The Reduction Potentials of Electron Carriers in the Electron-Transport Chain Favor Electron Flow from NADH to O2

As we saw in Chapter 2, the reduction potential (E) for a partial reduction reaction

Oxidized molecule + e ⇌ reduced molecule

is a measure of the equilibrium constant of that partial reaction. With the exception of the b cytochromes in complex III (CoQH2–cytochrome c reductase), the standard reduction potential E°′ of the electron carriers in the electron-transport chain increases steadily from NADH to O2. For instance, for the partial reaction

NAD+ + H+ + 2 e ⇌ NADH

the value of the standard reduction potential is −320 mV, which is equivalent to a ΔG°′ of +14.8 kcal/mol for transfer of two electrons. Thus this partial reaction tends to proceed toward the left; that is, toward the oxidation of NADH to NAD+.

In contrast, the standard reduction potential for the partial reaction

Cytochrome cox (Fe3+) + e ⇌ cytochrome cred (Fe2+)

is +220 mV (ΔG°′ = −5.1 kcal/mol) for transfer of one electron. Thus this partial reaction tends to proceed toward the right; that is, toward the reduction of cytochrome c (Fe3+) to cytochrome c (Fe2+).

The final reaction in the electron-transport chain, the reduction of O2 to H2O

2 H+ + ½ O2 + 2 e → H2O

has a standard reduction potential of +816 mV (ΔG°′ = −37.8 kcal/mol for transfer of two electrons), the most positive in the whole series; thus this reaction also tends to proceed toward the right.

As illustrated in Figure 12-25, the steady increase in E°′ values, and the corresponding decrease in ΔG°′ values, of the carriers in the electron-transport chain favors the flow of electrons from NADH and FADH2 (generated from succinate) to O2. The energy released as electrons flow energetically “downhill” through the electron-transport chain complexes drives the pumping of protons against their concentration gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane.

FIGURE 12-25 Changes in reduction potential and free energy during the stepwise flow of electrons through the electron-transport chain. Blue arrows indicate electron flow; red arrows, translocation of protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Electrons pass through the multiprotein complexes from those with a lower reduction potential to those with a higher (more positive) reduction potential (left scale), with a corresponding reduction in free energy (right scale). The energy released as electrons flow through three of the complexes is sufficient to power the pumping of H+ ions across the membrane, establishing a proton-motive force