20f

industrial-economic. See industrial-economic ecology

language and. See linguistic ecology

of music, 46–47

political. See political ecology

of popular culture, 45–46, 46f

population. See population ecology

possibilism and, 17, 18m, 19

religious. See religious ecology

of urban location. See urban ecology

Cultural Geographies, 27

cultural geography. See also

settlement landscapes

definition of, 2, 3

themes in, 4. See also cultural diffusion; cultural ecology; cultural interaction; cultural landscapes; culture regions

cultural interaction, 20–22, 46–48

agricultural. See agricultural cultural interaction

definition of, 20

ethnic. See ethnic cultural interaction

in folk culture, 46

globalization and, 46–48

humanistic geography and, 22

industrial-economic. See industrial-economic cultural interaction

with language. See cultural-linguistic interaction

place images and, 47–48

political. See political-cultural interaction

in popular culture, 46–48

population patterns and, 81–83

in religion, 197–203

social science (modernist) view of, 21f, 21–22

in urban geography. See urban cultural interaction

cultural landscapes, 22f–25f, 22–26, 48–54

agricultural component of. See agricultural landscapes

aspects of, 25f, 25–26, 26f

of consumption, 51

definition of, 22

demographic. See settlement landscapes

ethnic. See ethnic landscapes

folk, 48–51, 48f–51f

industrial-economic, 271–274, 271f–274f

linguistic. See linguistic landscapes

political. See political landscapes

popular, 51–54, 52f, 54f

religious. See religious landscapes

settlement. See settlement landscapes

urban. See urban cultural landscapes

cultural-linguistic interaction, 106–111

cultural survival and, 109–110, 110f, 110m

empire and, 108–109

religion and, 106, 108

technology and, 108, 108m, 109, 109f, 110–111

cultural maladaptation, 137

cultural preadaptation, 136m, 136–137

Cultural Revolution (China), 193

cultural simplification, 135


definition of, 2

ethnicity based on, 122

forces affecting, 3m, 3–4

population distribution and, 81–82

survival of, language and, 109–110, 110f, 110m

culture hearths, 190

shared by Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, 183–184, 186, 190–191, 192m

culture regions, 4–9, 32–39

agricultural. See agricultural regions

definition of, 4

demographic. See demographic regions

economic, 252–256, 253f, 254m, 255f, 255m

ethnic. See ethnic culture regions

folk, 32f, 32–33, 33f

formal, 4f, 4–6

functional, 6–8, 7f, 7m

linguistic. See linguistic culture regions

political. See political culture regions

popular, 33–37, 34f, 35m, 36m, 37f, 38m

religious, 181, 182m, 183m, 183–189

social, 302, 303, 303f, 304f

urban. See urban culture regions

vernacular, 8f, 8–9, 9f, 37, 39, 39m

Curran, Claude, 195

Cushite people, 98

cybergeography, 12–13

Czechia (Czech Republic), 171

Czech people, 128

Dacca, Bangladesh, 280t

dairying, 222

Dallas, Texas, 327

Daly City, California, 130t

Danbala, 180, 181

Danish Grundlovs Fest (Dannebrog, Nebraska), 119

Dannebrog, Nebraska, 119

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 224

Davis, Mike, 299, 326–327

death rates

crude, 63, 63m

demographic transition and, 65, 67, 67f, 68m, 69m

Deccan Plateau, 106

decentralization, urban, 307f, 307–310, 308f, 310f

decentralizing forces, 305

defensive sites, 289f, 289–290


of Amazon, 292

of Haiti, 80, 81f

industrialization and, 261, 261f, 262m

deindustrialization, 258–259, 259m, 311

Delhi, India, 138f, 280t

Democratic Party candidates in United States, 159–161, 160m, 161m

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), 133, 134f, 152, 162

demographic divide, 67

demographic regions, 58–74

age distributions and, 67–70, 70f, 71f

demographic transition and, 65, 67, 67f, 68m, 69m

dependency ratio and, 73

formal, 60

gender and, 70–71

living standard and, 71–72, 73m

mortality and, 63m, 63–65, 64m

natality and, 61m, 61–63, 62m

natural decrease and, 72

population distribution and density and, 58m–59m, 59–60, 60t, 72t, 72–73

population doubling time and, 73–74

population explosion and, 65, 66f

population growth rate and, 73

demographic transition, 65, 67, 67f, 68m, 69m

demut, 31

Denmark, wind power in, 266

Denver, Colorado, 6f

dependency ratio, 73

depopulation, 88

Depp, Johnny, 53

descriptive toponyms, 113, 113t

Deseret, 126

desertification, 233–234, 234f, 235m

Detroit, Michigan, 130t, 317f

developed regions, 250, 280


developing regions, 250

globalizing cities in, 295–296

Kyoto Protocol and, 264

urbanization in, 279, 279f, 280


economic, 250–252, 251m, 252f

HDI and, 14–15, 14m–15m, 72, 250, 252f

stages of, 15

uneven, 15

Devi, 187

dharma, 187

Dharmic religions, 188

Dhofar people, 106

dialects, 95–96, 98–101, 99m, 100m

Diaspora, 183

Dicken, Peter, 270, 275

Dictionary of American Regional English web site, 116

Diesel, Rudolf, 236


cultural. See cultural diffusion

of disease, 76–78, 77f, 78m, 79m

in population geography, 74–78

discrimination, racial, 122


diffusion of, 76–78, 77f, 78m, 79m

HIV/AIDS, 64, 64m, 77, 79m

mad cow, 241–242, 242f

plagues, 76, 77f, 195, 196f

population ecology and, 79–80

dismal essay, 65, 66f

Disney World, 52

dispersed settlement form, 25, 25f

districts, urban, 323

dogtrot houses, 48f, 49, 49f

Doha, Qatar, 264

Dole, 219

Dome of the Rock, 208, 209f

domesticated animals, 228

domesticated plants, 227

Dominican Republic, 81f, 82

Domosh, Mona, 27, 90

Dongguan, China, 273f

double-cropping, 217

Dowling, Robyn, 328

downtowns, 302, 302f, 306, 308, 323–324

Drakakis-Smith, David, 280

Dravidian language family, 94m–95m, 103, 110

DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo), 133, 134f, 152, 162

drift voyages, 102

drink, popular culture regions and, 35, 36m

Druids, 189f

Dublin, Ireland, 132

Duncan, James, 323

Duncan, Nancy, 323

dust domes, 315, 316m

Dutch Calvinist ethnic island, 140m, 140–141

dwellings. See houses and housing

Earickson, Robert J., 90

Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System (EDDMapS) web site, 246

early global encounters, 14


in Haiti, 19, 19f, 290, 292

in Japan, 19, 19f

East Africa, 98, 132, 223. See also specific countries

East Asia, 98, 188, 191–193, 193f, 223. See also specific countries

Easter Island, 98, 101

Eastern Christians, 184

Eastern Europe, 70, 132. See also Europe; specific countries

Eastern Orthodox Christianity, 184, 184f, 196, 205

East Indies, deforestation in, 261

East Los Angeles, California, 130t, 140, 179f

East Timor, 152

economic development, 250–252, 251m, 252f

Economic Geography, 275

economic geography, political imprint on, 172

economics, 249–274. See also entries beginning with terms economic and industrial

agriculture and, 236–237

cultural landscapes and, 271–274, 271f–274f

gentrification and, 310–311, 311f

population density and, 82

religion and, 197–198

urban centralization and, 305–306

urban decentralization and, 307–308

ecosystem, 16–17

ecotheology, 195–197, 197f

ecotourism, 266

Ecuador, 64–65

EDDMapS (Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System) web site, 246

Eden Shopping Center (Fairfax, Virginia), 313, 313f

edge(s), urban, 323

edge cities, 323–324

EEZs (exclusive economic zones), 226, 226m


burial places in, 207, 207f

folk fortresses of, 166

legal code in, 200

population density of, 72t

urbanization in, 281

writing in, 108

electoral geography, 158–159, 159m, 160m

women’s suffrage and, 163, 164m

elevation, population ecology and, 79

Eliade, Mircea, 209

elitist landscapes, 53f, 53–54, 54f

El Salvador, refugees from, 133

emerging industries, protection of, 269

emerging markets, 268

Emirates Palace Hotel (Abu Dhabi, UAE), 53f

emoticons, 111

employment, ethnicity and, 141m, 141–142

EMRs (extended metropolitan regions), 295–296

enclaves, 152, 153m

endangered languages, 109–110, 110f, 110m

Enduring Voices web site, 116


biofuels and, 236

consumption in developed vs. developing world, 280

nuclear, 19, 172, 265, 265m

wind, 266

Engels, Friedrich, 65, 66f

England. See also Great Britain; United Kingdom

border with Scotland, 174

coalfields of, population of, 80

deindustrialization in, 259

industrial revolution in, 256

mill towns in, 272

rural settlement patterns in, 85

English language, 97, 97t, 104t, 109f

dialects of, 99–100, 100m

diffusion of, 101, 108–109

in Ireland, 112

as language of globalization, 104

as lingua franca, 96, 108–109

predominance on Internet, 109, 109f

slang words in, 100–101

texting and, 111

English people, in Wisconsin, 136, 136m

Ensminger, Robert F., 55

environmental alteration, population density and, 80, 81f

environmental destruction

caused by warfare, 167–168, 168f

in Haiti, 80, 81f

swidden cultivation and, 216

environmental determinism, 17

environmental perception, 19, 80

environmental quality, in cities, 280

environmental racism, 138f, 138m, 138–139

environmental sustainability, 266, 266m

Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI), 266, 266m

Environment and Urbanization, 300

EPZs (export processing zones), 270, 270f, 270m, 295–296

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 163, 164m

ERA (Equal Rights Amendment), 163, 164m

ESI (Environmental Sustainability Index), 266, 266m

Eskimo people, 78

Esposito, John, 210

An Essay on the Principle of Population (Malthus), 65, 66f

Estaville, Lawrence E., Jr., 147

Estonia, 70, 135, 170

ethanol, 35, 36m, 236

Ethiopia, 106–107, 163, 165

Ethiopian-Americans, 143f, 143–144

ethnic cleansing, 82, 133

ethnic cultural interaction, 139m, 139–142

business activity and, 140m, 140–141

employment type and, 141m, 141–142

ethnic culture regions, 124m, 124–132, 302–303

ethnic homelands and ethnic islands as, 124–127, 125m, 126m

ethnic neighborhoods and ghettos as, 127f, 127m, 127–129, 128f, 129m

recent shifts in, 129m–131m, 129–132, 130t, 131t, 132f

ethnic ecology, 135–139

cultural preadaptation and, 136m, 136–137

environmental racism and, 138f, 138m, 138–139

habitat and preservation of difference and, 137m, 137–138

ethnic flags, 142, 142f

ethnic geography, 123–124

Ethnic Geography Specialty Group web site, 146

ethnic groups, 122–124, 135. See also specific groups

ethnic homelands, 124–127, 125m, 126m

ethnic islands, 125, 127, 136, 136m

business activity and, 140m, 140–141


cultural simplification and isolation and, 135

definition of, 121

identification of, 130

migration and, 132–135, 133m, 134f, 134m

ethnic landscapes, 142f, 142–146

culinary, 145f, 145–146, 146m

re-creation of, 144f, 144–145


urban, 142f, 142–144, 143f

ethnic neighborhoods, 127, 128f, 128–129, 129m

new, immigrant, 312–314, 313f, 313m

ethnic religions, 180. See also Judaism

ethnic separatism, 154, 169–170, 170m, 171m, 171–172

ethnic substrates, 126m, 126–127

ethnoburbs, 129, 129m, 313

ethnographic boundaries, 153

Ethnologue, 109–110

web site of, 116

ethnomedicine, 44–45, 45m

Etruscan people, 126

EU. See European Union (EU)

