Quiz for Picturing the Past: The Modern Girl: Image or Reality?

Picturing the Past: The Modern Girl: Image or Reality?

  1. Question

    Correct. The answer is d. In many ways, the image of the “modern girl” was a product of marketing campaigns dedicated to selling goods to the masses.
    Incorrect. The answer is d. In many ways, the image of the “modern girl” was a product of marketing campaigns dedicated to selling goods to the masses.
  2. Question

    Correct. The answer is a. The “modern girl” could vote, held a job, spent her money on consumer goods, smoked and drank, and used her sex appeal to her advantage.
    Incorrect. The answer is a. The “modern girl” could vote, held a job, spent her money on consumer goods, smoked and drank, and used her sex appeal to her advantage.