
1517Martin Luther writes “Ninety-five Theses on the Power of Indulgences”
1521Diet of Worms
1521–1559Habsburg-Valois wars
1525German Peasants’ War
1526Turkish victory at Mohács, which allows spread of Protestantism in Hungary
1530sHenry VIII ends the authority of the pope in England
1535Angela Merici establishes the Ursulines as first women’s teaching order
1536John Calvin publishes The Institutes of the Christian Religion
1540Papal approval of Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
1542Pope Paul III establishes the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition
1545–1563Council of Trent
1553–1558Reign of Mary Tudor and temporary restoration of Catholicism in England
1555Peace of Augsburg; official recognition of Lutheranism
1558–1603Reign of Elizabeth in England
1560–1660Height of the European witch-hunt
1568–1578Civil war in the Netherlands
1572Saint Bartholomew’s Day massacre
1588England defeats Spanish Armada
1598Edict of Nantes