Quiz for Primary Source 11.3: Raimon de Cornet on the Avignon Papacy


Correct. The answer is d. De Cornet’s complaints centered on the greed of church officials and the failure of those officials to tend to the spiritual needs of ordinary Christians.
Incorrect. The answer is d. De Cornet’s complaints centered on the greed of church officials and the failure of those officials to tend to the spiritual needs of ordinary Christians.


Correct. The answer is c. As Raimon de Cornet described the situation, church offices were sold to the highest bidder, regardless of qualifications or aptitude. As a consequence, the spiritual needs of ordinary Christians went unattended.
Incorrect. The answer is c. As Raimon de Cornet described the situation, church offices were sold to the highest bidder, regardless of qualifications or aptitude. As a consequence, the spiritual needs of ordinary Christians went unattended.