Eurasia. See also Asia; Europe; specific countries

agriculture in, 222–223

climate of, 78

heartland theory and, 166–167, 167m

population density of, 59, 60

population ecology in, 79

Europe. See also Eastern Europe; Western Europe; specific countries

agriculture in, 213, 218, 222, 244, 244f

Black Death in, 76

coalfields of, population of, 80

deindustrialization in, 259, 259m

electoral geography of, 158, 159m

environmental sustainability in, 266

flooding in, 290

forests of, clearing of, 234, 234f

formal culture regions of, 5, 5m

immigration to U.S. from, 312

industrial revolution in, 257, 258

languages spoken in, 97

North American immigrants from, 128

producer services in, 254

railroads in, 257m

religion in, 191, 192m, 203, 203m

rural settlement patterns in, 84, 85, 85f, 86

states in, 151

total fertility rate in, 62

urbanization in, 278–279, 280, 292

European Union (EU), 155, 157m

agriculture in, 221

beef demand in, 242

death rate in, 65

as free-trade bloc, 268

web site of, 176

evangelical churches, 201, 201f

Evans, E. Estyn, 48

Ewald, Ursula, 239

exclaves, 152, 153m

exclusive economic zones (EEZs), 226, 226m

expansion diffusion, 10f, 10–12, 13m

of disease, 76

of languages, 101

of religion, 190–191

exploration, agricultural diffusion and, 228–230, 229f, 230m, 231m

export processing zones (EPZs), 270, 270f, 270m, 295–296

extended metropolitan regions (EMRs), 295–296

extensive agriculture, 215

extinct languages, 109–110, 110f, 110m

factory buildings, 272, 272f, 273f

famine, 239m, 239–240

Faneuil Hall (Boston, Massachusetts), 326, 326f

FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization) web site, 246

FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), 88

Fargo, North Dakota, 130t

farming. See agriculture; entries beginning with term agricultural

farmsteads, 84, 84f, 86, 86f

farm subsidies, 269

farm villages, 84f, 84–86, 85f, 281

farm workers’ toxic exposures, 138–139

Farsi language, 108

fast food, 36, 38m

Federal Housing Administration (FHA), 309

federalism, 172

Federal Road Act of 1916, 308

federal states, 154

feedlots, 220

fencing, 244, 245f

feng shui, 195

Ferndale, California, 322f

Fertile Crescent, 228

fertility rate, total, 61–63, 62m, 65, 66f

festival settings, 326, 326f

FHA (Federal Housing Administration), 309

Fiat, 260m

field pattern, 242

Fiji, 108

Finland, 76f, 169

Finnish-Americans, 136, 136m

Finnish language, 98

fire ants, diffusion of, 230, 230m

fishing, excessive, 261–262

fishing villages, 271–272, 272f

Five Pillars of Islam, 186, 200

flooding, cities and, 290, 315

Florida, 106, 130, 136, 141–142, 274f, 312

folk, 30–31

folk architecture, 48f, 48–49

folk cultures, 30m, 30–31, 218

cultural interaction in, 46

cultural landscapes of, 48–51, 48f–51f

culture regions and, 32f, 32–33, 33f

definition of, 31

diffusion in, 40, 40m

ecology of, 44–45, 45m

folk fortresses, 166, 166m

folk geography, 31

folk islands. See ethnic islands

folk medicine, ecology and, 44–45, 45m


ethnic culinary landscapes and, 145f, 145–146, 146m

folk culture regions and, 33

popular culture regions and, 35–36, 37f, 38m

vulnerability of food system and, 240–242, 242f

world supply of, 239m, 239–242, 242f

Food: Past and Present web site, 146

Food First web site, 246

foodways, 145f, 145–146, 146m

Foote, Kenneth E., 27

footloose industries, 267

Forbidden City (Beijing, China), 283

forced migrants, 74–75. See also involuntary migration

Forced Migration Online web site, 176

Ford, Henry, 236

Ford, Larry, 328

Ford Motor Company, 260m

formal culture regions, 4f, 4–6

formal demographic regions, 60

Formosan language, 135

fragmented farms, 242–243, 243m


folk fortresses of, 166, 166m

hedging in, 244

immigrants to, 132

imperialism of, 108, 108m, 163, 169

industry in, 260m, 260t

Jews in, 183

national territory of, 152, 153m, 161

nuclear energy in, 172

population growth in, 81

religion in, 203

territorial structure of, 154

Francis of Assisi, Saint, 196

Franglais (Franglish), 101

Frankfurt, Germany, 290

free-trade blocs, 268

Freidberg, Susanne, 224

Fremont, California, 130t

French-Canadians, 48f, 49, 126, 128

French language, 104, 104t, 108–109, 109f

French Riviera, 53

fuels, green, 236

Fuji, Mount, 195

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant accident, 19, 265

functional culture regions, 6–8, 7f, 7m

functional zonation, 321

fundamentalism, 181

Gabarone, Botswana, 287

Gabriel (Jibrail), angel, 186

Gade, Daniel, 53

Gaeilge language, 112

Gaeltachts, 112

galactic cities, 323–324

Gale, Fay, 2

Gambella relocation, 165

Gambia, The, 152, 153m

Ganesha, 187, 187f

Ganges River, 194, 200

gang-related graffiti, 112, 112f

Gaobu Town, China, 249f

garment industry, in China, 261

Garreau, Joel, 323–324

gated communities, 326, 327f

gateway cities, 130t, 130–131

gays, gentrification and, 312

GDP (gross domestic product), 250, 251m

Geechee people, 106, 137–138

gender, 87–88. See also sex ratio

Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 90

gender roles, 70–71

General Motors Company, 260m

generic toponyms, U.S., 114–115

genetically modified (GM) crops, 240, 241m

genocide, Rwandan, 167–168, 168f, 170

Genographic Project, 132–133

gentleman farms, 54, 54f

gentrification, 310–312, 311f

geodemography. See population geography

Geoforum, 275

geography, definition of, 2

geomancy, 195

geometric boundaries, 153

Geopolitics, 176

geopolitics, 166

Georgia, 106


German-Americans, 122, 141

German Heritage Days (McCook, Nebraska), 119

Germanic languages, 94m–95m, 96f, 97

German language, 97t, 104, 104t, 108, 109f, 135


acid rain in, 262–263

agriculture in, 244f

functional culture regions in, 7m, 7–8

highway system in, 174

immigrants to, 76f, 132

industry in, 257, 260m, 260t

Jews in, 183

as nation-state, 169

North American immigrants from, 128

nuclear energy in, 172

Polish deportation to, 134

population growth in, 81

potash mining in, 271f

rail network in, 174

reunification of, 154, 154f

territorial structure of, 154

wind power in, 266

gerrymandering, 159, 160m

Ghana, 16f

ghettos, 127f, 127–128

Gibbs, David, 299–300

GI Bill, 309

Gibson, Mel, 53

Gilbert, Emily, 320

glaciers, shrinking of, 263

Glasmeier, Amy, 267

Glassie, Henry, 55

Glenmary Research Center web site, 210

global cities, 286

global climate change, 232, 263–264, 290, 291m, 292


of cities, 286–287, 287m

cultural change and, 270–271

cultural diffusion and, 13–16, 14m–16m, 16f

definition of, 13

homogenization by, 47

language and, 104

religion and, 201–203, 202m, 203m

Globalization and World Cities web site, 299

globalizing cities, 287, 295–296

Global Policy Forum web site, 275

global warming, 20, 263

GM (genetically modified) crops, 240, 241m

Godfrey, Brian, 47–48

Gordon, Eric, 12

Gottlieb, Roger S., 210

Gottmann, Jean, 323

Goudie, Andrew, 27

governmental policies

decentralization and suburbanization and, 308–309

economics and, 268–270, 270f, 270m

gentrification and, 312

population geography and, 82

Graff, Thomas, 42

graffiti, gang-related, 112, 112f

grain farming, 217–218, 218f, 221f, 221–222, 222f, 231

