Quiz for Primary Source 28.5: Frantz Fanon on Violence, Decolonization, and Human Dignity


Correct. The answer is b. Fanon believed that decolonization always involved a clash between two forces that were opposed to each other by their very nature. Consequently, decolonization always involved violence.
Incorrect. The answer is b. Fanon believed that decolonization always involved a clash between two forces that were opposed to each other by their very nature. Consequently, decolonization always involved violence.


Correct. The answer is c. Fanon saw violence as an essential element of decolonization. Following from this, peasants, who “have nothing to lose and everything to gain,” are always the first exploited group to recognize this fact and embrace violent revolution.
Incorrect. The answer is c. Fanon saw violence as an essential element of decolonization. Following from this, peasants, who “have nothing to lose and everything to gain,” are always the first exploited group to recognize this fact and embrace violent revolution.