The vertebrate gastrointestinal system is a tubular gut that is adapted to ingest food, fragment it, digest it, and absorb nutrients. Peristalsis moves food through the gut. Segmentation movements mix the gut contents. Enzymatic digestion followed by absorption of nutrients occur mostly in the small intestine; water and ions are absorbed in the large intestine.
learning outcomes
You should be able to:
Explain the mechanisms that move food through the vertebrate digestive system.
Describe the role of acid and how it is produced in the stomach.
Discuss autocatalysis and its role in digestion.
Explain how bile assists in digestion.
Explain observations about the presence of microorganisms found in the digestive tracts of herbivores.
Compare the roles of microbiota in the digestive systems of different vertebrates.
Explain why in the weightlessness of space, food still travels from the mouth to the stomach.
The tongue pushes the chewed food to the back of the mouth stimulating the swallowing reflex that through activation of many muscles pushes the food into the esophagus. Stretching of the smooth muscle in the esophagus stimulates contraction of that smooth muscle pushing the food toward the stomach. The directionality of this movement is facilitated by the enteric nervous system causing the smooth muscle ahead of the bolus of food to relax. When the bolus of food reaches the esophageal sphincter, that anticipatory wave of relaxation opens the sphincter allowing the food to enter the stomach. The coordination of smooth muscle contraction and relaxation creates the waves of peristalsis that generally moves the food in the esophagus towards the stomach even in the absence of gravity.
When some biochemists ground up a piece of stomach wall and stimulated it with the hormone that causes the stomach to secrete HCl, no change in the pH of the solution occurred. Why not?
Stomach acid is produced by chief cells in the gastric pits of the stomach. In these cells, carbonic anhydrase catalyzes the hydration of CO2 to produce H2CO3, which dissociates into HCO3 and H+. The H+ is transported across the pit lumen side of the cell in exchange for K+. The HCO3 is exchanged across the opposite end of the cell into the interstitial fluid in exchange for Cl– ions. The excess K+ in the cell leaks out the luminal end and is pumped back in via the H+/K+ exchanger. Thus the concentration of H+ in the stomach lumen and the separation of HCO3– in the interstitial fluid depend on the anatomical integrity of the stomach wall. If that integrity is destroyed, the H+ cannot be separated from the HCO3- and there will be no pH change.
How does bile assist in the digestion of fats, and why aren’t equivalent molecules necessary to facilitate transport of lipids in the lymph and blood?
Bile emulsifies fats in the diet, creating tiny micelles that present a large surface area for the action of water-
Explain why the gut microbiota is a significant source of nutrition for ruminants but not for humans.
The gut microbiota is a significant source of nutrition for ruminants because their microbiota grow on the ingested food in the rumen and reticulum before the semi-
Explain why in the ruminant digestive system HC1 is secreted in the abomasum but not in the rumen, the reticulum, or the omasum.
The ruminant does not produce the cellulose hydrolyzing enzymes necessary to digest the plant materials it eats. The rumen and reticulum have cultures of microorganisms that produce cellulases and break down the plant matter. The resulting fermenting mixture of plant matter and microorganisms moves into the omasum, where water is reabsorbed. From the omasum, the mass of semi-
Why would the autocatalytic property of pepsin foster a positive feedback mechanism of protein hydrolysis in the stomach?
If even a small amount of pepsinogen is activated by hydrolytic cleavage to produce the active enzyme pepsin, that pepsin will act on additional pepsinogen to release more pepsin molecules creating an autocatalytic cascade. This is an example of positive feedback in which a product of a reaction (pepsin) stimulates still more reaction (pepsinogen→ pepsin), which amplifies formation of the product of that reaction (pepsin).
The steps included in the ingestion and digestion of food—