Granite Falls, Washington, 193f

gravestone art, 32–33

Gray Power, 34, 35, 35m

Great Britain. See also England; Scotland; United Kingdom; Wales

age distribution in, 69

hedging in, 244

imperialism of, 108, 108m

industrial landscapes in, 273, 273f

industry in, 256–257, 267

mad cow disease in, 241–242, 242f

Great Chicago Fire, 317

Great Lakes, 290

Great Leap Forward, 240

Great Mosque (Touba, Senegal), 199f

Great Plains (United States), 195, 234–235

Great Salt Lake, 271f

Great Wall of China, 174, 174f

Greece, 76f, 169

Greek Festival (Bridgeport, Nebraska), 119

Greek Orthodox Church, 184, 184f, 209–210

Greek people, 128, 143, 143f

Green(s), 266

greenbelts, 323–324

green fuels, 236

greenhouse effect, 263–264

greenhouse gases, 20

Greenland, Petermann Glacier in, 263

Greenpeace, 266

green revolution, 229–230

green villages, 84f, 85

Grigg, David B., 246

Gritzner, Charles F., 55

gross domestic product (GDP), 250, 251m

gross value added (GVA), 259–260

groundwater, depletion of, 232

Group Areas Act (South Africa), 297

Guangzhou, China, 280t

guaranteed minimum prices, 269

Guatemala, 68, 73, 133

guild industry, 256

Gullah people, 106, 137–138

Gumilev, Leo, 3

Guthman, Julie, 235

GVA (gross value added), 259–260


modification of, religion and, 195–197, 197f

preservation of difference and, 137m, 137–138

Hadrian’s Wall, 174

Hägerstrand, Torsten, 10, 13


earthquake in, 19, 19f, 290, 292

environmental destruction in, 80, 81f

religion in, 180, 181f

restriction of migration from, 82

Hall, Colin M., 275

Halvorson, Peter L., 210

Hamitic languages, 94m–95m, 98, 106

hamlets, 242, 293

Han Chinese people, 97, 122, 123m, 135

Hanoi, North Vietnam, 295, 296

Hanson, Susan, 320

Harney Basin, Oregon, 33f

Harries, Keith, 140

Harrington, James W., 275

Harris, Chauncey, 319–320, 323–324

Harris, Cole, 135

Harvard University, 254

Harvey, David, 275, 328

Hawaii, 48, 98, 101, 130, 130t

Hayden, Dolores, 328

hazardscapes, 265

HDI (Human Development Index), 14–15, 14m–15m, 72, 250, 252f

heartland, 166

heartland theory, 166–167, 167m

heat islands, 314, 315f

Hebrew language, 98, 106, 108

Hecock, Richard, 52

hedging, 244

Henderson, Martha L., 146

Herb, Guntram H., 176

Herman, R. D. K., 115

Hialeah, Florida, 130, 130t

hierarchical diffusion, 10f, 10–11, 11m

religious spread by, 190–191, 192m

hierophany, 209

high-tech corridors, 254, 274, 274f, 325

highway systems, central authority and, 174

Himalayan Mountains, 106

Hinduism, 180, 186–187, 187f, 188f

cremation and, 197, 197f, 207

divisions in, 187

ecotheology and, 196

origin and diffusion of, 190m, 191

orthodox, 181

as parent of Buddhism, 187

pilgrimages and, 199, 200

sacred spaces of, 194

temples of, 204f, 204–205, 205f

yoga and meditation and, 201

Hindu language, 97t

hinterland, 294

hip-hop music, 46–47

Hippocrates, 76

Hispanic-Americans, 129m, 129–130, 130t, 138, 140

Hispaniola. See Dominican Republic; Haiti

Hispano homeland, 125–126

Hitchcock, Susan Tyler, 210

Hitler, Adolf, 174

HIV/AIDS, 64, 64m, 77, 79m

Hobbs, Joseph, 208

hogan, 51f

Holland. See Netherlands

Holloway, Sarah, 12

Holocaust, 183


ethnic, 124–127, 125m, 126m

return migration to, 135

homelessness, 304–305, 305m

Honda Motor Company, 260m

Hong Kong, 195, 196f, 306

Filipina migration to, 87

as international city, 286

population density of, 72t

return to China, 131

Honolulu, Hawaii, 130t

Hopkins, Jeffrey, 52, 324

Horvath, Ronald, 239

houses and housing

folk culture regions and, 33, 33f

gated communities and, 326, 327f

governmental policies and, 309

log, 26

master-planned communities and, 325–326

in North America, 48f–51f, 49

public, 309

size of, 80

in sub-Saharan Africa, 50–51, 51f

as symbolic landscape, 24–25, 25f

of worship, 203–206, 204f–206f

Houston, Texas, 327

Hoyt, Homer, 318–319

HPI (Human Poverty Index), 72

Huang, Yefang, 286

Huang Ho (Yellow) River valley, 282

Hugill, Peter J., 27

Human Development Index (HDI), 14–15, 14m–15m, 72, 250, 252f

humanistic geography, 22

Human Poverty Index (HPI), 72

Hungarian language, 98

hunger, worldwide, 239m, 239–240

hunting and gathering, 226, 281

hurricane(s), cities and, 290

Hurricane Katrina, 19

Hutu people, 133, 134f

hybrid seeds, 230

hydraulic civilization model, 281

Hyundai Kia Automotive Group, 260m

I Am religion, 195

Iceland, 59, 72t, 86f, 132

Icelanders, in Wisconsin, 136, 136m

Ichkeria (Chechnya), 172

Illinois, 266, 312

immigration. See also specific groups and countries

employment type and, 141, 141m

ethnic neighborhoods and, 312–314, 313f, 313m

immigrant vs. indigenous groups and, 122–123

laws governing, 129

to Nebraska, 119–120, 120f

to North America, 121t, 129m–131m, 129–132, 130t

undocumented, 129

to U.S., origins of, 120, 120f

U.S. urban residential areas and, 303

to western Europe, 132

imperialism. See also colonialism

cities and, 285, 285m

language and, 108m, 108–109

import duties, 269

incident related toponyms, 113t

independent invention, 10


agriculture in, 223f, 230

burial places and, 207, 207f

cholera in, 77

division from Pakistan, 153

emerging markets in, 268

environmental sustainability in, 266

film industry of, 40–41, 41f

industry in, 259, 260t

Kyoto Protocol and, 264

languages spoken in, 97, 104, 110

linguistic migration in, 106

multiethnicity of, 169

North American immigrants from, 130

population of, 59, 60t, 73

producer services in, 253

religion in, 186, 196, 197, 197f

resource consumption by, 80

rural settlement patterns in, 84, 86

sacred cows in, 198

toponyms in, 115, 115m

urbanization in, 279

Indian Ocean, 106

Indic languages, 94m–95m, 96f, 97

indigenous groups, 122–123

Indo-European language family, 94m–95m, 97, 97t, 101, 102m, 103, 106, 107m, 108, 108m


blowgun invention on, 43

immigration to, 75, 132

industry in, 260t

Islam in, 186, 191

languages spoken in, 98, 101

legal code in, 200

national territory of, 152, 153m

population of, 60t

tsunami in, 290

Indus-Ganges hearth, 191

Indus River valley, 282, 285

industrial and service regions, 252–256, 253f, 254m, 255f, 255m

industrial-economic cultural interaction, 267–271

industrialization, globalization, and cultural change and, 270–271

labor supply and, 267, 268f

markets and, 267–268, 268m

politics and, 268–270, 270f, 270m

industrial-economic ecology, 261–266

acid rain and, 262–263, 263m

environmental sustainability and, 266, 266m

global climate change and, 232, 263–264

ozone depletion and, 264

radioactive pollution and, 264–265, 265m

renewable resource crises and, 261f, 261–262, 262m

industrial-economic landscapes, 271–274, 271f–274f

industrialization, 250

cultural change and, 270–271

demographic transition and, 65, 67, 67f, 68m, 69m

population density and, 82

industrial parks, 308

industrial revolution, 256–257, 257m, 258m


infant, protection of, 269

labor-intensive, 267

primary, 252, 253f

secondary, 252, 254m

industry and service diffusion, 256–261

industrial revolution and, 256–257, 257m, 258m

locational shifts of secondary industry and deindustrialization and, 258–261, 259m, 260m, 260t

