Muscle Relaxation Depends on Ca2+ ATPases That Pump Ca2+ from the Cytosol into the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

In skeletal muscle cells, Ca2+ ions are concentrated and stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), a specialized type of endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The release (via ion channels) of stored Ca2+ ions from the SR lumen into the cytosol causes muscle contraction, as discussed in Chapter 17. A P-class Ca2+ ATPase located in the SR membrane pumps Ca2+ from the cytosol back into the lumen of the SR, thereby inducing muscle relaxation.

In the cytosol of muscle cells, the free Ca2+ concentration ranges from 10−7 M (resting cells) to more than 10−6 M (contracting cells), whereas the total Ca2+ concentration in the SR lumen can be as high as 10−2 M. The lumen of the SR contains two abundant proteins, calsequestrin and the so-called high-affinity Ca2+ binding protein, each of which binds multiple Ca2+ ions at high affinity. By binding much of the Ca2+ in the SR lumen, these proteins reduce the concentration of “free” Ca2+ ions in the SR vesicles. This reduction, in turn, reduces the Ca2+ concentration gradient between the cytosol and the SR lumen and consequently reduces the energy needed to pump Ca2+ ions into the SR from the cytosol. The activity of the muscle Ca2+ ATPase increases as the free Ca2+ concentration in the cytosol rises. In skeletal muscle cells, the calcium pump in the SR membrane works in concert with a similar Ca2+ pump located in the plasma membrane to ensure that the cytosolic concentration of free Ca2+ in resting muscle remains below 0.1 µM.