Exploring the Text

  1. What is the impact of the opening sentence, “My first victim was a woman . . .”? How is Brent Staples using the term “victim”? How does the meaning of the sentence and the term change as you read and reread the essay?


    Chapter 8 - Just Walk on By - Exploring the Text: What is the impact of the opening sentence, “My first victim was a woman . . .”? How is Brent Staples using the term “victim”? How does the meaning of the sentence and the term change as you read and reread the essay?
  2. In what ways does the description at the beginning resemble a scene from a novel? What mood does Staples set with the details and specific words he chooses? Pay close attention to modifiers and verbs.


    Chapter 8 - Just Walk on By - Exploring the Text: In what ways does the description at the beginning resemble a scene from a novel? What mood does Staples set with the details and specific words he chooses? Pay close attention to modifiers and verbs.
  3. Staples opens paragraph 2 with the short, simple sentence “That was more than a decade ago,” an objective statement that indicates the passage of time. Does this sentence jolt you as a reader? Disappoint you? Explain why you think it is or is not an effective follow-up to the opening paragraph.


    Chapter 8 - Just Walk on By - Exploring the Text: Staples opens paragraph 2 with the short, simple sentence “That was more than a decade ago,” an objective statement that indicates the passage of time. Does this sentence jolt you as a reader? Disappoint you? Explain why you think it is or is not an effective follow-up to the opening paragraph.
  4. What examples does Staples provide to illustrate “the language of fear” (para. 3)?


    Chapter 8 - Just Walk on By - Exploring the Text: What examples does Staples provide to illustrate “the language of fear” (para. 3)?
  5. In what ways does Staples acknowledge that the “victim’s” response is not unwarranted? What explanations does he provide for her behavior? To what extent does he blame her? Does he want us as readers to blame or be more sympathetic toward her?


    Chapter 8 - Just Walk on By - Exploring the Text: In what ways does Staples acknowledge that the “victim’s” response is not unwarranted? What explanations does he provide for her behavior? To what extent does he blame her? Does he want us as readers to blame or be more sympathetic toward her?
  6. What is his purpose in quoting Norman Podhoretz and Edward Hoagland? Are they providing support for his viewpoint, a contrasting viewpoint, expert testimony, or something else?


    Chapter 8 - Just Walk on By - Exploring the Text: What is his purpose in quoting Norman Podhoretz and Edward Hoagland? Are they providing support for his viewpoint, a contrasting viewpoint, expert testimony, or something else?
  7. Is Staples being ironic when he writes, “I began to take precautions to make myself less threatening” (para. 13)? Cite specific parts of the text to support your viewpoint.


    Chapter 8 - Just Walk on By - Exploring the Text: Is Staples being ironic when he writes, “I began to take precautions to make myself less threatening” (para. 13)? Cite specific parts of the text to support your viewpoint.
  8. Is the final paragraph intended to be flippant? Humorous? Explain whether you find it an effective conclusion to the essay.


    Chapter 8 - Just Walk on By - Exploring the Text: Is the final paragraph intended to be flippant? Humorous? Explain whether you find it an effective conclusion to the essay.
  9. How would you describe the overall tone of this essay? You might consider a phrase rather than a single word to capture the complexity of this piece. Support your reading with specific references to Staples’s language.


    Chapter 8 - Just Walk on By - Exploring the Text: How would you describe the overall tone of this essay? You might consider a phrase rather than a single word to capture the complexity of this piece. Support your reading with specific references to Staples’s language.
  10. In 1994, Staples incorporated this essay into his memoir, Parallel Time, but he revised it substantially. Below, you will find the first two paragraphs from that revised version. Compare those paragraphs with the originals. Why do you think Staples made the changes he did? In your opinion, did they improve the essay?

    At night, I walked to the lakefront whenever the weather permitted. I was headed home from the lake when I took my first victim. It was late fall, and the wind was cutting. I was wearing my navy pea jacket, the collar turned up, my hands snug in the pockets. Dead leaves scuttled in shoals along the streets. I turned out of Blackstone Avenue and headed west on 57th Street, and there she was, a few yards ahead of me, dressed in business clothes and carrying a briefcase. She looked back at me once, then again, and picked up her pace. She looked back again and started to run. I stopped where I was and looked up at the surrounding windows. What did this look like to people peeking out through their blinds? I was out walking. But what if someone had thought they’d seen something they hadn’t and called the police. I held back the urge to run. Instead, I walked south to The Midway, plunged into its darkness, and remained on The Midway until I reached the foot of my street.

    I’d been a fool. I’d been walking the streets grinning good evening at people who were frightened to death of me. I did violence to them by just being. How had I missed this? I kept walking at night, but from then on I paid attention.


    Chapter 8 - Just Walk on By - Exploring the Text: In 1994, Staples incorporated this essay into his memoir, Parallel Time, but he revised it substantially. Below, you will find the first two paragraphs from that revised version. Compare those paragraphs with the originals. Why do you think Staples made the changes he did? In your opinion, did they improve the essay? At night, I walked to the lakefront whenever the weather permitted. I was headed home from the lake when I took my first victim. It was late fall, and the wind was cutting. I was wearing my navy pea jacket, the collar turned up, my hands snug in the pockets. Dead leaves scuttled in shoals along the streets. I turned out of Blackstone Avenue and headed west on 57th Street, and there she was, a few yards ahead of me, dressed in business clothes and carrying a briefcase. She looked back at me once, then again, and picked up her pace. She looked back again and started to run. I stopped where I was and looked up at the surrounding windows. What did this look like to people peeking out through their blinds? I was out walking. But what if someone had thought they’d seen something they hadn’t and called the police. I held back the urge to run. Instead, I walked south to The Midway, plunged into its darkness, and remained on The Midway until I reached the foot of my street. I’d been a fool. I’d been walking the streets grinning good evening at people who were frightened to death of me. I did violence to them by just being. How had I missed this? I kept walking at night, but from then on I paid attention.
  11. Staples first wrote this essay in 1986. Do you think the essay is dated? Explain why you do or do not feel that many people in today’s society continue to perceive young African American males as threatening.


    Chapter 8 - Just Walk on By - Exploring the Text: Staples first wrote this essay in 1986. Do you think the essay is dated? Explain why you do or do not feel that many people in today’s society continue to perceive young African American males as threatening.