The Triumph of Democratic RepublicsThis French illustration offers an opinion of the initial revolutionary breakthrough in 1848. The peoples of Europe, joined together around their respective national banners, are achieving republican freedom, which is symbolized by the statue, representing liberty, and the discarded crowns. The woman wearing pants at the base of the statue — very radical attire — represents feminist hopes for liberation. (Musée de la Ville, Paris/Giraudon/The Bridgeman Art Library)> PICTURING THE PASTANALYZING THE IMAGE: How many different flags can you count or identify? How would you characterize the types of people marching and the mood of the crowd?
CONNECTIONS: What do the angels, the liberty statue, and the discarded crowns suggest about the artist’s view of the events of 1848? Do you think this illustration was created before or after the collapse of the revolution in France? Why?