Animals use multiple modalities to communicate

As individual animals interact, they exchange information; therefore animal behaviors can evolve into systems of information exchange, or communication. The behaviors of individuals may become elaborated into communication signals, but only if the transmission of information benefits both the sender and the receiver. To understand why these conditions must be met, consider male courtship displays, which can be quite bizarre, time- and energy-consuming, and involve risk. Nevertheless, natural selection will favor them if they increase the males’ probability of mating and passing on their genes. The displays can produce that result if they convey information to the females (the receivers) about the qualities of the males as potential fathers.

Animals communicate using a variety of sensory modalities that vary in the nature of the signal produced, the specificity of the information conveyed, the speed and persistence of the signal, and its suitability in different environments. Behavioral physiologists interested in communication must take into consideration the sensory and motor characteristics of their study animals, the physics of the communication modalities they use, and the environment in which the communication takes place.

CHEMICAL SIGNALS Because of the diversity of their molecular structures, pheromones can communicate very specific, information-rich messages (see Key Concept 45.2). Pheromones are effective day and night, and they can cover a broad range of transmission distances. Pheromones used in different types of communication vary in their volatility (ease of vaporization) and diffusibility; these chemical properties are functions of the nature and size of the pheromone molecule. Pheromones that act as alarm signals, for example, are highly volatile and diffusible, so their message spreads rapidly but disappears rapidly. Territory-marking and trail-marking pheromones have low volatility and diffusibility and stay effective for a long time, so they can convey directional information. Sex pheromones, such as that of the gypsy moth (see Figure 45.4), are intermediate in these properties, so they can spread a long distance but do not disappear rapidly.

Pheromones are an effective way to exchange species-specific information, and because the recipient must have the proper receptor molecule to detect the pheromone, it is not a signal that is easily intercepted by predators. Pheromonal signals cannot be changed rapidly, but they can convey static, complex information. Mammals that mark their territories with pheromones reveal a great deal of information about themselves: species, individual identity, reproductive status, size (indicated by the height of the marking), and how recently the animal has been in the area (indicated by the strength of the scent).


VISUAL SIGNALS Visual signals offer the advantage of rapid delivery of information over considerable distances (depending on the environment and the visual acuity of the receiver); they also convey the exact position of the signaler. Signal content can be enhanced by movements (as in a courtship display) or by different postures. Effective visual signals, however, require sufficient light, and the receiver must be looking at the signaler. Thus visual communication is not particularly useful at night or in environments that lack light, such as caves and ocean depths. Some species have overcome this constraint with light-emitting mechanisms. Fireflies, for example, use an enzymatic mechanism to create flashes of light. By emitting flashes in species-specific patterns, fireflies advertise for mates at night.

Another drawback of visual signals is that they can be intercepted by other species. There are predatory firefly species, for example, that mimic the flash pattern of females of other species. A male that approaches the mimicking “female” becomes a meal rather than a mate. Thus deception can be part of animal communication systems, just as it is part of human communication.

ACOUSTIC SIGNALS Sound cannot convey complex information as rapidly as visual signals can. But acoustic signals, unlike visual signals, can be used at night and in dark environments. They are not hindered by objects that would interfere with visual signals, so they can be transmitted in complex environments such as forests. They are often better than visual signals at getting the attention of a receiver because the receiver does not have to be looking at the signaler for the message to be received. Sounds are also useful for communicating over long distances. Even though the intensity of a sound decreases with distance from the source, loud sounds can transmit information over much longer distances than visual signals can. The complex songs of humpback whales, when produced at ocean depths of about 1,000 meters, can be heard hundreds of kilometers away, allowing these whales to locate one another across vast expanses of ocean. Humpback whale populations that feed during the summer in the north Pacific Ocean migrate thousands of kilometers to winter breeding areas in either the eastern Pacific Ocean, the mid-Pacific Ocean (Hawaii), or the western Pacific Ocean (see Figure 54.4). Long-distance communication among individuals spread over such enormous expanses of open ocean is important if they are to congregate in rather limited breeding areas at the same time of year.

