Exercise: Revising disruptive modifiers


Revise each of the following sentences by moving the disruptive modifier so that the sentence reads smoothly.

Click Submit after each question to record your answer. If your instructor has assigned this exercise set, you must answer every question before your answers will be submitted to the gradebook.

  1. Question

    Strong economic times have, statistics tell us, led to increases in the college dropout rate.
  2. Question

    During finals an otherwise honest student, facing high levels of stress, may consider cheating to achieve a higher grade.
  3. Question

    The director encouraged us to loudly and enthusiastically applaud after each scene.
  4. Question

    Michael Jordan earned, at the pinnacle of his career, roughly $40 million a year in endorsements.
  5. Question

    The stock exchange became, because of the sudden trading, a chaotic circus.