Chloroplasts have been transferred among eukaryotes several times

Eukaryotes in several different groups possess chloroplasts, and groups with chloroplasts appear in several distantly related eukaryote clades. Some of these groups differ in the photosynthetic pigments their chloroplasts contain. And not all chloroplasts are limited to a pair of surrounding membranes—in some microbial eukaryotes, chloroplasts are surrounded by three or more membranes. We now view these observations as evidence of a remarkable series of endosymbioses. This conclusion is supported by extensive evidence from electron microscopy and nucleic acid sequence comparisons.

All chloroplasts trace their ancestry back to the engulfment of one cyanobacterium by a larger eukaryotic cell. This event, the step that first gave rise to the photosynthetic eukaryotes, is known as primary endosymbiosis (Figure 26.2A). The cyanobacterium, a Gram-negative bacterium, had both an inner and an outer membrane (see Figure 25.2B). Thus the original chloroplasts had two surrounding membranes: the inner and outer membranes of the cyanobacterium. Remnants of the peptidoglycan-containing cell wall of the bacterium are present in the form of a bit of peptidoglycan between the chloroplast membranes of glaucophytes, the first eukaryote group to branch off following primary endosymbiosis (as we will see in Chapter 28). Primary endosymbiosis also gave rise to the chloroplasts of the red algae, green algae, and land plants. The red algal chloroplast retains certain pigments of the original cyanobacterial endosymbiont that are absent in green algal chloroplasts.

Figure 26.2 Endosymbiotic Events in the Evolution of Chloroplasts (A) A single instance of primary endosymbiosis ultimately gave rise to all of today’s chloroplasts. (B) Secondary endosymbiosis—the uptake and retention of a chloroplast-containing cell by another eukaryotic cell—took place several times, independently.

Animation 26.1 Family Tree of Chloroplasts


Almost all remaining photosynthetic eukaryotes are the result of additional rounds of endosymbiosis. For example, the photosynthetic euglenids derived their chloroplasts from secondary endosymbiosis (Figure 26.2B). Their ancestor took up a unicellular green alga, retaining its chloroplast and eventually losing the rest of the constituents of the alga. This history explains why the photosynthetic euglenids have the same photosynthetic pigments as the green algae and land plants. It also accounts for the third membrane of the euglenid chloroplast, which is derived from the euglenid’s cell membrane (as a result of endocytosis). An additional round—tertiary endosymbiosis—occurred when a dinoflagellate apparently lost its chloroplast and took up another protist that had acquired its chloroplast through secondary endosymbiosis.