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Step 1

Test sample with PCR

Your samples are loaded into the eight strip microtubes below with a positive and negative control.

  1. Click on the boxes (below) to select the primers you wish to test on your patient samples (up to three).
  2. Drag the tubes to the thermocycler.
  3. Click the red button on the thermocycler to run your PCR and amplify the DNA.
Strip of 8 microtubes

Once you have finished selecting the primers, drag the microtubes to the thermocycler.

Patient sample:

(Roll over the microtube labels for descriptions.)

PRIMER LIBRARY Amplicon size
Viruses (bp)
Influenza A 620
Influenza B 700
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) 460
Human parainfluenza virus 3 (HPIV-3) 650
Adenovirus 500
Rhinovirus 480
Haemophilus influenza (H flu) 730
Streptococcus pneumoniae 720
Acute sinusitis 450
Thermocycler On
95°- 55°- 72°