Indus Valley, cities of, 283

infant industries, protection of, 269

infant mortality rate, 71–72, 73m

in-filling, 310

innovation, 10

intensive agriculture, 214–215

Inter-American Development Bank web site, 275

intercropping, 216

intergovernmental organizations, 155, 156m, 156–157, 157m, 158t

internally displaced persons (IDPs), 88, 134, 134f

International Boundary News Archive web site, 176

international cities, 286, 287m

International Food Policy Research Institute web site, 246

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 300

international organizations, 155–157, 156m, 157m, 158t


Arab Spring and, 164

cultural diffusion and, 12–13, 15

language and, 108, 109, 109f, 110–111

Occupy Wall Street movement and, 165

religion on, 201

interracial marriage, 122

Interstate Highway Act of 1956, 308–309

intertillage, 216

Inuit people, 4f, 78, 172, 226

Inuktitut language, 94m–95m, 106, 110

involuntary migration, 82, 133–134, 134f, 134m

Iowa, wind power in, 266

Iquitos, Peru, 290

Iran, 12, 42, 108, 134, 134m, 200

Iranic languages, 94m–95m, 96f, 97

Iraq, 98, 108, 281, 282–283

Ireland, 81, 112, 128, 172, 239–240, 244

Irish-Americans, employment type of, 141

Irish language, 112

Irish people, color and, 143

Iron Curtain, 154

irrigation, 218, 232, 233f, 281

Ise, Japan, 200

Islam, 186, 186f. See also Muslims

burial places and, 207, 207f

culture hearth shared with Christianity and Judaism, 183–184, 186, 190–191, 192m

diffusion of, 191

divisions in, 186

Dome of the Rock and, 208, 209f

mosques of, 204, 206, 206f

origin and diffusion of, 190m

orthodox, 181

pilgrimages and, 199, 200

pork taboo in, 197

sharia and, 186, 200

water in, 206–207

Islamic fundamentalist regime of Iran, 42

islands, preservation of difference and, 137–138

isoglosses, 99, 99m

isolated farmsteads, 84f, 86, 86f

Israel, 98, 106, 108, 149f, 183

Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey, 184, 196, 314

Itaim Paulista, Brazil, 291f

Italian-Americans, 128, 141, 141m


age distribution in, 68

immigrants in, 76f

industry in, 260m, 260t

North American immigrants from, 128, 141, 141m

personal space in, 81

population growth in, 81

total fertility rate in, 68

Jackson, Kenneth, 309

Jackson, Mississippi, 130t

Jackson, Peter, 47

Jainism, 187, 188, 196, 200

Jakarta, Indonesia, 280t, 287

Jakle, John, 51–52

Jamestown, Virginia, 53


beef demand in, 242

flag of, 175

Fukushima nuclear accident and, 19, 265

funding for Hanoi from, 296

immigrants from, 130, 132

immigration to, 76f, 87–88

industrial revolution in, 257, 258

industry in, 260, 260m, 260t, 267

Kyoto Protocol and, 264

as nation-state, 169

paddy rice farming in, 217

population of, 60t, 72t

religion in, 188, 191, 193

rural settlement patterns in, 84, 86


2011 earthquake and tsunami in, 19, 19f

urbanization in, 292

Japanese and Korean language family, 94m–95m, 97t, 98

Japanese language, 97t, 109f

Jarmo, Iraq, 281

Jefferson, Thomas, 173

Jersey City, New Jersey, 323

Jesus, 184

Jeter, Helen Rankin, 321

Jett, Stephen, 43, 113

Jews. See also Judaism

employment type of, 141

as ethnic group, 122

forced migration of, 74–75

Hebrew language and, 98, 106, 108

as North American immigrants, 128

orthodox, in Miami, 127

as urban ethnic group, 128

Johannessen, Carl, 227

Johnson, James, 135

Johnson, Steven, 90

Jones, Steve, 12

Jordan, Terry G., 55, 146

Jordan River, 194, 194f

Journal of Agrarian Change, 247

Journal of Cultural Geography, 27

Journal of Economic Geography, 275

Journal of Popular Culture, 55

Journal of Rural Studies, 247

Journal of Transport Geography, 275

Judaism, 183. See also Jews

culture hearth shared with Christianity and Islam, 183–184, 186, 190–191, 192m

orthodox, 181

pork taboo in, 197

synagogues of, 204

water in, 206, 207

Western Wall and, 208, 209f

Judeo-Christian tradition, 184, 195–196, 196f

Kalahari Desert, 110

Kalingrad District, 152, 153m

kami, 189

Kampala, Uganda, 224

Kaplan, David H., 176

Karachi, Pakistan, 280t

karma, 187

Kashmir Valley, India, 223f

Kaups, Matti E., 146

Kay, Jeanne, 46

Kazakhstan, 232

Keil, Roger, 299

Kentucky Bluegrass Basin, 54, 54f

Kentucky Fried Chicken, 36

Kenya, 174

Khoisan language, 94m–95m, 106, 110

Kilpinen, Jon T., 55

King, Anthony D., 299

kingship, urbanization and, 282

Kniffen, Fred, 40

Knopp, Lawrence, 312

Kolkata (Calcutta), India, 77, 279f, 280t, 286

Kong Fu-tzu, 189, 191–192

Koran (Qur’an), 108, 186

Korea, 108, 112f, 191, 193, 217, 229f, 260t. See also South Korea

Korean language, 104t, 109f, 111

kraals, 50–51, 51f

Krakow, Poland, 299

Krishna, 198

Krueger, Rod, 299–300

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 172, 296f, 302, 324

Kurath, Hans, 116

Kurdish language, 111

Kurdistan, 171, 171m

Kurgan hypothesis, 101

Kuwait, 72t

Kyoto Protocol, 264

labor-intensive industries, 267

labor supply, 267, 268f

Lakota Sioux, 175, 175f

Lamaism, 188

land-division patterns, 25–26

landmarks, urban, 323

landscapes. See also cultural landscapes

as clue to culture, 23, 23f

land-survey system, 172, 172f

land-use intensity, 233

Lang, Tim, 246

Langkawi Island, Malaysia, 224f

language(s), 93–116. See also entries beginning with term linguistic; specific languages

competing core areas and, 162

creole, 96

cultural interaction with. See cultural-linguistic interaction

definition of, 93

endangered or extinct, 109–110, 110f, 110m

environmental influences on, 94, 105–106

ethnicity based on, 122

first, rise of, 103–104

lingua franca, 96, 108–109

pidgin, 96

remnant, 110, 110m

written, invention of, 108

language families, 96f, 97–98. See also specific language families

language hotspots, 110, 110m

Language Log web site, 116

Lao Tzu, 191

Lapp people, 78

Laredo, Texas, 130t

Las Vegas, Nevada, 130, 292, 292f

lateral commuting, 308

Latin America. See also South America; specific countries

age distributions in, 67, 68

agriculture in, 218, 219, 224

Christianity in, 191

export processing zones in, 270, 270f, 270m

food folk culture of, 33

languages spoken in, 99, 99m

model for cities in, 21f, 22

North American immigrants from, 129, 129m, 130t, 312

religion in, 180, 193, 200–201

religious place names in, 210

rural settlement patterns in, 84, 85

urbanization in, 278, 280, 286

urban landscapes of, 296–297

Latin language, 101, 108

Latvians, return migration of, 135

Lauria, Mickey, 312

Lebanon, 132, 183m, 200

Lees, Loretta, 328

legal codes, 172f, 172–173, 173f, 200

Legates, Richard T., 300

legibility, of cities, 323

leisure landscapes, 52–53

Lemurians, 195

lesbians, gentrification and, 312

Lesotho, 152, 153m

Leung, Yee, 286

Levison, Michael, 102–103

Levittown: Documents of an Ideal American Suburb web site, 328

Lewis, Pierce, 23

Li, Wei, 313

Liberia, independence of, 163

Libya, 200, 234

lifestyle clusters, 34–35, 35m

lingua franca, 96, 108–109

linguistic boundaries, 98–101, 99m, 100m

linguistic culture regions, 94m–95m, 95–101

bilingualism and, 96–97

boundaries of languages and, 98–101, 99m, 100m

dialects and, 95–96, 98–101, 99m, 100m

language families and, 96f, 97–98

lingua franca and, 96

pidgin languages and, 96

linguistic diffusion, 101–104, 102m

Austronesian, 101–103, 103m

expansion, 101

Indo-European, 101

language proliferation and, 103–104, 104t

relocation, 101–103, 102m, 103m

linguistic ecology, 94, 105–106

linguistic borders and, 106

linguistic refuge areas and, 106, 107m

shaping of language and, 106

vocabulary and, 105, 105f, 105t

linguistic family tree, 96f, 97

linguistic landscapes, 111f, 111–116, 112f

messages sent by, 111–112, 112f

toponyms and, 112–116

linguistic refuge areas, 106, 107m

Lipset, Seymour Martin, 171

Lithuanians, return migration of, 135


mad cow disease and, 241–242, 242f

nomadic herding of, 222–223, 223f

peasant farming of, 217–218, 218f, 231

ranching of, 223–224

livestock feeding, 220, 220m

living standards, 71–72, 73m, 250

local consumption cultures, 47

Lodrick, Deryck, 196

London Bridge, 290

London, England, 77f, 280, 286, 287, 290

Long Island, New York, 54

long-lot farms, 84f, 244, 244f

loose irregular villages, 84f

Los Altos de Cazucá, Colombia, 88f

Los Angeles, California. See also East Los

Angeles, California; South Los Angeles, California

ethnic groups in, 128f, 140

homeless services in, 305m

industrial landscape of, 274

militarization of, 327

population of, 130, 130t, 280t

Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, 53

Louisiana, 136, 185, 244

Lourdes, France, grotto, 199f, 200

Lowell, Massachusetts, 272f, 272–273

Lowenthal, David, 54

Luther, Martin, 108

Lutheran(s), 201

Lutheranism, 185

Lynch, Kevin, 323


Mackinder, Halford, 166–167

Madagascar, 98, 101, 108

mad cow disease, 241–242, 242f

Mahayana Buddhism, 188

Malay-Indonesian language family, 98

Malay Peninsula, 101

Malaysia, 132, 193, 296

Malthusians, 65, 66f

Malthus, Thomas, 65, 66f, 239

Manchuria, 108

Mandarin Chinese language, 97

manifest destiny doctrine, 166

Manila, Philippines, 279f, 280t, 295

manufactured toponyms, 113t, 113–114

manufacturing, 252, 254m. See also industry(ies);

