Quiz for Viewpoints 27.2: The Abolition of Slavery, from Above and Below

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Correct: The answer is b. Nabuco believed that progress for all Brazilians depended on the abolition of slavery.
Incorrect: The answer is b. Nabuco believed that progress for all Brazilians depended on the abolition of slavery.
1. With which of these statements would Joaquim Nabuco have agreed?


Correct: The answer is d. While Nabuco was in favor of the abolition of slavery, he held strong racial views and saw Europeans as superior to other peoples.
Incorrect: The answer is d. While Nabuco was in favor of the abolition of slavery, he held strong racial views and saw Europeans as superior to other peoples.
2. Which of these did Nabuco hope would result from the abolition of slavery?


Correct: The answer is c. Andrada’s account suggests that much of the army supported abolition and was willing to disobey orders to attack slaves.
Incorrect: The answer is c. Andrada’s account suggests that much of the army supported abolition and was willing to disobey orders to attack slaves.
3. Antônio Manuel Bueno de Andrada’s account provides evidence of which of the following?


Correct: The answer is d. Andrada painted a picture of a movement made up of determined, competent people that enjoyed considerable support within society at large.
Incorrect: The answer is d. Andrada painted a picture of a movement made up of determined, competent people that enjoyed considerable support within society at large.
4. What lesson might Andrada have hoped his readers would take away from his account?