Life has long been recognized for bringing quantitative analysis and critical thinking to the forefront of the introductory biology course. The new edition allows for more hands-
Work with the Data
In the Work with the Data exercises, students analyze the results of an original scientific experiment, then work through a series of questions. In response to overwhelmingly positive feedback, the new edition includes at least one Work with the Data box in each chapter.
Online Companion Exercises
For additional practice, every Work with the Data exercise has a corresponding Online Companion in LaunchPad, addressing the same skills as its in-
“I especially like the “Work with the Data” exercises. Too often this sort of critical thinking is left to upper level courses.”
— Susan Reigler, Indiana University Southeast
Apply What You’ve Learned
Exploring the same types of problems that scientists typically investigate, the Apply What You’ve Learned exercises allow students to hone both critical thinking and data analysis skills in fascinating contexts. Answers appear in the back of the book.
Making Sense of Data: A Statistics Primer
This primer (an appendix in the text and also in LaunchPad), lays the proper groundwork for understanding statistics and data, providing helpful student support for all of the quantitative exercises in the new edition.