Different types of exercise produce different physical conditioning responses. In general, anaerobic activities such as weight lifting, increase strength, and aerobic activities such as jogging, increase endurance. Strength is the maximum force a muscle can exert, and endurance is work capacity or how long a given workload can be sustained. What are the physiological bases for these differences?
Strength is a function of the volume of the muscles: the more actin and myosin filaments in a muscle fiber, and the more muscle fibers in a muscle, the more tension it can produce. When athletes undertake strength training, they use weights or exercises such as pull-
Aerobic exercise has a completely different effect on muscles: it enhances their oxidative capacity. This effect comes from increases in the number of mitochondria, in enzymes involved in energy use, and in the density of capillaries that deliver oxygen to the muscle. Myoglobin also increases in skeletal muscle cells. Myoglobin is similar to hemoglobin, but it has a higher affinity for oxygen. Therefore myoglobin accepts oxygen from the blood, facilitates the diffusion of oxygen throughout the muscle, and provides a store of oxygen for use when oxygen delivery by the blood is insufficient. By increasing the capacity of muscle to use oxygen to produce ATP, aerobic training increases the length of time that a given workload can be sustained.