entries beginning with term industrial

industrial revolution and, 256–257

Maori people, 115–116, 195, 205, 206f

Mao Zedong, 82

maps, culture regions and, 4

maquiladoras, 270f, 273

marae, 205, 206f

marchlands, 152

mariculture, 224, 224f, 225m, 225–226, 226m

market(s), 267–268, 269m

central places and, 293–294, 294f

emerging, 268

market gardening, 220

market villages, 293

Maronites, 184

Marsh, Ben, 36

Marshall, Richard, 328

Marx, Karl, 65, 66f

Masada, Israel, 175

Massachusetts, 272f

mass culture, 32

master-planned communities, 325–326

material culture, 30, 32f, 32–33, 33f

Material Culture: Journal of the Pioneer America Society, 55

Material History of American Religion Project web site, 210

Mathewson, Kent, 27

Mattson, Richard, 51–52

Matwijiw, Peter, 127

Mauritania, 68

Mayan villages, 86–87, 87f

McCook, Nebraska, 119

McDonald’s, 34, 36, 41, 41f, 299

McDowell, Linda, 275

McKee, Jesse O., 146

Mead, Lake, 232

Meade, Melinda S., 90

Mecca, Saudi Arabia, 186, 186f, 200, 200f

mechanistic view of nature, 20

medical geography, 76–78, 77f, 78m, 79m

medicine, 44–45, 45m

Medina, Saudi Arabia, 200

meditation, 201

Mediterranean Riviera, 8, 9f

megacities, 279–280, 280t

megalopolis, 323

Meinig, D. W., 322–323

Mennonite(s), houses of worship of, 204

Mennonite faith, 31

Mesoamerica, 228, 281, 282, 283–284, 284f, 285. See also specific countries

Mesopotamia, 281, 282–283, 284m, 285

metes and bounds surveying, 244, 245f

Methodism, 185

Metro Dade Cultural Center (Miami, Florida), 327f

metropolitan areas, borders of, 7, 7f

metropolitan statistical areas, 278

Mexican-Americans, 123, 128, 140, 141, 141m, 142, 142f

Mexican cooking, 145–146, 146m


bilingualism in, 97

border with United States, 149f, 172f

ethnic flag in, 142f

export processing zones in, 270, 270f, 270m

fencing in, 244

food folk culture of, 33

industrial landscapes in, 273

industry in, 259, 260t

linguistic refuge area in, 106

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and, 157, 158t, 268

North American immigrants from, 129

Mexico City, Mexico, 279, 280, 280t, 289, 295, 296, 296f

Miami, Florida, 93f, 312–313, 326, 327, 327f

Miami Gardens, Florida, 130t

Michigan, 140m, 140–141

Middle America, Main Street of, 322, 322f

Middle East. See also specific countries

agriculture in, 218, 223

death rates in, 64

industry in, 259

Jews in, 183

Nostratic language in, 103–104

political activism in, 164

religion in, 203

rural settlement patterns in, 84

Semitic religious hearth in, 190–191, 192m

urbanization in, 281

western European immigrants from, 132

Middleton, Nick, 246

Midwest, 39, 39m, 126m, 126–127, 185, 220, 231m. See also specific states

migration, 74–76. See also immigration; specific groups

agricultural diffusion and, 229

agricultural revolution and, 74

chain, 133, 133m, 135

cultural differences in, 81

cultural diffusion by, 13

decision to move and, 74–76, 75m, 76f

definition of, 13

ethnicity and, 132–135, 133m, 134f, 134m

involuntary, 82, 133–134, 134f, 134m

medical geography and, 76–78, 77f, 78m, 79m

political, 165

population change and, 60

rates of, 75–76, 76f

return, 135

rural-to-urban, 286

urbanization and, 76, 279

mikveh, 207

militarized space, 326–327, 327f

Miller, Mark J., 90

Millstone, Nick, 246

mill towns, 272, 272f

minarets, 206

Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, 290

Minnesota, 185, 266

missionaries, 191, 194, 197, 229

Mississippi River, 290

mistaken toponyms, 113t

mistletoe, 189f

MIT, 254

Mitchell, Don, 27

Miyares, Ines M., 146–147

Mizrachim, 183

models, 21f, 21–22

Mogadishu, Somalia, 240

Mohenjo-daro, Pakistan, 283

Mohl, Raymond, 321

moksha, 187

Monaco, 9f

Mongol(s), nomadic herding by, 223

Mongolia, 108, 152, 188, 191

Mongolic language, 98

monoculture, 240

monotheistic religions, 180. See also Christianity; Islam; Judaism

Montana, 222f

Montréal, Québec, 23, 23f, 289

Montréal Protocol, 264

Mont St. Michel, France, 289f

Moorish culture, 115, 116m

Morinis, Alan, 210

Mormonism, 180, 185

Mormon(s), 33, 126, 201


geography of, 63m, 63–65, 64m

infant rate of, 71–72, 73m

Moscow, Russia, 41f, 280t, 298f, 298–299, 306

Moseley, Christopher, 116

mountain gorilla, 168, 168f

mountains. See also specific mountain ranges

linguistic ecology and, 106, 107m

Mugabe, Robert, 240

Muhammad, 186, 200, 206, 208, 209f

multiple-nuclei model, 319f, 319–320

Mumbai (Bombay), India, 280t, 286, 293

Mumford, Louis, 282

murals, Mexican-American, 142, 142f

Murphey, Rhoads, 234


barriers to cultural diffusion of, 42

cultural interaction and, 46–47

culture regions and, 36–37, 38m

Muslims, 143, 186, 314, 314f. See also Islam

Myanmar (Burma), 229

mystical places, 209

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 157, 158t, 268

Nandi, 198

Nanjing, China, 175, 175f

natality patterns, 61m, 61–63, 62m

nation(s). See state(s) (nations); specific nations

National Czech Festival (Wilber, Nebraska), 119

nationalism, 152, 155

National Party (South Africa), 297

national sacrifice areas, 265

national territory, distribution of, 152, 153m

nation-states, 168–169, 169m

Native Americans. See also Alaska Natives;

Eskimo people; Inuit people; specific tribes

center of plant domestication and, 228

Christianity among, 193

forced migration of, 74

languages spoken by, 94m–95m, 109, 110

Mount Rushmore and, 175, 175f

reservations and, 138, 154–155

resistance to urbanization, 285

self-rule privileges extended to, 172

in U.S. population, 131m, 132


as urban ethnic group, 128

Native American toponyms, 115

natural boundaries, 153

natural decrease, 72

natural disasters, 290, 291f, 292. See also earthquakes; hurricane(s); tsunamis

natural hazards, 19f, 19–20

Nature Conservancy, 266

Navajo people, 51f, 122–123

Navajo reservation homeland, 126

navigated voyages, 102

Nazareth, Israel, 98f

Nazi regime, Jews under, 183

Ndebele houses, 50–51, 51f

Nebraska, immigrants in, 119–120, 120f

necropolis, Beni Hassan Islamic, Egypt, 207f

neighborhood(s), 304. See also ethnic neighborhoods

neighborhood effect, 13

Nepal, 152, 229f

Nestorians, 184

Netherlands, 108, 108m, 169, 174–175, 175f, 260t

New Age cults, 195

Newbold, K. Bruce, 90

New England. See also Rhode Island; Vermont

fencing in, 244

generic toponyms of, 114–115

mill towns in, 272, 272f

producer services in, 254

rural settlement patterns in, 85

villages of, 322

Newfoundland, Canada, 271–272, 272f

New Guinea, 218, 218f, 228

New Jersey, 312

New Lanark, Scotland, 273, 273f

newly industrializing countries (NICs), 259

Newman, William M., 210

Newman Grove, Nebraska, 119

New Mexico, agriculture in, 244

New Orleans, Louisiana, 289

New York City, New York

as central place, 293

gay culture in, 312

as global city, 286

as international city, 286

legal code and, 172

Little Italy in, 303

population of, 280t

prestigious areas of, 306

suburbanization and, 308

New York state, 263, 312

New Zealand

agriculture in, 222, 229, 243

Kyoto Protocol and, 264

languages spoken in, 101

Maori houses of worship in, 205, 206f

rural settlement patterns in, 86

toponyms in, 115–116

Niemeyer, Oscar, 143

Niger, 62–63, 68

Niger-Congo (Niger-Kordofanian) language family, 94m–95m, 98, 102m

Nigeria, 60t, 132, 152, 206, 206f

Nike, 299

Nile River valley, urbanization in, 282, 283, 285

Nilo-Saharan language, 94m–95m, 110

nirvana, 188

Nissan, 260m


of functional culture regions, 7

urban, 323

nomadic livestock herding, 222–223, 223f

nonagricultural areas, 226

nonmaterial culture, 30

Norma Rae-Ville, 35, 35m

North Africa. See also specific countries

agriculture in, 223, 234

climate of, 78

death rates in, 64

Islam in, 186

Jews in, 183

language spoken in, 98

nationalism in, 163

North America. See also Canada; Mexico; United States

agriculture in, 213, 215, 224, 229, 243

climate of, 78

ethnic groups in, 126m, 128, 133, 141, 141m

ethnic homelands in, 124f, 125, 125m

houses in, 48f–51f, 49

immigrants to, 121t, 129m–131m, 129–132, 130t

languages spoken in, 97, 110, 110m

population density of, 59

refugees in, 133

urban centralization in, 305–306

urbanization in, 278, 280

urban vegetation in, 315–316

vernacular culture regions in, 37, 39, 39m

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 157, 158t, 268

North Carolina, 160m

North Dakota, 185

North Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 308f

North Woods lake country, 52

Norway, 152, 172, 174f, 266

Norwegian Days (Newman Grove, Nebraska), 119

Norwine, Jim, 17

Nostrand, Richard L., 147

Nostratic language, 103–104

nuclear energy, 19, 172, 265, 265m

nucleation, 25

Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, 270, 270f, 270m

Oakes, Timothy S., 27

Oakland, California, 288–289

Obama, Barack, 122, 160

Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement, 165

oceans. See also specific oceans

ice in, 263

linguistic ecology and, 106

overfishing and, 261–262

population ecology and, 79

rising levels of, 264

office parks, 325, 325f

off-road recreational vehicles, damage done by, 46

offshore-island sites, 289, 289f

Oklahoma, 43, 110, 110m

Olds, Kris, 287, 300

Old Yankee Rows, 34–35, 35m

O’Loughlin, John, 176

Olwig, Kenneth, 176

Oman, 72t, 106

one-drop rule, 122

O’Neill, Nebraska, 120

Ontario, Canada, 172

Ontario farmhouses, 48f, 49

organic agriculture, 235–236

organic view of nature, 20

orthodox religions, 180–181

Osaka, Japan, 280t

Ostler, Nicholas, 117

Otsuchi, Japan, 19, 19f

Outback (Australia), 8, 9f

outsourcing, 267, 268f

overfishing, 261–262

Owen, Robert, 273

OWS (Occupy Wall Street) movement, 165

Oxford, England, 290

ozone depletion, 264

Ozone Watch web site, 275

Pacific islands, 59, 108

Pacific Ocean, 106, 265

Pacific region, agriculture in, 225

paddy rice farming, 217, 217f, 232

Page, Stephen J., 275


Afghan refugees in, 134, 134m

division from India, 153

Islam in, 186

languages spoken in, 110

national territory of, 152

population of, 60t

western European immigrants from, 132

Paleosiberian language, 94m–95m, 110

Palestine, 149f

palimpsests, 322

Papua New Guinea, 96, 219f, 245f, 255f, 261f

Papuan language, 94m–95m, 110

Paris, France, 280, 286, 306, 314

Park Slope, Brooklyn, New York, 312

Parsees, 207

Pashupatinath, Nepal, 197f

pathways, urban, 323

Patmos, Greece, 184f

Pattilo, Mary, 328

peasants, 217–218, 218f, 231

pejibaye palm tree, 227

peninsula sites, 289–290

Pennsylvania Dutch, 126, 194

Pennsylvania, gentleman farms in, 54

Penns-ylvanian folk culture region, 32f, 32–33

Pentecostal churches, 201

perestroika, 298

peripheral model, 323–324

periphery, 6

permeable barriers, 12–13

Persian people, 108

personal space, 81–82

Peru, 228, 232, 237, 282

Petermann Glacier, 263

Philippines, 87–88, 108, 130, 186, 191, 259

Phoenix, Arizona, 133m

physical environment, 3, 17. See also cultural ecology; specific types of cultural ecology

