3000 600–450 B.C.E.
– Bronze tools and weapons become common in Greece– Pre-Socratics develop ideas about the nature of the universe
ca. 1900 B.C.E.500–338 B.C.E.
– Minoan culture begins to thrive on Crete– Classical period; development of drama, philosophy, and major building projects in Athens
ca. 1650 B.C.E.499–479 B.C.E.
– Mycenaean culture develops in Greece– Persian wars
ca. 1300–1100 B.C.E.431–404 B.C.E.
– Bronze Age Collapse; migration, destruction– Peloponnesian War
ca. 1100–800 B.C.E.427–347 B.C.E.
– Dark Age; population declines; trade decreases; writing disappears– Life of Plato
ca. 800–500 B.C.E.384–322 B.C.E.
– Archaic age; rise of the polis; Greek colonization of the Mediterranean; Homer and Hesiod compose epics and poetry– Life of Aristotle
ca. 750–500 B.C.E.371–362 B.C.E.
– Sparta expands and develops a military state– Thebes, with an alliance of city-states, rules Greece
ca. 600–500 B.C.E.338 B.C.E.
– Political reforms in Archaic Athens– Philip II of Macedonia gains control of Greece