Quiz for Evaluating the Evidence 21.1: The Karlsbad Decrees: Conservative Reaction in the German Confederation


Correct. The answer is c. In addition to placing a government agent in each university, the decrees required the German states to fire faculty members who supported “harmful doctrines hostile to public order or subversive of existing governmental institutions.”
Incorrect. The answer is c. In addition to placing a government agent in each university, the decrees required the German states to fire faculty members who supported “harmful doctrines hostile to public order or subversive of existing governmental institutions.”
1. How did the Karlsbad Decrees seek to ensure that university faculty would promote the interests and point of view of the government?


Correct. The answer is b. By the terms of the decree, only newspapers and journals that supported the government’s point of view were to be allowed.
Incorrect. The answer is b. By the terms of the decree, only newspapers and journals that supported the government’s point of view were to be allowed.
2. Which of these was established by the Karlsbad Decrees?