Table : table 35.1 Mineral Elements Required by Plants
Element (abbreviation; absorbed form)Typical amount in plant
(g/kg dry wt)
Major functionsDeficiency symptoms
Nitrogen (N; NO3 and NH4+)15In proteins, nucleic acidsOldest leaves turn yellow and die prematurely; plant is stunted
Phosphorus (P; H2PO4 and HPO42–)2In nucleic acids, ATP, phospholipids, and phosphoproteinsPlant is dark green with purple veins and is stunted
Potassium (K; K+)10Enzyme activation; water balance; ion balance; stomatal openingOlder leaves have dead edges
Sulfur (S; SO24–)1In proteins and coenzymesYoung leaves are yellow to white with yellow veins
Calcium (Ca; Ca2+)5Affects the cytoskeleton, membranes, and many enzymes; second messengerGrowing points die back; young leaves are yellow and crinkly
Magnesium (Mg; Mg2+)2In chlorophyll; required by many enzymes; stabilizes ribosomesOlder leaves have yellow stripes between veins
Iron (Fe; Fe2+ and Fe3+)0.1In active site of many redox enzymes and electron carriers; chlorophyll synthesisYoung leaves are white or yellow
Chlorine (Cl; Cl)0.1Photosynthesis; ion balanceLeaf tips wilt; leaves turn yellow and die
Manganese (Mn; Mn2+)0.05Cofactor for many enzymesYounger leaves are pale with green veins
Boron [B; B(OH)3]0.02Required for proper cell wall formation and expansionPoor growth of leaves and roots
Zinc (Zn; Zn2+)0.02Enzyme activation; auxin synthesisYoung leaves are abnormally small; older leaves have many dead spots
Copper (Cu; Cu2+)0.006Cofactor for some redox enzymes and electron carriersNew leaves are dark green, may have dead spots
Nickel (Ni; Ni2+)0.001Activation of the enzyme ureaseLeaf tips die; deficiency is rare
Molybdenum (Mo; MoO42–)0.0001Cofactor of enzymes involved in nitrogen reductionLeaves turn yellow between veins; older leaves die