1921New Economic Policy in Soviet Union
1922Mussolini seizes power in Italy
1924–1929Buildup of Nazi Party in Germany
1925Hitler, Mein Kampf
1927Stalin comes to power in Soviet Union
1928Stalin’s first five-year plan
1929Start of collectivization in Soviet Union; Lateran Agreement
1929–1939Great Depression
1931Japan invades Manchuria
1932–1933Famine in Ukraine
1933Hitler appointed chancellor in Germany; Nazis begin control of state and society
1935Mussolini invades Ethiopia; creation of U.S. Works Progress Administration as part of New Deal
1936Start of great purges under Stalin; Spanish Civil War begins
1936–1937Popular Front government in France
1939Germany occupies Czech lands and invades Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany, starting World War II
1940Japan signs formal alliance with Germany and Italy; Germany defeats France; Battle of Britain
1941Germany invades Soviet Union; Japan attacks Pearl Harbor; United States enters war
1941–1945The Holocaust
1944Allied invasion at Normandy
1945Atomic bombs dropped on Japan; World War II ends