physiological population density, 72t, 72–73

Picardie, France, 273f

pictograms, 111

pidgin languages, 96

Pile, Steve, 27

pilgrimages, 199f, 199–200, 200f

Pine Island Glacier, 263

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 290, 291f

place, 22

place images, 48

placelessness, 33–35, 34f, 35m

place names. See toponyms

plagues, 76, 77f, 195, 196f

plantation(s), 219

plantation agriculture, 218–219, 219f

plant domestication, 227m, 227–228, 228m


planting by the signs, 45

Poland, 80, 128, 132, 134, 191, 260t

political boundaries, 152–154, 154f

central places and, 294–295

physical properties of, 173–174, 174f

political-cultural interaction, 168–172

cleavage model of, 171m, 171–172

economic impact of, 172

ethnic separatism and, 169–170, 170m

nation-states and, 168–169, 169m

political culture regions, 149–161

electoral geographical regions and, 158–159, 159m, 160m

international political bodies and, 155–157, 156m, 157m, 158t

movement between core and periphery and, 161–165, 162m

states and, 150m–151m, 150–155

U.S. voter preferences and, 159–161, 160m, 161m

political diffusion, 161–165

migration and, 165

movement between core and periphery and, 161–162, 162m

political innovation and, 161–162, 162m, 162–165, 163m, 164m

political ecology, 165–168

chain-of-explanation approach to, 165–166

folk fortresses and, 166, 166m

geopolitics and, 166

heartland theory of, 166–167, 167m

warfare and environmental destruction and, 167–168, 168f

Political Geography, 176

political geography, 149–176. See also entries beginning with term political

definition of, 149

religion and, 200–201, 202f

Political Geography Specialty Group (Association of American Geographers) web site, 176

political landscapes, 172–175

central authority and, 174

legal code and, 172f, 172–173, 173f

national iconography and, 174–175, 175f

physical properties of boundaries and, 173–174, 174f


gentrification and, 312

urbanization and, 281–282

Politische Geographie (Ratzel), 16

pollution, 19, 262–265, 263m, 265m

polyglots, 98, 98f

Polynesia, 101–103, 103m, 108, 109f

polytheistic religions, 180

Popocatépetl, 194

popular culture, 31f, 31–32

cultural interaction in, 46–48

cultural landscapes of, 51–54, 52f, 54f

culture regions and, 35–37, 36m, 37f, 38m

cumulative visible effect on, 54

definition of, 31

diffusion in, 40–44, 41f, 43m, 44m

ecology of, 45–46, 46f

placelessness of, 33–35, 34f, 35m

Popular Culture Association web site, 55

population, urban, 277–278, 278m

population control programs, in China, 67, 82–83, 83f

population density, 58m–59m, 59

absolute, 72

economic conditions and, 82

environmental alteration and, 80, 81f

physiological, 72t, 72–73

population distribution, 59, 60t, 80

population doubling time, 73–74

population ecology, 78–80

environmental influences on, 78–80

population density and, 80, 81f

population distribution and, 80

population explosion, 65, 66f

population geography, 57–89

cultural interaction and, 81–83

cultural landscape and, 84–89

definition of, 57

demographic regions and. See demographic regions

diffusion in, 74–78

population ecology and, 78–80

population growth

attitudes toward, 81

demographic changes and, 88f, 88–89, 89f

urbanization and, 279

zero, 62

population growth rate, 73

population pyramid, 70, 71f

Population Reference Bureau, Inc. web site, 89

Population Registration Act (South Africa), 297

pork production, religion and, 197–198

portage sites, 290, 290f

Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 290

Portes, Alejandro, 286


imperialism of, 108, 108m, 163, 169

industrial-economic landscapes in, 271–272

Jews in, 183

toponyms in, 115, 116m

Portuguese language, 97t, 109f

possessive toponyms, 113t

possibilism, 17, 18m, 19

postindustrial phase, 261

postsocialist cities, 298–299, 299f

potatoes, population density and, 81

Prague, Czech Republic, 299, 299f

Pratt, Geraldine, 320

precipitation, 262–263, 263m, 314

prejudice, 122

Price, Edward, 45

Price, Patricia L., 27

primary industries, 252, 253f

industrial revolution and, 257

landscape alteration by, 271–272, 272f

primate cities, 280

Principe, 219

producer services, 253–254

cultural landscape produced by, 274, 274f

Progress in Human Geography, 27

proselytic religions, 180. See also Christianity; Islam

protectionism, 269

Protestantism, 184, 185, 185m

houses of worship of, 204, 204f

religious symbolism of, 205–206

toponyms in, 210

provincial borders, visibility of, 174

PSA Peugeot Citroën S.A., 260m

public housing, 309

Puerto Rican-Americans, 128

Pui-lan, Kwok, 210

purple states, 161

push-and-pull factors, 76

push factors, Mexican immigration and, 129


as axis mundi, 283

at Cholula, Mexico, 194

Egyptian, 207

Pyrenees Mountains, 153

Qatar, 75

quality of life, in cities, 280

quarantine, 77

Québec, Canada

agriculture in, 244

folk culture region of, 33

languages spoken in, 101, 111–112

legal code in, 172

place names in, 209, 209f, 210

separatist movement in, 154, 170

Queen’s Day celebration (Netherlands), 174–175, 175f

Queens, New York, 143f

Quichua people, 232, 237

Quincy Market (Boston, Massachusetts), 326f

Qur’an (Koran), 108, 186


definition of, 121f, 121–122

identification of, 130

U.S. population by, 120, 121f

Racialicious web site, 146

racialization, 122


apartheid and, 42, 297f, 297–298

definition of, 122

environmental, 138f, 138m, 138–139

housing market and, 309

Radcliffe, Sarah, 27

radioactive pollution, 19, 264–265, 265m

railroads, 109, 174, 257, 257m, 305–306

rain, acid, 262–263, 263m

Raitz, Karl, 52, 54

Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Research Triangle, 254

ranching, 223–224

range, 293

Ratzel, Friedrich, 16

redlining, 309

red states, 160, 160m

Reformation, 184

refugees, 74–75


culture. See culture regions

definition of, 2

regional trading blocs, 156–157, 158t

Rehder, John B., 147

reincarnation, in Hinduism, 187

relic boundaries, 154

religion(s), 179–210. See also entries beginning with term religious; specific religions