The information content of acoustic signals can be increased by varying their frequency, as you can see in the sonograms of the species-specific song of white-crowned sparrows shown in Figure 52.7, and as you practice in your own speech. However, acoustic signals place the signaler at risk for detection by predators. This danger can be minimized by adjustments of frequency and signal structure that decrease the directional information the receiver can extract from the signal. Alarm calls tend to be pure tones (a single frequency) without much temporal structure (starts and stops). It is very difficult to localize such calls. By contrast, territorial calls tend to cover a broad frequency range and have temporal structure. These calls are easy to localize. The frequencies and structures of acoustic signals are also adapted to specific habitats. Different vegetation types, for example, have different sound-absorbing properties: pure tones at lower frequencies carry better in forests, and more complex calls at higher frequencies carry well in open habitats.


MECHANOSENSORY SIGNALS Animals in close contact with one another can communicate by touch. A classic case of mechanosensory communication is the dance of honey bees (Apis spp.), first described by Karl von Frisch. Honey bees have a spectacular ability to navigate and can accurately communicate the location of food sources as far away as 10 kilometers. When a forager bee finds food, she returns to the hive and communicates her discovery to her hivemates by performing a vigorous waggle dance in the dark hive on the vertical surface of the honeycomb. Other bees follow the dancer and receive her message.

The waggle dance conveys information about both the distance and the direction of the food source. The dancing bee repeatedly traces out a figure-eight pattern as she runs on the honeycomb. She alternates half-circles to the left and right with vigorous wagging of her abdomen in the short, straight run between turns (Figure 52.16). Bees use the sun as their compass, and the angle of the straight run indicates the direction of the food source relative to the position of the sun projected down to the horizon. Even under cloudy conditions, the forager can provide directions to the food source because she can see polarized light. The bee’s circadian clock allows the dancer to adjust her dance to take into account the sun’s movement during her return flight. The clocks of the recruits enable them to adjust their flight direction to accommodate the sun’s movement.

Figure 52.16 The Honey Bee Waggle Dance (A) A honey bee (Apis mellifera) runs straight up on the vertical surface of the honeycomb in the dark hive while wagging her abdomen to tell her hivemates that there is a food source in the direction of the sun. (B) When her waggle runs are at an angle from the vertical, the other bees know that the same angle separates the direction of the food source from the direction of the sun.

Activity 52.2 Honey Bee Dance Communication

The distance to the food source is communicated by the duration of the waggle portion of the dance. The farther away the food source is, the longer the duration of each waggle run. When food is close to the hive, the waggle portion of the dance becomes so short that it appeared to von Frisch that it was a different dance, which he called a round dance. Thus the honey bee has a dance language that communicates both the distance and the direction to a food source.

When challenged to prove that the bees were not simply using an odor trail to find the indicated food source, von Frisch responded with a very common sense observation. Bees returning from a new food source fly around barriers such as buildings, but the recruits going out to the food source fly over the barriers in a “beeline,” which would be impossible if they were following an odor trail. Careful observation is still one of the best tools for studying behavior.

COMMUNICATION IN MULTIPLE SENSORY MODALITIES Avoiding ambiguity is a high priority in any signaling system. Signal specificity is enhanced if multiple sensory modalities are used. Courtship behavior in fruit flies, for example, involves visual, tactile, chemical, and acoustic signals (see Figure 52.4A). The male fruit fly orients toward the female’s line of vision (visual signal) and taps her body with his foreleg (tactile signal). Upon detecting pheromones in her cuticle (chemical signal), the male begins to vibrate one wing, producing a species-specific courtship song (acoustic signal). The male then extends his mouthparts to taste the female’s genitalia (chemical and tactile signals); if she is receptive, he initiates copulation. If at any point sensory feedback indicates to either the male or the female that their pairing is inappropriate, the courtship abruptly ends.