“This textbook fits nicely with the current focus on active learning and the AAAS Vision and Change report.”
— Michael Baltzley, Western Oregon University
“In most cases, I found the text to be exceptionally well-
— Mike Shaughnessy, Northeastern State University
“The authors and publishing team are to be commended for producing a set of products that promise to promote active learning. The products of Life 11e contain numerous, novel features that distinguish them from similar products.”
— David Marcey, California Lutheran University
“Opening with an intriguing story with promise of future investigation is the way to go. Many freshmen, introductory biology courses have a large number of students interested in medicine/medical fields. When “real” scenarios can be used to supplement the material within the chapter and help a student make those applicable connections, the chapter is much more interesting and meaningful.”
— Melissa Reedy, University of Illinois, Urbana-
“Without question, my favorite element was the open-
— Brad Mehrtens, University of Illinois, Urbana-
“I love that [Connect the Concepts] makes a direct connection to earlier text/figures; this emphasizes and encourages the integrative, rather than linear, process of learning biology.”
— Tess Killpack, Wellesley College
“I really like the extensive use of examples and the figures, recaps, problems, etc. I think this makes the chapter much more accessible to students and gives them a built-
— Amy Downing, Ohio Wesleyan University
“I did find the chapter engaging specifically because real case studies were used as part of the conceptual framework. This was one of the major points that biology educators were calling for at the Vision and Change forum a few years ago.”
— Andrew David, Clarkson University