Abrahamic, 184

as barriers to spread of nonreligious innovations, 194

cultural interaction and, 21

definition of, 179

Dharmic, 188

economy and, 197–198, 198m

ethnic, 180. See also Judaism

ethnicity based on, 122

fundamentalist, 181

on Internet, 201

language and, 106, 108

monotheistic, 180. See also Christianity; Islam; Judaism


newer, in United States, 201, 202m

orthodox, 180–181

political geography and, 200–201, 201f

polytheistic, 180

proselytic (universalizing), 180. See also Christianity; Islam

relevance in global world, 201–203, 202m, 203m

syncretic, 180, 181f, 188

urbanization and, 281

world distribution of, 181, 182m

religious culture regions, 181, 182m, 183m, 183–189

religious diffusion, 190m, 190–194

barriers and time-distance decay and, 193–194

East Asian religious hearth and, 191–193, 193f

Indus-Ganges hearth and, 191

Semitic religious hearth and, 190–191, 192m

religious ecology, 194–197

appeasing forces of nature and, 194–195, 194f–196f

ecotheology and, 195–197, 197f

religious landscapes, 203–210

architecture and, 203–207, 204f–206f

burial of dead and, 207f, 207–208, 208f

place names and, 209m, 209–210

sacred spaces and, 208–209, 209f

religious pilgrimages, 199f, 199–200, 200f

relocation diffusion, 10, 10f

agricultural, 229, 230m

disease diffusion and, 76

ethnicity and, 132–135, 133m, 134f, 134m

linguistic, 101–103, 102m, 103m

religious spread by, 190

Relph, Edward, 22, 33

remnant languages, 110, 110m

Rendiles, nomadic herding by, 223

renewable resources, 261f, 261–262, 262m

Republican Party candidates, in United States, 159–161, 160m, 161m

residential areas and neighborhoods, 302–304, 303f, 304f

Resources for the Future web site, 246

restaurants, ethnicity and, 141, 141m

restrictive covenants, 309

return migration, 135

reverse hierarchical diffusion, 42

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), 88

Rhine River valley, winemaking in, 197

Rhode Island, 70


African, diffusion of, 229

paddy farming of, 217, 217f, 232

population density and, 81

terraced farming of, 22f

Riga, Latvia, 175

rimland, 166, 167

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 172, 173f, 277f, 279f, 290

Rio Grande, 153

Riva, Marlena, 68

river-ford sites, 290

river-island sites, 289

river-meander sites, 289

Riverwalk (San Antonio, Texas), 326

Rocky Mountains, 106

rodeo, diffusion of, 42–43, 43m

Rokkan, Stein, 171

Roman Catholic Church, 184–185

church buildings of, 2f, 203–204

decline of, 200–201

Latin language and, 108

pilgrimages and, 199

religious place names and, 209–210

religious symbolism of, 205

in United States, 201

Romance languages, 94m–95m, 96f, 97

Rome, Italy, 200

Romney, Mitt, 160

Ronhua Fried Chicken Company, 47

root digging, 45

root farming, 217–218, 218f, 231

Rosario, Argentina, 280

Roseman, Curtis, 135

Rostow, Walter, 250–252

Rothenberg, Tamar, 312

Rowe, Stacy, 305

row villages, 84f

rural settlement patterns, 84f, 84–86

Rushmore, Mount, 175, 175f

Russia. See also Soviet Union

agriculture in, 224

economic development of, 255

emerging markets in, 268

expansion of, 166–167, 167m

federalism in, 172

folk fortresses of, 166

industry in, 257, 260t

Kyoto Protocol and, 264

language spoken in, 97

national territory of, 161, 162m

population of, 60t

religion in, 191, 196

rural settlement patterns in, 85, 85f

sex ratio in, 70

transportation in, 253

Russian language, 97t, 101, 104t, 109f

Russian Orthodoxy, 184

Rwandan genocide, 167–168, 168f, 170

Saarinen, Thomas, 235

Sachs, Carolyn E., 246–247

Sack, Robert, 51, 152

Sacramento, California, 303f

The Sacred and the Profane (Eliade), 209

Sacred Land Project, 208–209

sacred spaces, 194, 194f, 208–209, 209f

saddlebag houses, 48f, 49

Sahara Desert, 234

Sahel, desertification of, 234, 235m

Sainsbury’s, 240

Saint Basil’s Church (Moscow, Russia), 204f

Saint Patrick, 180, 181f

Sami people, 78

San Antonio, Texas, 326

San Diego, California, 130, 142f

San Fernando Valley, California, 8, 8f

San Francisco, California

development of, 17, 18m

financial district of, 306

gay culture in, 312

gentrification in, 311f

legal code and, 172

producer services around, 254

site and situation of, 288m, 288–289, 290

San Gabriel Valley, California, 128, 128f

San José, California, 310

Santería, 201

São Paulo, Brazil, 280t

São Tomé and Príncipe, 219

Saskatchewan, Canada, 221f

Sassen, Saskia, 286, 300

satellite states, 152

Saudi Arabia, 12, 200, 255

Sauer, Carl, 227, 247

Scandinavia, 128. See also specific countries

Schein, Richard, 147

Scientology, 180

scorched earth, 167

Scotland, 75, 174, 272

Scott, James C., 143

Seager, Joni, 90

sea levels, rising, 264

Seattle, Washington, 138m, 139

secondary industries, 252, 254m

industrial revolution and, 256–257

landscape alteration by, 272f, 272–273, 273f

sector model, 318–319, 319f

secularization, 202m, 202–203

sedentary cultivation, 223

seeds, hybrid, 230

self-determination, 169

Semitic language family, 94m–95m, 98, 106–107

Semitic religious hearth, 190–191, 192m

Senegal, 200

Seoul, South Korea, 280t

Sephardim, 183

Serb(s), ethnic cleansing and, 133

Serbia, 170, 171

Serbian Orthodoxy, 184

service(s), 252–256, 255f, 255m

service industries

cultural landscape produced by, 274

industrial revolution and, 257

settlement forms, 25

settlement landscapes, 83–89

demographic change and, 88–89

gender and, 87–88

historical factors shaping, 86–87, 87f

rural settlement patterns and, 84f, 84–86

Seventh-Day Adventism, 197, 201

sex industry, in Asia, 87–88

sex ratio

in China, 83

geographic variations in, 70

sexuality, gentrification and, 312

shamanism, 189, 189f

Shanghai, China, 280t, 302, 302f, 327f

shantytowns, 88f, 88–89, 89f

sharia, 186, 200

Shasta, Mount, 195, 195f

sheep production, 224

sheltered-harbor sites, 290

Shen, Jianfa, 286

Sheppard, Eric, 275

shifting cultivation, 215–217, 216f, 231

shift toponyms, 113t

Shiite Muslims, 186

Shinto (Shintoism), 188, 189, 195, 199, 200

Shiva, 187, 198

shopping malls, 34, 51, 52, 52f, 324–325

Shortridge, Barbara, 145

Shortridge, James, 145

shotgun houses, 48f, 49

Siberia, 110, 110m, 226

Sibley, David, 320

SICA (Central American Integration System), 156, 158t

Siddhartha Gautama, Prince, 187–188

Sierra Club, 266


Sierra Leone, 67

Sikhism, 187, 188

silicon landscapes, 254

Sinai, Mount, 208

Singapore, 104, 173f, 193, 259, 286, 296

Singh, Rana, 194

Singlish, 104

Sino-Burman language family, 97

Sino-Tibetan language family, 94m–95m, 97t, 97–98

site, urban ecology and, 288m, 288–290

situation, urban ecology and, 288–289

Skelton, Tracey, 55

skyscraper(s), 302, 302f

Skyscraper Museum web site, 328

slang, 100–101

slash-and-burn agriculture, 216

Slater, Tom, 328

slavery, 75, 106, 229

Slavic languages, 94m–95m, 96f, 97

sleeping sickness, 79–80

Slovakia, 171

Slovenes, 171

Slovenia, 171

slum(s), 138, 138f, 295–296

Slumdog Millionaire (film), 41

slum households, U.N. definition of, 295

Smith, Jonathan M., 27

Snow, John, 77

Social and Cultural Geography, 27

social culture regions, 302, 303, 303f, 304f

social factors

gentrification and, 311

urban centralization and, 306f, 306–307

urban decentralization and, 308

socialist cities, 298, 298f

social media

Arab Spring and, 164

cultural diffusion and, 11, 11m, 15

Occupy Wall Street movement and, 165

social stratification, 281

soil erosion, 20, 20f

Somalia, 240

Sopher, David E., 210

South Africa

agriculture in, 229, 243

apartheid and, 42, 297f, 297–298

independence of, 163

multiethnicity of, 169, 170m

national territory of, 152, 153m

rural settlement patterns in, 86

urban landscapes of, 297f, 297–298

South America. See also Latin America; specific countries

agriculture in, 215, 229, 243

as center of plant domestication, 228

languages spoken in, 97, 108m, 110, 110m

population density of, 59

population ecology in, 79

states in, 151

South Asia, 108, 132, 188, 229, 229f. See also Southeast Asia; Southwest Asia; specific countries

South Carolina, 106

South Dakota, 185

Southeast Asia. See also specific countries

agriculture in, 215

Buddhism in, 188, 191

industrial landscapes in, 273

languages spoken in, 97, 97t, 98

rice and, 81

South Korea, 188f, 259, 260m, 269, 296. See also Korea

South Los Angeles, California, 140

Southwest Asia, Islam in, 186

sovereignty, 151

Soviet Union, 171, 298, 298f. See also Russia

space, 21

Space and Culture, 12

Space and Polity, 176


Christianity in, 191

competing core areas in, 162

immigrants in, 76f

imperialism of, 108, 108m

industry in, 260t

Jews in, 183

multiethnicity of, 169

nuclear energy in, 172

toponyms in, 115, 116m

wind power in, 266

Spanglish, 101

Spanish-Americans, 125–126, 141–142

Spanish language, 97t, 99, 99m, 104t, 109f, 135

spine/sector, 296

spiritism, 180

squatter settlements, 295–296

Sri Lanka, 110, 188

St. Patrick’s Day Celebration (O’Neill, Nebraska), 120

stages of development, 15

standard of living, 71–72, 73m, 250

Stanford University, 254

Starbucks, 34

starvation, 239m, 239–240

state(s) (nations), 150m–151m, 150–155

boundaries and, 152–154, 154f

buffer, 152

centrifugal and centripetal forces and, 155

distribution of national territory and, 152, 153m

satellite, 152

spatial organization of territory and, 154–155

state nationalism, 155

State of the Nation’s Cities: A Comprehensive Database on American Cities and Suburbs web site, 328

