794–1185Heian period in Japan
804Two Japanese Buddhist monks, Saichō and Kūkai, travel to China
935–1392Koryŏ Dynasty in Korea
960–1279Song Dynasty in China; emergence of scholar-official class; invention of movable type
995–1027Fujiwara Michinaga dominant at Heian court
ca. 1000–1010The Tale of Genji
1119First reported use of compass
1120sFirst government-issued paper money introduced by Song
1126Song loss of north China to the Jurchens; Song capital relocated to Hangzhou
1130–1200Zhu Xi, Neo-Confucian philosopher
1185–1333Kamakura Shogunate in Japan; Zen Buddhism flourishes
1234–1368Mongols’ Yuan Dynasty in China
ca. 1275–1292Marco Polo travels in China