Statue of Liberty, 175

steel industry, 256–257

stimulus diffusion, 11–12

Stoddard, Robert H., 210

Stout, Frederic, 300

streetcar suburbs, 307

Stromsburg, Nebraska, 119, 120f

strong-point settlements, 86

Stump, Roger, 201, 210

subcultures, 30

sub-Saharan Africa. See also specific countries

age distributions in, 68

agriculture in, 223

death rates in, 64, 64m

Islam in, 191

languages spoken in, 98

total fertility rate in, 62–63

subsidies, agricultural, 269

subsistence agriculture, 216

sub-state nationalism, 155

suburb(s), ethnic diversity in, 313

suburban downtowns, 323–324

suburbanization, 307f, 307–310, 308f

suburban sprawl, 309–310, 310f

Sudan, 82, 88, 134

suitcase farms, 221

Sumerian people, writing and, 108

Sun City, Arizona, 70f

Sunni Muslims, 186

superquadra apartments, 143f, 143–144

supranational organizations, 155, 156m, 157m

surveying, metes and bounds, 244, 245f

survey patterns, 242


agricultural, 232–233

definition of, 232, 266

environmental, 266, 266m

of swidden cultivation, 216–217

urbanization and, 292f, 292–293

Suzuki Motor Company, 260m

Swahili language, 96, 98

Swaziland, 64

Sweden, 68, 169, 174f, 260t

Swedish Festival (Stromsburg, Nebraska), 119, 120f

swidden cultivation, 215–217, 216f, 231

Swiss-Americans, 122

Switzerland, 85f, 154, 172, 260t, 267

symbolic landscapes, 24f, 24–25, 25f

syncretic religions, 180, 188

Syria, 98

Tagalog, 104t

Taipei, Taiwan, 302

Taiwan, 193, 217, 259, 296

Taj Mahal (Agra, India), 207, 207f

Taliban government (Afghanistan), 12, 42

Tantrayana Buddhism, 188

Tanzania, 133, 174, 200

Taoic religions, 180, 188, 189

Taoism, 188, 189, 192, 195

burial places and, 207

founder of, 191

origin and diffusion of, 190m, 193

tariffs, 268

Taylor, Peter, 300


agriculture and, 231–232, 233f

communication media, 12, 15, 40, 306. See also Internet; social media

cultural-linguistic interaction and, 108, 108m, 109, 109f, 110–111

possibilism and, 17, 19

technopoles, 254f, 257, 258

Tejano homeland, 126

teleology, 196

Temple of the Emerald Buddha (Bangkok, Thailand), 199f

Tepe Yahya, Iran, 285

terrain, agriculture and, 231, 231m

territoriality, 152

terrorism, tourism and, 255

Texas, 33f, 136, 145–146, 146m, 244, 266, 312

textile industry, 261, 272f, 272–273

texting, 110–111

TFR (total fertility rate), 61–63, 62m, 65, 66f, 68

Thailand, 98, 132, 232

Thames River, 290

Theravada Buddhism, 188

Thomas, David S. G., 246

Three Forks, Montana, 206f

threshold, 293

Thrift, Nigel, 27

Tibet, 85f, 108, 188, 191

Tibeto-Burman language family, 94m–95m, 97–98


Tigris-Euphrates river valley. See Iraq

Tikitiki, New Zealand, 206f

time-distance decay, 12

Time Warner, 42

Tobasco, Mexico, 292

Tok Pisin, 96

Tokyo, Japan, 280t, 286, 290

Tokyo-Yokohama megalopolis, 24f, 323

toponyms, 112–116

manufactured, 113t, 113–114

Native American, 115

of past, 115m, 115–116, 116m

possessive, 113t

in Protestantism, 210

religious, 209m, 209–210

types of, 113t, 113–114

of United States, generic, 114–115

topophilia, 22

Torah, 183, 184

Toronto, Ontario, 26, 26f, 143f

total fertility rate (TFR), 61–63, 62m, 65, 66f, 68

tourism, 254–255, 255f, 255m, 266

township and range system, 173, 173f, 243m, 243–244

Toyota Motor Corporation, 260m

trade-route sites, 290, 290f, 291f

transnational corporations, 254f, 257, 258, 259, 260, 260m, 269–270, 270m

transnationalism, 13


agriculture and, 237f, 237–239, 238m

central places and, 294, 294f

cultural diffusion and, 40

decentralization and suburbanization and, 308–309

highway, central authority and, 174

industrial revolution and, 257

linguistic diffusion and, 109

rail, 109, 174, 257, 257m, 305–306

suburban sprawl and, 310

transportation/communication services, 253

Trans-Siberian Railroad, 109

Treasure Island, Florida, 315f

truck farming, 220

Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, 113–114

Tsubaki Shinto Shrine, 193, 193f


in Indonesia, 290

in Japan, 19, 19f, 290

Tuan, Yi-Fu, 22, 27, 52

Tuareg people, 98

tumbleweed, diffusion of, 230, 230m

Tunisia, 164, 200, 234

Turkey, 111, 260t

Turkic language, 98

Turk(s), 143, 191

Turor Vista, 254

Tuscany, Italy, 126

Tuscarora language, 110

Tutsi people, 133

Tutu, Desmond, 210

Tutu, Mpho, 210

Tyner, James, 87

UAE (United Arab Emirates), 53, 53f

Uganda, 67–68, 133

Ukraine, 70, 253, 257, 265, 265m

Ukrainian Orthodoxy, 184

Ullman, Edward, 319–320

Uluru (Ayers Rock), 8, 9f

Umbanda, 180, 201

UNASUR (Union of South American Nations), 156, 158t

unemployment, in cities, 280

UNESCO Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger web site, 116

uneven development, 15, 307, 308f

Union City, New Jersey, 144

Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), 156, 158t

unitary states, 154

unit-block farms, 84f, 243, 243f

United Arab Emirates (UAE), 53, 53f

United Kingdom. See also England; Great Britain; Scotland; Wales

beef demand in, 241–242, 242f

immigrants in, 76f

industry in, 260t

mad cow disease and, 241–242, 242f

nuclear energy in, 172

population density of, 72t

population growth in, 81

separatist movement in, 170

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) web site, 246

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees web site, 89

United Nations Industrial Development Organization web site, 275

United Nations Statistics Division web site, 299

United States. See also North America; specific cities, regions, and states

acid rain in, 263, 263m

age distribution in, 69, 70f

agricultural fairs in, 40, 40m

agriculture in, 214, 220, 220m, 221f, 221–222, 222f, 224, 232, 234–235, 243m, 243–244

animism in, 189

bilingualism in, 97

border with Mexico, 149f, 172f

boundary with Canada, 153

Buddhism in, 191

containment policy of, 167

death rate in, 65

electoral geographical regions in, 158–161, 160m, 161m

environmental racism in, 138–139

environmental sustainability in, 266

Equal Rights Amendment in, 163, 164m

ethnicity of, 126m, 129m–131m, 129–132, 130t, 131t

exclusive economic zone of, 226, 226m

expansion of, 166

federal housing policies in, 309

folk culture regions of, 30m

Fukushima nuclear accident and, 265

generic toponyms of, 114–115

genetically modified crops in, 240, 241m

homelessness in, 304–305, 305m

houses in, 80

immigrants in, 119–120, 120f

immigration to, 312–314, 313f, 313m

imperialism of, 108

industrial revolution in, 257, 258

industry in, 254f, 257, 258, 260, 260m, 260t, 267

interracial marriages in, 122

Kyoto Protocol and, 264

languages spoken in, 97, 100–101, 104, 104t. See also English language

living standard in, 72

migration within, 76

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and, 157, 158t, 268

national territory of, 152

Native American reservations in, 138, 154–155

personal space in, 81–82

political unity of, 151

population of, 59, 60t, 72t, 73–74, 120, 121f

producer services in, 254, 254m

Protestantism in, 185, 185m

provincial borders in, 174

religion in, 193, 201–202, 202m

rodeos in, 42–43, 43m

rural settlement patterns in, 86

secularization in, 202, 202m

sex ratio in, 70

territorial structure of, 154

township and range system in, 173, 173f

transportation in, 253, 308–309

urbanization in, 278, 280, 292

wind power in, 266

women’s suffrage in, 163, 164m

United States Census Bureau Population Clocks web site, 89

United States Department of Agriculture web site, 246

United States Department of Housing and Urban Development web site, 299

United States Land Ordinance of 1785, 173

United States Housing Act, 309

universalizing religions, 180. See also Christianity; Islam

University of California at Berkeley, 254

Unleashing the Potential of Urban Growth, 292

Upland South, 33, 45, 49

upright-and-wing dwellings, 48f, 49

Uralic language family, 94m–95m, 98, 103, 106

urban agriculture, 224

Urban Agriculture Notes web site, 246

urban centers, spatial distribution of, 293f, 293–295, 294f

urban cultural diffusion, 280–287, 305–314

centralization and, 305–307

gentrification and, 310–312, 311f

globalization of cities and, 286–287, 287m

from hearth areas, 284–285, 285m

immigration and new ethnic neighborhoods and, 312–314, 313f, 313m

rural-to-urban migration and, 286

suburbanization and decentralization and, 307f, 307–310, 308f

urban hearth areas and, 282m, 282–284, 283f, 284f, 284m

urban cultural interaction, 316–321

central-place theory and, 293f, 293–295, 294f

concentric-zone model and, 317f, 317–318, 318m

critiques of models of, 320–321

multiple-nuclei model and, 319f, 319–320

sector model and, 318–319, 319f

urban cultural landscapes, 295–299, 321–327

of apartheid and postapartheid city, 297f, 297–298

cityscapes and, 321f, 321–323

dynamics of, 322

globalizing cities in developing world and, 295f, 295–296

Latin American, 296–297

megalopolis and edge cities and, 323–324


new, urban and suburban, 324–327

reading cityscapes and, 321f, 321–323

of socialist and postsocialist city, 298f, 298–299, 299f

symbolism in, 322f, 322–323

urban culture regions, 278m, 278–280, 302–305

downtowns as, 302, 302f

homelessness and, 304–305, 305m

residential areas and neighborhoods as, 302–304, 303f, 304f

urban ecology, 287–293, 314–316, 315f

hydrology and, 315

natural disasters and, 290, 291f, 292

site and situation and, 288m, 288–290

sustainability and, 292f, 292–293

vegetation and, 315–316

weather and climate and, 216m, 314–315, 315f

urban footprint, 292

Urban Geography, 300

urban hearth areas, 282m, 282–284, 283f, 284f, 284m

diffusion from, 284–285, 285m

urbanization, 277–299. See also cities; entries beginning with term urban; specific cities

culture regions and, 278m, 278–280

impacts of, 279–280, 280t

migration and, 76

patterns and processes of, 278–279, 279f

urbanized population, 277–278, 278m

urban morphology, 321

Urban Studies, 300

urban villages, 323–324

Urdu language, 97t

Uruguay, 238m, 239

U.S. Census Bureau Population Clocks web site, 89

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development web site, 299

U.S. Land Ordinance of 1785, 173

Utah, 85, 185

Valentine, Gill, 12, 55, 312

Vancouver, British Columbia, 23, 23f, 131

Varanasi, India, 200, 204f

varna, 187

Vatican City, 108

vegetation, urban, 315–316

Venice, Italy, 127f, 127m, 289

Vermont, 202

vernacular culture regions, 8f, 8–9, 9f, 37, 39, 39m

Vidal de La Blache, Paul, 16

Vietnam, 98, 133, 136, 188, 193

Vietnamese-Americans, 313, 313f

Vietnamese language, 98, 104t

Vilela language, 110

villages, urban, 323–324

Virginia, 161

Virginia Piedmont, 54

Vishnu, 187, 198

Vodun (Voudou or Voodoo), 180, 181f

Vogeler, Ingolf, 222

Volkswagen Group AG, 260m

voluntary migrants, 74

voluntary migration, 82, 133

von Thünen, Johan Heinrich, 237

von Thünen model, 237f, 237–239, 238m

voting. See electoral geography

Wales, 80. See also Great Britain; United Kingdom

Wallerstein, Immanuel, 176

Walmart, 41–42

Wang-Ch’eng, China, 283f

Ward, Gerard, 102–103

Warf, Barney, 275

warfare, 134, 167–168, 168f

Warner, Sam Bass, 307

Washington, D.C., 143f, 143–144, 303f

watchmaking industry, 267


consumption in United States, 315

groundwater depletion, 232

irrigation, 218, 232, 233f, 281

religious meaning of, 206–207

urban flooding, 290, 315

urbanization and, 281, 292, 292f

weather, urban, 314–315, 315f, 316m

Webb, John, 102–103

Weiss, Michael, 34, 55

Welsh language, 108

West Africa, 132, 224, 232–233

West Edmonton Mall, Alberta, Canada, 52, 52f

Western Christianity, 184

Western Europe, 132, 253, 278. See also Europe; specific countries

Western Plains ranch folk culture, 33, 33f

Western Wall (Jerusalem, Israel), 208, 209f

Westmoreland, California, 25f

Weston, Florida, 326

wet-point villages, 86

wheat cultivation, 3m, 3–4, 221f, 221–222, 222f

Wheatley, Paul, 281

White-Americans, urban, 128, 130t

Wiccans, 189

Wilber, Nebraska, 119

wildfires, cities and, 290

Wild West shows, 43

Wilhelm, Eugene, 31

Williams, Raymond, 30

wind power, 266

winemaking, Christianity and, 197

Winnipeg, Manitoba, 129m

Wisconsin, 136, 136m, 185, 235

Wittfogel, Karl, 281

Wolch, Jennifer, 305

women’s suffrage, 163, 164m

Wood, Joseph, 313

Woodside, Queens, New York, 304f

Woods, Tiger, 122

Worcestershire, England, 189f

World Bank web site, 275

World Council of Churches web site, 210

World Englishes, 117

World Health Organization web site, 89

World Trade Organization (WTO), 268

World War II, displaced persons due to, 134

Worldwatch Institute web site, 90, 246, 275

writing, invention of, 108

WTO (World Trade Organization), 268

Wylie, Elvin, 328

Yankee folk houses, 48f, 49

Yankee New England large houses, 48f, 49

Yellow (Huang Ho) River valley, 282

Yeoh, Brenda, 287

Yi-Fu Tuan, 274

yoga, 201

Yonkers, New York, 325f

Yoon, Hong-key, 115

Yosemite National Park, 46

Yucatán, Mexico, 208f

Yugoslavia, dissolution of, 171

yurts, 51f

zakat, 186

Zelinsky, Wilbur, 37, 55

zero population growth, 62

ziggurat, 283, 284m

Zimbabwe, 163, 240

Zimmerer, Karl, 232, 237

zonation, functional, 321

zone of accretion, 296–297

zone of maturity, 296

Zonn, Leo, 48

Zoroastrians, 207